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Новости за 27.05.2023


Ohio State tennis duo win NCAA Doubles national championship

ORLANDO, Florida (WCMH) — Ohio State’s Andrew Lutschaunig and James Trotter are bringing a national championship trophy back to Columbus. The Buckeye duo beat the No. 3 ranked team of Cleeve Harper and Eliot Spizzirri of Texas 6-4, 6-4 to win the NCAA Doubles National Championship on Saturday. This is the second NCAA doubles title [...]


Girl, 13, still missing from Linden after two days

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Columbus police are searching for a 13-year-old girl reported missing on Thursday from the Linden section of the city. Caniah Bingham was last seen on May 25 near Loretta Avenue. Caniah is approximately 5 feet, 1 inch tall and weighs approximately 115 pounds. She has brown hair and brown eyes, Caniah [...]


High-risk missing boy, 10, reported in east Columbus

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- A 10-year-old boy has been reported missing from the east side of Columbus. Mytonee Carelock has black hair and brown eyes, is approximately 4 feet, 5 inches tall, and weighs approximately 60 pounds. Mytonee was last seen Friday in the area of East Livingston Avenue and Brookway Road. Mytonee was last [...]


Few showers to dampen Sunday plans, summer warmth coming

High pressure over the Great Lakes will promote dry weather to start the holiday weekend, with a refreshing northeast breeze. Temperatures will top out in the mid- to upper 70s. An upper-level low will drift northward on Sunday, pulling moisture northwest around a coastal disturbance over the Carolinas. A few showers will reach the southeast [...]


Flipped car closes I-270 south near Hilliard

HILLIARD, Ohio (WCMH) -- A flipped car has shut down a stretch of highway just west of Columbus. A crash on Interstate 270 southbound between Tuttle Crossing Boulevard and Cemetery Road closed the interstate Saturday morning, according to the Ohio Department of Transportation. Traffic cameras show a flipped car next to the concrete barrier. The [...]


Ohio’s top 100 newborn boy names in 2022

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) — Oliver, Elijah, Lincoln and Maverick are among the top on the list of most popular names for newborn boys in Ohio. The Social Security Administration, while a federal agency, compiles an annual list of the top 100 newborn names in every state. The SSA based the number of times a child [...]


Sunny start to Saturday, clouds and rain chances building through the weekend

QUICK WEATHER FORECAST: FORECAST DISCUSSION: Good Saturday morning! A nice start to the weekend with sunshine and mild temperatures for the start of Saturday! Temperatures still climb to the upper 70s across Central Ohio, but clouds will creep in as the day goes on. Skies will turn mostly cloudy Saturday night, but remain on the [...]


How Short North safety measures are impacting residents and businesses

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- More than 100 vehicles were impounded and nearly 300 parking citations were handed out last weekend in the Short North. Title "Operation Burnout," the safety measures in the Short North neighborhood are having a sizable impact on residents and businesses. NBC4 spoke to residents on Friday who praised the police presence [...]


One dead after east Columbus shooting

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- One person has died after a shooting near Old Towne East on Friday. Officers responded to the 500 block of Miller Avenue at 8 p.m. on Friday after report of a shooting, according to the Columbus Division of Police. The victim was pronounced dead at 8:06 p.m. This is a developing [...]


Linden community remembering longtime coach and mentor

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- The Columbus community has been honoring the life of a local legend from Linden. Don Sellers wore many hats. Three of the things he loved were his family, Linden and basketball. “Any time there was a gym open. You probably would see either Don had been there, he was there, or [...]


Drive-by shooting victim hit while playing basketball

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- A 22-year-old man is recovering after being shot while playing basketball on Thursday in east Columbus. People who live in the Berwick neighborhood said they are in shock and that the incident is out of character for this area of town. Columbus police said it was a drive-by shooting, and it [...]


Ohio leaders pay tribute to fallen heroes ahead of Memorial Day

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Gov. Mike DeWine welcome Ohio Gold Star Families to the Statehouse Veterans Plaza on Friday morning. "To all the gold star families with us today and those who are not, we are humbled by your sacrifices as we know they are great,” DeWine said. “And we know the pain is intense.” [...]


Kroger changing digital coupon policy for some customers

DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) -- Clipping coupons on your smartphone has become customary for shoppers, especially those that want to save a few cents or dollars while shopping at Kroger. For many, though, it has become stressful to see a price listed on the shelf and not have access to the discount. Kroger is expanding the [...]

Экономист Щербаченко напомнил об увеличении будущей пенсии за счет маткапитала

В России хотят ужесточить контроль за техосмотром на фоне роста случаев подделок результатов

Собянин объявил о запуске нового направления в «Московской технической школе»

Мультфильмы на родном языке создают школьники в якутском селе Кэптэни

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


В ХГУ появится «Лаборатория здоровья»

Источник «360»: в Москве половой орган подростка застрял в машинке для ногтей

В Москве задержали руководителя Ставропольского краевого фонда ОМС

Экономист Щербаченко напомнил об увеличении будущей пенсии за счет маткапитала

Музыкальные новости

Бакинское время Москвы // Ильхам Алиев летит к Владимиру Путину искать общие ответы на внешние вызовы

Памяти посла-миротворца Владимира Казимирова - "Общество Русско-Арцахской дружбы"

Всероссийский субботник пройдет на территории сервисного локомотивного депо «Москва-Сортировочная» 27 апреля!

Президент Швейцарии написала письмо Путину

Новости России

Собянин объявил о запуске нового направления в «Московской технической школе»

Полезно для строителей, выгодно для жителей. Состоится строительная выставка «Город»

В России хотят ужесточить контроль за техосмотром на фоне роста случаев подделок результатов

Залог спокойного отпуска: как вовремя узнать о протечке и не затопить соседей

Экология в России и мире

Подводные камни корпоративных поздравлений и как их обойти

Всероссийский субботник пройдет на территории сервисного локомотивного депо «Москва-Сортировочная» 27 апреля!

В Петрозаводске надо прогуляться по Онежской набережной

Памяти посла-миротворца Владимира Казимирова - "Общество Русско-Арцахской дружбы"

Спорт в России и мире

Озвучены шансы Елены Рыбакиной на победу над лучшей теннисисткой мира

П’ять українок отримали суперниць в основі турніру WTA 1000 в Мадриді: результат жеребкування

Вторая ракетка Казахстана опустилась в чемпионской гонке WTA

Кудерметова и Хао-Чин вышли в финал турнира WTA в Штутгарте в парном разряде


Кроссоверы ещё одной китайской марки появятся в России. На этот раз через Беларусь

Япония потребовала от Google исправить ограничения в рекламе

Псков занял 68 место в рейтинге городов по доходности вложений в недвижимость

Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

Топ новостей на этот час


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