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How to Create an Affiliate Program & Increase Your Sales

Are you seeking to boost your eCommerce sales without hefty investments in advertising or marketing campaigns? Then, you may want to know how to create an affiliate program, where others do that marketing on your behalf.

Indeed, your most effective marketers are your satisfied customers.

Imagine rewarding these vocal advocates for their unwavering support. By creating an affiliate program for your online venture, you empower your most devoted and enthusiastic clientele to partake in your success. The beauty of it all? You only incur costs when a sale is made.

While creating an affiliate program may appear daunting, fret not, for we are here to guide you every step of the way!

In this comprehensive guide, we unveil essential tools and insights to assist you in creating a robust affiliate marketing program. By the time you reach the end, you will possess the knowledge needed to start an affiliate program that not only propels your business forward but also cultivates customer loyalty and increases revenue.

What is an Affiliate Program?

Any affiliate program is a dynamic arrangement where online merchants compensate affiliates—be it another business, influencer, blogger, or website owner—with commissions for driving traffic their way.

Affiliates achieve this in a number of ways, including web content, social media engagement, or seamless product integration. When an affiliate successfully directs traffic or generates revenue for the merchant, they earn a commission as a token of appreciation.

Commissions typically hinge on the volume of visitors the affiliate steers towards the partner site, those who make purchases, or individuals who engage in specific actions such as signing up for trials or app downloads. Some affiliate programs even reward affiliates based on the number of visitors who interact with the merchant site’s banner ads.

Recruiting affiliates emerges as a cost-effective and mutually beneficial marketing strategy, offering a win-win scenario that can significantly amplify product sales. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of implementing an affiliate program, equipping you with the essential steps needed to kickstart your journey towards success.

By leveraging these insights in conjunction with the support of Admitad’s partnership marketing software, you are poised to establish a robust foundation for growth and prosperity.

Advantages of Creating an Affiliate Program

Before delving into the realm of affiliate programs, it’s crucial to grasp the myriad benefits they can bestow upon your business. Here are the top reasons why creating an affiliate program can be a game-changer for your brand:

Enhanced Lead Acquisition

Forge valuable connections within your industry by collaborating with affiliates who can amplify your reach and share valuable insights and testimonials about your products or services. By partnering with affiliates, you can tap into new audiences, acquire leads that may have eluded you, and bolster brand credibility through authentic endorsements.

Elevate Sales Performance

One of the key benefits of implementing an affiliate program is its potential to boost your sales figures. When affiliates advocate for your products or services, you essentially gain organic advertising from individuals who are genuinely enthusiastic about what they promote.

By targeting individuals already interested in your offerings, you enhance the likelihood of driving traffic to your website and converting visits into sales. The more affiliates you enlist and the greater exposure they generate for your brand, the higher the probability of elevating conversions and ultimately, sales.

Maximize Return on Investment (ROI)

An affiliate program offers a high return on investment (ROI) as you only compensate affiliates when they generate sales. This ensures that your marketing expenditures directly translate into substantial revenue. Moreover, by remunerating based on performance, you can confidently allocate your marketing budget efficiently, knowing that you are paying for tangible outcomes.

Is an Affiliate Program Right for You?

Whether you specialize in physical goods or digital subscription services like Software as a Service (SaaS), performance marketing through affiliate programs can effectively promote your business and drive traffic to your website. To determine the suitability of performance marketing for your venture, consider the following questions:

Understanding Your Business Type

Affiliate programs thrive particularly well in the realms of ecommerce and online subscription services. Take, for instance, Amazon Associates, often hailed as one of the premier affiliate programs globally.

Businesses that align seamlessly with affiliate programs include:

  • Ecommerce ventures;
  • Beauty and wellness brands;
  • Fashion retailers;
  • Subscription-based services;
  • Technology companies.

For companies with recurring subscribers, the ability to recoup commission expenses with each renewal is a notable advantage.

Deciding whether to reward affiliates for customer renewals is a strategic choice that can bolster long-term partnerships.

Small and niche businesses should approach partner marketing judiciously, as they may encounter challenges in identifying successful affiliates within their specialized niche. Careful consideration is essential to ensure optimal alignment and success in the affiliate marketing.

Assessing Your Business Capacity

Delving into performance marketing can undoubtedly enhance your revenue streams, but it comes with substantial demands on your business operations. To embark on this journey, ensure your business is prepared to:

  • Scale up to meet heightened demand for your products or services, necessitating increased resources and potential staff expansion;
  • Provide robust customer support to nurture new leads, guide them through the sales funnel, and deliver exceptional service;
  • Allocate cash commissions or alternative forms of payment, such as store credits, to affiliates who contribute to sales—a strategy best suited for companies with strong customer retention rates;
  • Allocate significant resources towards customer acquisition costs (CACs);
  • Offer competitive commission rates to attract top-tier partners to join your affiliate program;
  • Extend support to new affiliates by clarifying partner marketing terms, addressing commission-related queries, and facilitating their integration with performance marketing tools.

How To Create an Affiliate Program in 8 Easy Steps

Upon confirming your intent to launch an affiliate program, follow these step-by-step guidelines:

1. Establish Clear Objectives

Define your target audience and the type of customers you aim to attract through your affiliate program. Determine the affiliate profiles, such as bloggers, that align with your objectives.

Set actionable goals regarding:

  • Revenue targets affiliates should generate monthly, quarterly, or annually;
  • Average order value (AOV) per affiliate and the number of unique sales they should drive within a specified timeframe;
  • Trackable metrics like clicks, impressions, leads, and affiliate sales to gauge program success. Utilize robust analytics tools for streamlined measurement.

2. Choose an Affiliate Program Solution

Opt for an in-house program setup, join an affiliate network like Admitad, or leverage a dedicated Software as a Service (SaaS) solution tailored for affiliate programs.

In-house management may be viable with ample time investment, but most business owners opt for affiliate networks or SaaS solutions for efficient program implementation.

While affiliate networks entail fees, the time and resources saved justify the investment in the long run. Explore our guide on managing affiliate programs via the SaaS route for further insights.

3. Curate Your Product Selection for the Program

Performance marketing stands out as a primary driver of ecommerce transactions, surpassing social commerce and display advertising.

However, staying abreast of trends is crucial when determining the products to feature—whether you are a seasoned player in the ecommerce industry or a newcomer.

Not all products in your inventory may align with an affiliate program. Some items may necessitate an in-house sales expert well-versed in their benefits and features to effectively market them.

Additionally, affiliates might not possess the appropriate audience for certain products. These considerations are pivotal when choosing the products you intend to enlist affiliates to promote.

Prime candidates for affiliate programs often hail from the industries like fashion, health and beauty, sports, and outdoor.

4. Determine Affiliate Commissions Strategically

When establishing commission structures, adopt a pragmatic approach. Factor in customer acquisition costs and profit margins, incorporating operational expenses like shipping and fulfillment.

Commission rates typically vary based on the product type. Physical products usually entail lower payouts due to transaction fees, while digital products and services, devoid of fulfillment costs, warrant higher commission percentages.

On average, anticipate disbursing commissions ranging from 1% to 30% to affiliates, contingent on pay per lead, click, or sale models.

5. Define Your Affiliate Program Policies and Structure

To drive success with your affiliate program, craft a comprehensive program guide encompassing performance benchmarks. Specify expectations regarding the minimum volume of commissionable transactions per affiliate per quarter.

Familiarize yourself with the marketing channels and tools prospective affiliates intend to leverage to achieve these objectives, such as utilizing their email lists for email marketing, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn for posts, and conducting webinars.

Decide on the guidelines for affiliate marketers to promote and distribute their links, including the duration of affiliate cookies’ activity—determining how long affiliates can earn commissions post-click. Leverage performance marketing templates to ensure all terms and conditions are clearly outlined.

Should you opt to draft your affiliate program policies independently, consider addressing the following aspects:

  • Payout schedules and methods for affiliates;
  • Permissible promotional methods or restricted marketing channels;
  • Authorized keywords for promotion;
  • Excluded physical products or affiliate product categories (e.g., discounted or low-priced items);
  • Instances warranting affiliate action prohibition.

6. Opt for an Affiliate Platform

As your affiliate program expands, leveraging an affiliate platform can facilitate seamless program growth.

When choosing an affiliate platform, prioritize options that foster partner communication and streamline payment processes. Look for platforms that assist in managing:

  • Offers;
  • Campaign analytics featuring advanced tracking and reporting functionalities;
  • Optimized ad campaigns;
  • Partner commissions.

Ensure that your chosen solution boasts an intuitive interface, essential tools and plugins, robust fraud detection mechanisms, and reliable support services.

7. Develop Your Affiliate Marketing Resources

Equipping affiliates with the necessary tools to promote your products or services is essential. From email templates to banners, provide a range of pre-made online marketing collateral to maintain consistent brand messaging across various channels and platforms.

Regularly update your marketing materials to ensure affiliates have access to the most relevant resources at all times.

8. Identify Top Affiliates

While extensive affiliate networks like Admitad offer access to a broad pool of affiliates, smaller businesses can also recruit affiliates independently.

When scouting for affiliates, seek out individuals with the following attributes:

  • Possess their own platform with high-quality content, indicating a commitment to their success;
  • Demonstrate selectivity in the products or services they endorse to enhance your program’s credibility;
  • Exhibit marketing expertise, including a grasp of SEO for more effective product/service promotion;
  • Maintain robust sales funnels, often collaborating with multiple brands or networks, bringing valuable skills and experience to drive successful outcomes;
  • Share your niche or offer complementary products, ensuring alignment with their audience’s preferences and needs when promoting your products through referrals.

Once you identify the key traits to look for in potential affiliates, take proactive steps to engage them effectively.

Best Practices for Creating a Successful Affiliate Program

When ready to launch your profitable affiliate marketing program, implement these strategies for success:

1. Empower and Support Your Affiliate Team

After assembling your affiliate roster, effective affiliate management becomes paramount. Familiarize affiliates with all program terms and conditions, securing their commitment through signed agreements.

Educate affiliates on your brand essentials and program mechanics. Equip them with affiliate links and promotional materials. Regularly engage with your affiliate manager to ensure affiliates are well-versed in program intricacies.

Consider establishing a partner portal for round-the-clock access to fresh offers, resources, and educational content.

2. Collaborate with Influencers

Engaging social influencers can significantly boost your affiliate marketing endeavors, opening up new channels and broader audience reach.

When partnering with influencers, prioritize those aligning with your brand ethos and boasting substantial followings. Opt for influencers who maintain active social media presence and consistently share engaging content.

Initiate conversations with suitable influencers to explore potential collaborations on affiliate initiatives or campaigns.

For instance, if you operate a fashion brand with popular handbags, consider reaching out to an Instagram influencer known for showcasing stylish outfits.

Given their familiarity with their audience, influencers are likely to showcase your products in their posts or stories, driving sales through your affiliate links. Compensate them based on revenue generated from purchases stemming from their promotional content.

3. Conduct A/B Testing on Your Content

Before launching your affiliate program, conduct A/B testing on your content to optimize effectiveness. A/B testing involves creating two content variations for affiliate lead generation and determining the superior performer.

Experiment with diverse elements like headlines, graphic designs, images, and call-to-actions to identify the most resonant content for your audience. Ensure that the variations differ solely in the tested elements—for instance, test motion designs while keeping body copy consistent.

Extend A/B testing to longer content pieces like blog posts by introducing minor alterations to each version. Analyze performance metrics against affiliate sales goals, such as newsletter sign-ups, to discern audience preferences and refine your content strategy accordingly.

4. Enhance Your Landing Page Optimization

Ensure your landing pages are optimized for maximum impact. Utilize Google Analytics to identify high-traffic and high-conversion pages, ensuring they are well-crafted and rich in valuable content.

For example, if you specialize in women’s clothing and wish to highlight men’s clothing, develop a dedicated webpage focusing on the latter.

Monitor sales origins by tracking metrics like cost per acquisition (CPA) and cost per lead (CPL).

CPA calculates the total advertiser expenditure divided by the conversions generated, while CPL measures lead development costs against revenue generated. This data provides insights into effective strategies and areas for improvement.

Leverage pay-per-click ads, which display prominently in Google search results with a cost-per-click model. Maintain a blog offering original, informative content to engage readers and potential customers.

Optimize your copy for search engine rankings to enhance visibility and incorporate various visual elements like images, videos, testimonials, and articles to boost engagement. Include compelling calls-to-action on all landing pages.

5. Provide Competitive Commission Rates

Distinguish affiliate commissions from traditional sales representative commissions by offering competitive referral fees exceeding those of competitors to attract top affiliates. Higher commission rates incentivize affiliates to promote your products, and payment models should be transparent and straightforward.

Consider rewarding affiliate partners who drive significant sales with bonuses. Prioritize higher commissions for high-value items to encourage their promotion.

Monitor affiliate-generated clicks across email lists, social media platforms, and newsletters, rewarding top performers with a larger share of revenue.

Recognize outstanding performance with prizes like gift cards or electronics to motivate affiliates to expand program reach.

6. Utilize Established Affiliate Software

Employ proven affiliate software to optimize your program and boost sales. This software streamlines tracking of clicks, conversions, and commissions, facilitating informed decision-making and automating administrative tasks.

By leveraging reliable software like Tapfiliate, tailored for business needs, you can harness the full potential of your affiliate program.

Rely on affiliate software to monitor affiliate performance effectively and ensure prompt payments. Access detailed reports for actionable insights, enabling a deeper understanding of user interactions on your site.

Prioritize software featuring user-friendly interfaces, comprehensive reporting capabilities, and clear guidance on affiliate program management.

7. Monitor and Assess Your Performance

Evaluating and tracking your performance is crucial, achievable through your affiliate tracking software or the affiliate network you’ve joined.

Utilize affiliate tracking to identify top sales contributors and gauge program effectiveness against predefined objectives. Analyze revenues, conversion rates, unique sales, and average order value (AOV).

If your campaign falls short of targets, consider revising commission structures, pricing strategies, or collaborating with different affiliates.

8. Analyze Competitors’ Affiliate Programs

Conducting competitor analysis offers insights into your referral program’s performance. Evaluate:

  • Competitors’ affiliate commission structures and commission triggers (e.g., leads, sales);
  • Payment methods for affiliates, whether based on sales commissions or fixed action amounts, and payment modes like credit card or credits;
  • Affiliate recruitment strategies and program terms and conditions.

Perform a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in each program, aiding in recognizing untapped potential and competitor threats. Competitive analysis guides optimization of your affiliate program, informing decisions on commission rates, structures, and affiliate payment methods.

Launch Your Affiliate Program with Admitad

Embark on establishing your affiliate program with Admitad, offering a customizable platform equipped with comprehensive program management features and supplementary services:

Admitad Base

Initiate your affiliate journey with Admitad Base, providing essential tools for partner attraction. Program management responsibilities rest with you.

Admitad Rise

Elevate your program with the Rise plan, offering expanded partner networks, international reach, enhanced support, and protection against brand infringements. Scale your program’s growth on your terms.

Admitad Peak

Ascend to new heights with the Peak plan, tailored solutions, and personalized management assistance. Collaborate with a dedicated manager to optimize your program without constraints, ensuring continuous progress.

Personalized Dashboard and Advanced Analytics

Admitad offers a customizable dashboard feature empowering you to tailor it to your preferences, identifying growth avenues and anticipating potential risks.

Access monthly performance metrics and utilize Reports to consolidate multiple data points on a single page.

Affiliates can track their statistics within their profile section, including insights on traffic, conversions, and financial performance.

Leverage Admitad’s analytics tools to experiment with an array of campaigns limitlessly. With over 50 data breakdown options, gain a detailed perspective on the performance of your affiliate marketing campaigns.

Robust Fraud Prevention Measures

Online fraud poses a significant threat to brands, resulting in substantial financial losses. Admitad implements various strategies to safeguard your ad campaigns, including:

  • Initiating pre-moderation mode for new affiliates to preemptively eliminate fraud risks and gain visibility over potential publishers;
  • Blocking suspicious IP addresses within Admitad to prevent publishers from untargeted regions from joining your program;
  • Employing click-level fraud prevention tools to combat click spamming, click injections, proxy traffic, and setting minimal conversion timeframes to identify rapid converters;
  • Utilizing analytics to detect and address fraudulent activities effectively.

Seamless Integrations with Third-Party Services

Admitad facilitates easy integrations with diverse software, including marketing solutions like WordPress, through a feature-rich API enabling custom integrations.

By utilizing Admitad’s API, access third-party applications seamlessly, streamline data integration, eliminate manual entry tasks, and ensure data security and accessibility for authorized users only.


Partnership marketing programs, such as affiliate marketing, can outperform conventional advertising methods like Facebook ads in driving traffic and enhancing online sales. If affiliate marketing aligns with your business strategy, take proactive steps to launch your program successfully.

Analyze the competitive landscape, design competitive commission rates, and select suitable affiliate networks and software providers to achieve your objectives effectively.

To explore Admitad’s affiliate marketing software risk-free, request a free trial to experience the scalability and automation capabilities for optimizing partner relationships across all marketing channels.

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