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I’m ‘too hot to date’, people accuse me of having surgery & women don’t want me at their weddings as they’re threatened

GOOD LOOKS aren’t everything but they can play a big part in dating.

One woman says that she has struggled to find her perfect match because she is ‘too hot to date’ and claims men are scared off by her looks.

Shirley Rosemary Flynn, 41, claims she is ‘too hot to date’[/caption]
The West Midlands woman says that men regularly cancel dates at the last minute[/caption]

With her hourglass figure and luscious locks, Shirley Rosemary Flynn should have endless admirers – but the 41-year-old hasn’t been on a date in six years.

Often, the influencer will arrange a romantic night only for potential partners to cancel on her at the very last minute – with little to no explanation.

The West Midlands woman claims it is because men are ‘intimated’ by her after seeing her pictures.

“I feel that men see my profile on social media and are interested and make a date, then get scared and cancel last minute,” she complained.

Annoyingly, this has happened on more than one occasion with a guy she ‘liked a lot’ even pulling away.

She told press: “A lot of men will arrange dates with me then cancel – why give me all this attention a then pull away at the last minute.”

Shirley says her good looks have even caused issues with ex-boyfriends, who would get jealous when she got attention from other men.

If that weren’t bad enough, she also regularly gets accused of going under the knife despite being a natural beauty.

Shirley told press: “I get accused of having cosmetic surgery and people say my bust is fake – it’s not fake it’s real.

“I get accused of it all the time, they don’t like to see a woman with natural curves and natural beauty – I’m plus-sized and men seem to find that more attractive.”

As well as struggling to find Mr Right, Shirley says she has lost friends over her looks too and has received countless ‘backhanded compliments over the years.

While others might feel upset, Shirley insists she isn’t bothered and believes it’s because others aren’t as confident as her.

“When I used to go out with a lot of female friends, they didn’t like going out with me because they knew men would surround me and they felt intimidated,” the influencer revealed.

She said: “Why should I feel guilty for feeling happy about myself or feel guilty for loving myself, why feel bad about it because somebody else doesn’t feel good about themselves.”

The content creator says that people often think she’s had plastic surgery[/caption]
Shirley hasn’t given on love but she no longer has any female friends[/caption]

With her unable to trust the ‘catty and jealous’ women around her, the content creator says she only has male friends nowadays.

She added: “It makes me feel good about myself getting attention – I see it as a bit of fun and a bit of power.

“I think women see me as a threat and men see me as a challenge.”

Shirley says her sister gets invited on nights out and to weddings – but she gets told she can’t come too.

But she’s not giving up on love yet – and is still looking for Mr Right.

She joked: “I’m not going to give up on hope, I’m not 80 yet and I’m still looking.

“I just need to find that one guy who’s ready to rise to the challenge of dating me and being with me.”

The influencer says she will look for ‘the one’ until she is 80[/caption]


If you are also struggling with dating apps, our expert Georgie has some tips to find 'the one' in the real world.

1 BE BRAVE: The beauty of dating IRL is you could meet someone anywhere.

Whether it’s at the gym, on public transport or at your local coffee shop — think of any location as an opportunity.

2. GIVE EYE CONTACT: Locking eyes from across the room can kickstart a romance.

To give your crush a hint you’re interested, hold their gaze for four and a half seconds. Anything longer may appear creepy.

3 READ BODY LANGUAGE: Crack the code of non-verbal cues.

Dilated pupils, fixing hair, mirroring your actions and frequently touching you are all signs someone is interested in you.

4 EMBRACE REJECTION: Not every connection blooms!

Don’t be afraid of rejection, instead learn from each interaction and move forward.

5 GIVE COMPLIMENTS: Telling a crush they look good or smell great is a sweet way to break the ice and make them feel good.

Just don’t overdo it as you may come across as cheesy or insincere. Good luck!

Follow Georgie for more sex and relationship advice.

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