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The Malin co-working club in East Austin features light and dark workspaces

Co-working brand The Malin has opened a location in Austin, Texas, offering bright open workspaces and cosy burgundy lounges for its members.

The Malin's first location in the Lone Star State and its sixth nationally is situated in East Austin, inside a modernist-style new build by local architectural firm Chioco.

Comfy lounge spaces with burgundy walls are available to The Malin East Austin members

As with the brand's other clubs, the interiors are designed by an in-house team to have a residential atmosphere, using comfortable furniture, curated objects and plants.

Throughout the 12,000-square-foot (115-square-metre) club, all of the furniture is custom-designed, while characterful lighting is sourced from brands including Blue Green Works and Bocci.

Those working can choose between sofas, banquettes and large communal tables

The club strategically caters to the area's burgeoning community of remote workers, entrepreneurs and tech startups.

"As a resource for Austin's workforce, our aim is to provide a workspace that is as dynamic as the multi-faceted city itself, supporting and inspiring their most ambitious professionals," said Malin founder and CEO Ciarán McGuigan.

Custom furniture with velvet and mohair upholstery creates a residential feel in the space

The colour scheme is warm and sumptuous, mixing areas of soft neutral decor with others featuring dark green and rich purple walls and furniture.

"The palette evokes the calming hours before daybreak, with deep burgundy and eggplant shades, and the rich velvet and mohair upholstery to provide an added element of luxury," said the team.

The colour scheme "evokes the calming hours before day break" according to The Malin team

Members are greeted at a reception desk wrapped in rounded wooden bands and topped with richly veined stone.

Behind the desk, claret-toned zellige tiles are laid inside the niches of a full-wall shelving system, which is populated with a variety of ceramic vessels.

Those working can choose between textured upholstered banquettes and booths, large communal tables accompanied by cushioned armchairs, or sofas and coffee tables.

Dedicated desks for individuals and offices for small companies are also available, along with boardrooms for internal and external meetings, and private spaces that can be booked upon request.

Comfy furniture and planting add to the residential atmosphere

The Malin's first clubs were in New York City, and it currently operates hubs in Soho, Williamsburg, NoMad and the West Village.

The company recently expanded south, opening a wood-filled Nashville location last year and advertising an upcoming spot in Savannah.

Members have access to a variety of meeting rooms and bookable private spaces

Austin's economy has grown significantly over the past decade, particularly in the years since the Covid-19 pandemic, as many tech workers and creatives relocated to the city.

As a result, a rise in the number of supertall skyscrapers in the Downtown area has been met with mixed opinions.

The photography is by Alpha Smoot.

The post The Malin co-working club in East Austin features light and dark workspaces appeared first on Dezeen.

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