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‘Full House's' Lori Loughlin says ‘no one is perfect’ in first big interview since college admissions scandal

Lori Loughlin is accepting life as it comes at her, following her involvement in the college admissions scandal. 

In one of her first major interviews since the infamous scandal, the "Full House" alum spoke with First For Women about forgiveness and moving forward.

"Every day, we’re met with different obstacles. But, for me, it’s like that song says, ‘I get knocked down, but I get up again,’" she said in the outlet’s cover story. "Nobody said life was going to be a breeze; we all make mistakes, but the important thing is to persevere."

She continued, speaking about overcoming challenges, saying, "For me, it’s just persevering and as an actress, I hear ‘no’ a lot, so I just have to be myself and persevere and try not to let in negativity. My advice is to just keep moving forward. Everyone has good times and bad times. That’s life. I think you just have to pick yourself up. Nobody said life was going to be a breeze. There’s beauty in life, but there’s also hardship in life."


Loughlin did not directly address the college admissions scandal but did speak about forgiveness.

"Actually, I try to be a forgiving person. I’m not one to hold onto stuff. Stuff happens to everyone. We’ve all been in positions to ask for forgiveness but to ask for it, you have to learn and know how to give forgiveness, too," Loughlin said.

"My family wasn’t one to hold grudges. I didn’t grow up in a household where if you made a mistake, you weren’t forgiven," she continued. "No one is perfect, we all make mistakes. So I was always told to let stuff go. And I think for your own health, you have to let things go because you can’t hang on to negativity. Life’s too short."


In 2020, Loughlin served two months in jail, completed 150 hours of community service and paid a $150,000 fine after pleading guilty to conspiracy charges stemming from making payments to William "Rick" Singer, the mastermind of the scam, to get her daughters, Isabella and Olivia Jade, into the University of Southern California. 

Her husband, Massimo Giannulli, was sentenced to five months in jail, with 250 hours of community service and a $250,000 fine.

Loughlin faced intense backlash over the scandal, and has remained largely out of the spotlight since, gradually adding in appearances in projects like "A Christmas Blessing" on Great American Family and an appearance on "Curb Your Enthusiasm," where she poked fun at herself.


As for how she deals with negative people, Loughlin told First For Women, "It isn’t always easy to put your best foot forward. But I think it starts with being kind. If you meet someone and they’re having a bad day or are a little prickly, rather than going toe to toe with that person, or feeling negative I try to meet them in a different way. I always try to consider what other people might be going through — and to think before I speak. I try to take a moment if a person is acting up and say, ‘Wait a minute… I don’t know their whole story.’"

The 59-year-old also spoke about her faith, including feeling she has a guardian angel on her side.

"I don’t know how to describe it. It could be my father, it could be my grandmother, it could be my grandfather. I just feel there’s a higher power looking out for all of us or carrying us through the tough times," she said.

Reflecting on where she’s at in her life today, Loughlin described herself as "kind and I’m strong. And open — open to life, open to experiences." 

She added, "And I’m grateful. So I’d say I’m strong, grateful, open and kind."

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