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31 мая 2024 года
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Single Girls' Beach Getaway: Puerto Galera Travel Vlog ft. Chiara & Jackie ????☀️

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with us as we escape the hustle and bustle of city life for a sun-soaked getaway to Puerto Galera! Читать дальше...

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Paper Blog 

Craig Benedict Valentine Badynee: Golden Country b/w Good Ears

Chicago based musician Craig Benedict Valentine Badynee has released the second double A-side single in the run-up for the release of his album. Golden Country is a borderline gospel song, poking fun at the tale of Adam and Eve, who got to deal with being kicked out of paradise for a bit of nudity. So much for not being aloud to make a mistake or deviate from the norm. Good Ears is pushed forward by a gentle funky groove, while he tries ...

Paper Blog 

Going Once, Going Twice

Do you ever get that feeling that you’ve been sold?  One thing I learned early on in academic publishing is that buyouts aren’t that unusual.  I recently wrote about Transaction being acquired by Taylor and Francis, for example.  Just a couple days ago I noticed in Publishers Weekly that Bloomsbury had bought out Rowman & Littlefield’s academic wing.  Then, at a company meeting the buyout was mentioned again.  Finally, I had an email from R & L letting me know.  You see, Nightmares with... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Silent Hill 2 Remake Scheduled for Spine-Chilling October 2024 Launch

The eagerly awaited remake of the iconic horror game Silent Hill 2, developed by Bloober Team, has officially been given a release date. Gaming enthusiasts and horror aficionados can mark their calendars for October 8, 2024, when the game will make its debut exclusively on the PlayStation 5. This announcement was a highlight of today’s State of Play, where a gripping new story trailer was unveiled.

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Paper Blog 

The Small Screen Diaries- 05/30/24

Well, yesterday was a really big day guys. Historic, if you will. May 30th, 2024, will forever be remembered in the history books. MAX went ahead and picked up hacks for a fourth season. That’s right, just as the final episode of the season was dropping, they confirmed… MORE Hacks. I mean, is that not the biggest news of the day or what? Did you think I was going to talk about something else? Well, if certain things want to be discussed, then perhaps they should happen on channels that don’t apply... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

The Power of Community Engagement in Healthcare Innovation

Community engagement is a cornerstone of effective healthcare innovation. By involving the community in the development and implementation of new healthcare initiatives, organizations can better meet the needs of their patients, foster trust, and drive more impactful outcomes. This article explores the importance of community engagement in healthcare innovation and highlights strategies to effectively engage […]

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Paper Blog 

Summer Day at Meema's

Now that school is out, I spend all day with Meema or with Grandma. On Wednesday at Meema's, I did lots of things--seeing about the Castle People while Meema made the pancakes, watering the plants, and blowing bubbles.

I also brushed Bailey.

Her hair is very silky. I think she likes being pretty.

Paper Blog 

Collaborative Robots in Industrial Work

Collaborative robots, or cobots, are fascinating technology. Their application is appreciated by industrial workflows. Collaborative robotic arms have rightly got some more attention than other cobots for multiple reasons. These are a type of robotic manipulator that was made to work close to people without the need for protective barriers or cages.  You hear ‘robots […]

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Paper Blog 

About 219,000 Workers Filed For Unemployment Last Week

The Labor Department released its weekly unemployment report on Thursday. It showed that about 219,000 workers filed for unemployment benefits in the week ending on May 25th. Here is the official Labor Department statement:

Int he week ending May 25, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 219,000, an increase of 3,000 from the previous week's revised level. The previous week's level was revised up by 1,000 from 215,000 to 216,000. The 4-week moving average was 222,500, an... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Alito And Thomas Should Be Forced To Recuse Themselves

It has become obvious that Justices Alito and Thomas are biased in the cases concerning Donald Trump, but both are refusing to recuse themselves. Maybe it is time to force those recusals. Here is part of what Rep. Jamie Raskin has to say about that in The New York Times:

Many people have gloomily accepted the conventional wisdom that because there is no binding Supreme Court ethics code, there is no way to force Associate Justices Samuel ...

Paper Blog 

from Genoa to Ventimiglia, Italy – a line of cinematic brilliance

Nature has its ways of derailing travel plans. An August 2023 landslide in the French Alps blocked the main railway line just west of the Mont Cenis tunnel. This route is used by all trains from Italy to Lyon and Paris. The sleek French TGVs and even sleeker Italian Frecciarossa trains that competed on the lucrative route from Milan to the French capital were brought to a standstill. Many passengers heading from Italy to Paris and London passed through Switzerland, while others devised creative routes through the Riviera... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Today’s GPUs are extremely capable and the graphics in the latest games are extremely spectacular, so why don’t I get the same wow factor as I did 26 years ago?

Nick Evanson, hardware writer

This month I tested: Ghost of Tsushima. Nixxes has done a great job porting it to PC, especially the support for the PS5 Dualsense controller. Oh, and I also looked into a Ryzen 7 5700X3D, as an upgrade for a 5600X. More about this soon.

Last week, UL Benchmarks released Steel Nomad, a new graphics test for 3DMark, with the ambition that it will eventually replace Time Spy Extreme as the most widely used benchmark for GPUs. Although I've had it running for a while... Читать дальше...

Первые покупатели получили ключи от SWM G01F

«Восход», Тинькофф Банк и Альфа объявили о совместном pre-IPO фонде в секторе tech на 4 млрд рублей

Новый детский сад в Климовске откроется летом

Мультимедийный павильон появится в сквере на улице Маршала Батицкого в Балашихе

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Новый детский сад в Климовске откроется летом

В Минобороны РФ назвали главные цели НАТО на южном направлении

Генпрокуратура Дрездена объяснила арест в Москве израильского футболиста Басиса

XXV Большой Волжский Крестный в Тверской области пройдет под девизом «Отцовство и материнство – благословенный дар Божий»

Музыкальные новости

Новости фармацевтики в России и в мире

Путин запретил списывать пенсии детей-инвалидов при взыскании долгов

Путин встретился с главой Ингушетии Калиматовым

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

Новости России

Плановую промывку резервуаров провели на водозаборном узле «Букино» в Лобне

В Ростове Алексей Логвиненко наградил предпринимателей на форуме «Бизнес настоящего. Когда виртуальное стало реальным».

На фестивале «Москва — на волне. Рыбная неделя» прошел костюмированный сап-заплыв

Новый детский сад в Климовске откроется летом

Экология в России и мире

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

Всеармянский союз «Гардман-Ширван-Нахиджеван» осуждает лживое заявление президента Азербайджана Алиева

«585*ЗОЛОТОЙ» выступила партнером медиафестиваля творческой молодежи YOUPITER

Раскрыт секрет, как и где отдохнуть в России летом за 11 тыс. рублей

Спорт в России и мире

Медведев на отказе серба Кецмановича вышел в третий круг «Ролан Гаррос»

Елена Рыбакина удивила решением перед Уимблдоном

Теннисистка Петрова: Карацеву не хватает игровой уверенности

Арина Соболенко повторила уникальное достижение Азаренко на турнирах «Большого шлема»


Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?

Экс-редактор Comnews присоединился к команде iTrend

Денис Сафин перевел 100 миллионов рублей в фонд помощи пострадавшим от паводка

Удаленная настройка охранных комплексов StarLine

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