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Новости за 25.08.2015

The Independent 

Cornwall may be an Instagrammer's dream, but it's still the poorest region in Britain

Ah, those pictures of David Cameron and his delightful wife on the beach in Cornwall. What a perfect vision of England in the summertime, a couple chillaxing, appealingly dishevelled after a bracing early morning swim under a battleship grey sky. How lucky we are to have a Prime Minister of such vitality and homely appeal, who wears a £35 polo shirt with insouciant style, and who chooses the prosaic delights of the north Cornish coast for his holidaymaking.

The Independent 

A man who changed the lives of hundreds faces years in Thai prison while our government drags its heels

I expected Andy Hall to sound jumpy when we spoke on the phone yesterday morning. He has just been indicted by a Thai court, and faces seven years in prison, on top of an £8m fine. The crime? In 2012, Hall met and interviewed workers at a factory belonging to Natural Fruit, a Thai pineapple-processing firm, for a report on their labour conditions. Disgusting, was the summary.

The Independent 

Death on the Fringe and the Sick of the Fringe: Two programmes at Edinburgh tackle bigger issues

Death. It comes to us all, the great leveller and the one great certainty. Yet when it comes to talking about it we Brits are often as silent as … well, the grave. We can be morbid, or squeamish, or embarrassed about discussing grief or contemplating our own mortality – and actually, such nervousness extends to anything to do with our frail human bodies. Sickness, mental health or disability also have a tendency to make us clam up; while modern society is making strides in destigmatising such things... Читать дальше...

The Independent 

No, we shouldn't crucify the irritating Christian vlogger who was keeping an Ashley Madison account

It was a crappily-ever-after ending to the hacking scandal for users of ‘cheat on your spouse, because life is short’ website Ashley Madison as details of their adulterous curiosities were leaked for the world to see this week. Anonymous hackers known as the Impact group released the data for more than 33 million users under the moralistic premise of targeting companies profiting from the “pain of others, secrets and lies,” and the individuals who utilise the service.

The Independent 

Women-only train carriages? Here's a Corbyn idea I can't get on board with

Jeremy Corbyn has made some sensible and laudable suggestions on tackling the scourge of sexual harassment: the extension of a scheme tested in Bradford to register the number plates of  men who shout at women in the street, and the creation of a police hotline for reporting harassment and assault staffed exclusively by women, is especially encouraging. But a pilot scheme of women-only train carriages after 10pm? Not so much.

The Independent 

Jeremy Corbyn is a stranger to responsibility and will loathe leadership

I feel for Jeremy Corbyn. Not for the extraordinary summer he has enjoyed: I am sure he has been having the time of his life, fired by adrenalin, as he heads towards his astonishing victory. But I pity him for what lies ahead, as he settles into the ghastly task of leading the Labour Party in opposition – a role for which he is so utterly unsuited. I suspect he will hate every miserable minute of it.

The Independent 

With up to 100,000 now barred, Labour has become less a broad church and more a secret society

Labour is trying to accomplish the impossible: become electable while shunning voters. Thanks to Labour’s decision to purge its own supporters - a process predicated, in Harriet Harman’s words, on “letting the public in to see our arguments” and enabling the public to be “brutally honest about what they think of us and what they want from us” – it now risks descending into an anti-democratic farce. Harman’s announcement today seemed to concede  that as many as 100,000 voters could have been blocked from the leadership vote. Читать дальше...

The Independent 

Prom 50, Royal Albert Hall, review: Andras Schiff casts a spell with Bach's Goldbergs

A darkened hall, a box of hammers, and a pair of hands – this was enough to draw a capacity crowd to Sir Andras Schiff’s late-night recital of Bach’s Goldberg Variations. Composed to cure a rich patron’s insomnia, this extraordinary work makes supreme demands on technique, imagination, and memory, and great pianists are drawn to it like climbers to Everest.

The Independent 

Here's one important reason why Labour has never chosen a female leader - and won't this time either

Reams of paper and considerably more 1s and 0s have been sacrificed on the altar of this crucial sticking point: Do the 600,000 eligible voters (some of them so freshly minted they still have that 'new car' smell) go for values or power? Will the wider and future general electorate go for principles or polish? And most important of all, why has Labour yet to choose a woman as the party's leader, decades after the Tories did the same with dear old Maggie?

The Independent 

The legacy of One Direction isn't anything to do with the 1D boys or Simon Cowell, but the extraordinary power of teenage girls

People are often surprised when they discover that I love One Direction. Maybe its because I spent my teen years obsessively cataloguing Rolling Stones singles, or maybe its because I took Milton seriously at university. Maybe its simply because I’m not twelve years old with H A R R Y scribbled across my forehead in permanent marker.

The Independent 

Edinburgh Fringe: 25 funniest jokes of all-time

The winner of the funniest joke at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe has been revealed. But of all the hilarious one-liners that have been cracked in comedy venues across the city, not everyone is impressed with Darren Walsh’s “I just deleted all the German names off my phone. It’s Hans-free.”

Прогноз по грузопотоку по Северному морскому пути: 1,8 млрд т до 2035 года

Пенсионерка из Москвы обманула мошенников и передала им пакет с бумагой вместо денег

«Я полностью переосмыслил жизнь». Стас Пьеха поделился сокровенным

Движение поездов на перегоне в Амурской области восстановлено по одному пути

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Движение поездов на перегоне в Амурской области восстановлено по одному пути

Вильфанд: лето в Москве начинается с открытия купального сезона

Московская пенсионерка согласилась отдать деньги мошенникам и подшутила над ними

Газовщики в Чите заделали яму, в которой застряла водовозка

Музыкальные новости

Олег Рой и Дарья Донцова высказались о необходимости масштабирования опыта Башкортостана в проведении книжных фестивалей

Почта России помогла ребёнку из Ижевска, подопечному благотворительного фонда, встретиться с футболистами ЦСКА

Всеармянский союз «Гардман-Ширван-Нахиджеван» осуждает лживое заявление президента Азербайджана Алиева

«Райский цветник» Бакиханова и азербайджанские фальсификации. ВИДЕО

Новости России

В Тульском доме ребенка провели концерт и раздали подарки ко Дню защиты детей

Движение на Сокольнической линии метро полностью восстановлено после сбоя

Раскрытая угроза: сериал по «Звездным войнам» и возвращение «Пацанов»

Бывший муж Заворотнюк передумал идти на похороны актрисы

Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

На европейских курортах жители начали обносить улицы цепями, запрещая туристам туда заходить: романтический отдых закончился

Представители KAMA TYRES приняли участие в 57-й легкоатлетической эстафете

Конференция «Общество и психическое здоровье» прошла в Ставрополе

Спорт в России и мире

Надаль пропустит Уимблдон из-за желания сыграть на Олимпиаде

Вице-президент ФТР Селиваненко: у Рублева не пошла игра с Арнальди

Теннисистка Петрова: Карацеву не хватает игровой уверенности

Медведев пошутил о том, что часто проводит ночные матчи на турнирах «Большого шлема»


В Челябинской области трансгендеру вынесен приговор за поджог военкомата

В Нижнем Тагиле будут судить бандитов, расстрелявших главаря конкурирующей ОПГ

POMPEYA и O! МАРГО выступят на фестивале «НЕБО»

Одна ночь на Вуоксе

Топ новостей на этот час


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