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Новости за 27.05.2023


Warm Memorial Day weekend ahead

What We're Tracking Many cooled down quite a bit through the night and as we start off in the lower 50s. A little chilly for this time of year but we should warm up quite nicely through the afternoon for your Saturday. Temperatures will be pretty close to our seasonal averages for Memorial Day weekend. [...]


State softball and baseball championships wrap up

NORTHEAST KANSAS (KSNT) - Baseball and softball teams in Northeast Kansas competed for a State title Friday. Wamego and Rossville softball both won the state championship. It's the first state title for the Dawgs since 2000. Meanwhile, Wamego gets its second in three years. Final scores for all softball games: MCPHERSON 0WAMEGO 1 SANTA FE [...]


Unfit Wives at Compass Point

TOPEKA (KSNT) - The Unfit Wives folk band was at Compass Point Friday evening. "Compass Point is the home of Dirty Girl Adventures. At Compass Point we have a small retail shop with great outdoor gear and we have events. We have live music, we take people on adventures, from short hikes to backpacking, camping [...]


Topeka's Truckhenge festival works to spread peace, love, unity and respect

TOPEKA (KSNT) - The Backyard Musicfest at Truckhenge is underway this Memorial Day weekend. This is an annual music festival in Topeka, but new additions are brought in every year. Last year, the festival introduced electronic dance music to the festival. It was so popular, it made a return this year. "This is the second [...]


7 Topeka seniors awarded Catholic faith-based scholarships

TOPEKA (KSNT) - The Hayden Foundation awarded scholarships to Topeka seniors who are members of the Topeka Catholic Parish and continuing their education after high school. The foundation announced it is gifting almost $45,000 to seven seniors across Topeka with the Walter J. and Geraldine N. Michaelis post secondary scholarships, according to a press release. [...]


Local business inspire youth to unlock their creativity

TOPEKA (KSNT) — A local business, Creative Pathways & Means, is offering a new program, hoping it will help to empower and inspire students across Kansas.  The Jayhawk Theatre alongside Jobs for America Kansas (JAG-Kansas) students are igniting creativity and encouraging self-expression in a positive and authentic way. Creative Pathway & Means co-founder, Connor England, [...]


Find unexpected friends at the Alice Sabatini art exhibit

TOPEKA (KSNT) —  The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library (TSCPL) unveiled an adventure immersing yourself in a world of unexpected animal friendships. The Unexpected Friends art exhibit is part of the TSCPL annual rotation exhibits for children. This exhibit showcases various animal habitats, taking you on a journey like no other. It examines the [...]


Topeka police arrest man after threats made to city courthouse

TOPEKA (KSNT) - City officials arrested a man after receiving criminal threats at the courthouse. The Topeka Police Department (TPD) wrote in a press release that the City of Topeka Municipal Court staff said they received threatening phone calls with the intent to cause damage to property and disrupt judicial proceedings. The TPD started a [...]


K-State beats KU in Big 12 baseball tournament

ARLINGTON, Texas (KSNT)- Friday's Big 12 baseball tournament action featured a Sunflower Showdown a long ways from Kansas. K-State and KU met on Globe Life Field, in Arlington Texas. K-State won 7-1, handing Kansas its second loss of the tournament and eliminating the Jayhawks from the tournament. The win makes a full season sweep of [...]


NBA medically clears Keyontae Johnson for draft

MANHATTAN (KSNT) - Keyontae Johnson's collapse on the court in 2020 won't keep him away from the NBA. The NBA’s Fitness to Play panel medically cleared Johnson, according to ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski. This allows him to be selected in the NBA Draft. On Dec. 12, 2020, Johnson passed out after a timeout during the Florida/Florida [...]


Lawrence officials charge man after violent attack

LAWRENCE (KSNT) - Douglas County prosecutors have filed criminal charges against a homeless man accused of attacking a couple in downtown Lawrence. The 34-year-old man is charged with two counts of aggravated battery and one count of criminal damage to property, according to the Douglas County Assistant District Attorney. He was arrested Thursday morning after [...]


Rossville softball wins state softball title

MANHATTAN, KS. (KSNT)- The Lady Dawgs are celebrating on Friday. Rossville softball beat Santa Fe Trail 2-0 in the state championship game at Twin Oaks Complex in Manhattan. The Lady Dawgs also beat Southeast of Saline 6-4 in the semifinals and Columbus 19-7 in the quarterfinals. The Lady Dawgs finish the year 20-4 overall.


82-year-old bicyclist found dead in Lyon County

LYON COUNTY (KSNT) - An 82-year-old bicyclist was found dead in Lyon County by law enforcement Friday. Lyon County Sheriff's Office Deputy Chuck Moore said in a press release that emergency workers were sent to the 100 block of Road U in Lyon County on a report of a bicycle accident involving one rider around [...]


Wamego softball wins 4A state softball title

SALINA, KS. (KSNT)- Wamego softball is on top again. The Lady Raiders picked up two narrow wins on Friday to be crowned 4A state softball champions for the second time in three years. Peyton Hardernburger was fantastic for WHS, throwing back-to-back complete game shutouts in Friday's semifinal and championship game. The Lady Raiders beat McPherson [...]


Scammers target Emporia businesses, police say

EMPORIA (KSNT) - Police are warning local business owners in Emporia to stay alert for a new scam making the rounds in the area. The Emporia Police Department posted on social media that a local business received a threatening letter in the mail. The letter came from a fake company called Tax Lien Group. Police [...]

Две молодые девушки с Кубани попали в лонг-лист Forbes

Кабельная компания Подмосковья оптимизирует систему управления складом

В Подмосковье стало меньше обращений в ЦУР по вопросам содержания МКД

Олимпийская чемпионка Маргарита Мамун провела мастер-класс в Щелкове

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


В Москве десятилетний ребенок попал в больницу после наказания тренера

Для ГРП и буровых растворов. В обеспечении производства гуаровой камеди в ХМАО сырьем могут помочь узбекские сельхозпроизводители

Для туристов и инвесторов: в Железноводске обсудили единый геопортал стран СНГ

В Кашире объявлен конкурс на строительство блочно-модульной котельной

Музыкальные новости

Команда АО "Желдорреммаш" стала призером СпортЛиги ТМХ

Доходность инвестиций в недвижимость в Пскове составляет 10%

Бакинское время Москвы // Ильхам Алиев летит к Владимиру Путину искать общие ответы на внешние вызовы

Президент Азербайджана Ильхам Алиев прибыл в Москву по приглашению Путина

Новости России

Прокуратура выясняет источник появления масляных пятен в Москве-реке

Экологический телемост регоператора МСК-НТ связал школьников Подольска и Москвы

Жители Мытищ поучаствуют в областной акции «Доброе дело. Весна»

Эксперт Гончар рассказала о последствиях продления безвизового режима в Таиланде

Экология в России и мире

Самые нежные образы на эту весну

Подводные камни корпоративных поздравлений и как их обойти

Марка «Ревилайн» представила новые мануальные зубные щетки S 6000 Slim

Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

Спорт в России и мире

Хромачёва и Бабош выиграли турнир WTA в Руане в парном разряде

Елена Рыбакина рассказала о проблемах со здоровьем

Рыбакина приблизилась к первой ракетке мира

Россиянин Сафиуллин потерял четыре места в рейтинге ATP


Туманный Кара-Таш

MONT и «Инновационные Технологии в Бизнесе» помогут усилить киберзащиту заказчиков

Более 11000 поездок совершили пользователи каршеринга BelkaCar по Подмосковью за пять месяцев

В Черноморском районе Крыма военные следователи провели рейд по бывшим мигрантам

Топ новостей на этот час


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