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How long will the May 31 train strike last and will trains be affected on Thursday?

Trains have ground to a halt today.

Southeastern trains in sidings at Ramsgate railway station in Kent
More strikes will surely cause misery for commuters (Picture: PA)

A fresh wave of train strikes is set to hit the UK this week causing chaos for commuters.

Members of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEF) and National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) unions will walk out today (Wednesday, May 31), Friday, June 2, and Saturday, June 3.

Both train unions have rejected pay offers put forward by the Government, meaning strike action will continue until a deal can be met.

There is also an overtime ban for ASLEF drivers on Thursday, June 1 as part of a separate, long-standing dispute.

Those hoping to travel this week, maybe to enjoy some fun over half term, may want to revise their plans or look for alternative methods of transport.

But how long will the strikes last when they begin tomorrow, and will trains be affected the following day?

Here’s what you need to know.

How long will today’s train strike last?

Members of the ASLEF union have walked out for the entire day today.

There will also be an ASLEF strike on Saturday, June 3, while RMT workers will strike on Friday, June 2.

Aslef workers on the picket line
ASLEF union members will walk out on two dates this week (Picture: Vuk Valcic/ZUMA Press Wire/Shutterstock)

Strike action today will see many train companies cancelling all services, or running a limited timetable.

Train companies affected by strike action on May 31

National Rail has recommended all passengers check for updates from their respective train companies during days of strike action, and if you already have advance tickets for travel, you can exchange them or travel on a different date by checking with the organisation you bought them from.

Before you set out, you can check your journey using the National Rail Enquiries Real Time Journey Planner to find out about any cancellations or delays.

The Elizabeth Line, Eurostar, Grand Central, Hull Trains, London Overground, Lumo, Merseyrail, Scotrail and Transport for Wales will not be affected by the strike action and will run services as usual.

Will trains be affected on Thursday, June 1?

Though there is no planned strike action on Thursday, June 1, train companies have told passengers to be aware that some services may still be affected and cancelled in the wake of the previous days’ strikes.

People waiting at a train station
Services are expected to be impacted the following day (Picture: Amer Ghazzal/Shutterstock)

Greater Anglia has already reported that some services have been cancelled due to short notice of strike action.

Some services will also not be running on the Stanstead Express, and Chiltern Railways has produced an amended timetable saying services could be busier than expected.

Aslef members withdrawing non-contractual overtime on June 1 may also affect services.

This follows earlier strike dates and overtime ban days in May 2023.

Aslef General Secretary Mick Whelan (right) joins train workers on the picket line at Euston station in London
Strike action is set to continue until a deal can be met (Picture: PA)

Announcing the strikes, Aslef’s general secretary Mick Whelan accused RDG of rejecting ‘proposals to modernise Britain’s railways and help them run more efficiently, for passengers and for businesses, in the 21st century’.

In response, the Rail Delivery Group said the strike was ‘disappointing news for our customers and staff’.

It continued: ‘More strike action is totally unnecessary and will only heap more pressure on an industry already facing an acute financial crisis…’

The group said that it had made a ‘fair and revised’ offer increasing pay which would have introduced ‘overdue, common-sense improvements already in place in parts of the network’.

MORE : Are tubes running this week amid train strikes? London Underground latest

MORE : When do the Heathrow Airport strikes end and are any more planned?

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