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Family who moved abroad in Channel 4 show are forced to flee after ‘locals sent them death threats & killed their pets’

A FAMILY filmed moving abroad for a TV show have been forced to flee after locals allegedly sent them death threats and killed their pets.

Lynn and Richard Appleby-Brisco left the UK in 2016 for a more “affordable” life in the Guarda district of Portugal with their two daughters.

Kennedy News
A family were forced to move from their Portugal home after they claim neighbours killed their pets[/caption]
Kennedy News
Their dog Cu die aged four after being attacked[/caption]
Kennedy News
They believe neighbours began targeting them after the documentary aired[/caption]

The move to a remote village featured in Channel 4’s Our Wildest Dreams – before quickly turning into a nightmare hate campaign against them.

The spiralling “storm of resentment” saw their dog Cu – an estrela mountain cross retriever – die aged four after being attacked.

They claim a local also admitted snatching their cat Ponyo and her kitten Bubbles in January, after their goats were poisoned.

It was so bad that when I would go down to the farm I would carry a knife with me, and I consider myself a pacifist

Lynn Appleby-Brisco

Lynn, 51, accuses a villager of threatening “we’ve taken your pets and you’re next” when confronted about the mystery deaths.

She said: “I just couldn’t take it anymore, and it was my absolute lowest point.

“I was scared to be in the house on my own so I would hang around the biggest local town all day to feel safe.

“It was so bad that when I would go down to the farm I would carry a knife with me, and I consider myself a pacifist.”

The family, from Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, believe villagers started deliberately turning their backs to them after their episode aired in 2018.

Harassment included being spat at and called “English pigs” – with rumours that Lynn was a devil-worshipping prostitute spread after they planted flowers outside their house.

They decided “enough was enough” and flew home to the UK in February with a small suitcase containing a change of clothes and pyjamas.

Lynn and her children Emily, 12, and Yvie, 10, are living in a one-bed apartment while Richard, 56, is abroad trying to sell the home and drive back their belongings.

The mum-of-two, who has recently started a new job as a chef, added: “We couldn’t make it work, no matter how hard we tried.

“The worst part in this is that I am so happy to be back in England even though we have literally lost every penny we spent our lives working for but I am constantly afraid to let my guard down.

“You need time away from England to realise just how lucky we are.”

Pals have helped raise £3,700 through a GoFundMe page to help the family get back on their feet.

Channel 4 was approached for comment.

It comes as a family who ditched their posh flat, fast supercars and successful property empire say they “love” living off-grid.

Rob, Amy and adorable little Casper made the life-altering move 50acres off-grid in the Scottish Highlands after tiring of relentless stress.

The dad-of-one had served in the air force before starting his property career in London – where he met wife Amy who was working as a musician.

They realised they both had talent in the real estate industry and teamed up together to buy a block of 18 flats in the capital.

After working tirelessly for 10 years, building and completing construction work themselves, the couple had grown a profitable empire.

“We wanted the business, wealth lifestyle and all the benefits we thought went with that,” said Rob.

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The family of four featured in a Channel 4 documentary[/caption]
Kennedy News
The family flew home to the UK in February , here Richard is pictured building their Portugal home[/caption]
Kennedy News
A Go Fund Me page has been set up to help the family get back on their feet[/caption]

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