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Quit your job and move to Malibu


California government was revolutionized and voters didn't' even notice. Once upon a time, local government had all the authority when it came to services. The new government model, pioneered incrementally during the second half of the 20th century, is now being redefined by state mandates.

When zoning first came into practice, it was a local effort to protect the character of neighborhoods and cities, essentially sorting out land uses by category. The result separated uses into categories and designed them by general plan ordinances.

The result was a city with space for industrial development and jobs, commercial centers and free enterprise, and residential areas. Those residential areas were further divided into single family homes, apartments and duplexes, with refinements taking into account lot sizes and other desirable features. Careful local planning brought character, stability and financial security to one of life's most significant investments, a home. The political decisions as to how this was done were made by local citizens elected to city councils and boards of supervisors.

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Here the goal was to protect someone's investment, so the character of a neighborhood did not allow an oil refinery erected among million-dollar homes.

Other than major highways, substantive water projects and other selective public works, the state had nothing at all to do with local parks, libraries, law enforcement, fire protection, streets and roads, street lighting districts, water districts, mosquito abatement districts, etc.

This week Gov. Gavin Newsom presided over an event that illustrates the death of local government. Newsom's purpose was to remind California voters he is their friend and protector and is watching out for them. Newsom, you see, is a creator of "equity."

The governor is proud of the fact he threatened the City of Malibu with lawsuits and bludgeoned the locals into submission, so proud he issued a press release. The state, he declared, has taken over local zoning decisions and has successfully forced Malibu to build low-income housing amid those multi-million dollar seaside mansions.

Essentially, California's new government model places "equity" ahead of private property rights and reduces local government to the level of overseer of state mandates.

Malibu has been forced to comply with the Housing Element law. The city will allow to be build 79 new housing units, 47 of those reserved for low-income folks who otherwise would not be able to partake of the Malibu coastal lifestyle. Hey, quit your job and move to Malibu. Makes perfect since in a country guided by overseers, but not if it values private enterprise and personal freedom.

"Our housing laws are not optional; they apply to all cities and counties in California," State Attorney General Rob Bonta declared, and he intends to "make sure that every single city and county comes into compliance and plans for the future." This is the essence of "equity."

Of course, the homeowners living adjacent to the future low-income housing may see their life's most important investment disintegrate, but that is irrelevant. The highlights of the history of low-income housing projects is written in neighborhood decline, increased crime and social failure. It always has been the case that low-income housing residents' best chance of success is to escape.

For now, the future of Malibu is low-income housing. With visions such as this, it is no wonder the California governor dreams of being president.

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