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Новости за 01.04.2018


Odds and ends - different kinds of jumps

Fair warning- LL'er original content: more home-brewed skydiving musical-interlude madness...a rather long one. For this submission I decided to throw in some stuff along theme lines, as well as a short segment inspired by Jayjo's words of wisdom to me and another one without music, a Kopernikus preference. Other than pride, in a few cases, no serious injuries were sustained in the footage you will see. Sound, volume and musical selection may be an issue for some...though I doubt those with children will risk waking them this Sunday morning. Читать дальше...


Fitness and Bodybuilding LoveStory

Fitness And Bodybuilding LoveStory From Kaliningrad Russia) Video - ArtGym Training Music - Jes - Two Souls (Fisherman & Hawkins remix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJdIIEamUdc


Pope uses Easter message to pray for peace in Syria

Pope Francis has addressed tens of thousands of pilgrims in St Peter's Square where he prayed for an end to the war in countries including Syria. The pontiff delivered the traditional 'to the city and to the world' Easter message from the central balcony where he earlier celebrated Mass. Pope Francis also prayed for peace in "the Holy Land", Yemen, the Democratic Republic of Congo, North and South Korea, Ukraine and Venezuela. "And today we ask for the fruits of peace for the whole world, to begin with the beloved and martyred Syria... Читать дальше...


Men with ideas

Sunday Cinema - using your loaf.. "...in a werld going full-steam ahead we've got to invent to live... never in it's island history has Britain relied so much on it's know-how it's brains and above all it's ideas" one of the L at L films from the now defunct Rank Features Division of the early to mid 1960's.. as such the detail within the details are great to see - the 1960's were such a great decade (should you like the austerity, drugs and free sex)

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

«Ксения может быть лидером, пусть не президентом, но премьер-министром точно как минимум»: Яна Рудковская о своей поддержке Собчак

Продюсер Яна Рудковская в своем интервью Натальи Синдеевой объяснила, почему не поддерживала Собчак на президентских выборах в 2018, но могла бы поддержать в будущем.

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World Shipping - A.1. at Lloyd's of London Town..

Sunday Cinema - Easter Eggs galore - from 1942 "..what ship are you? along the coastline of the British Isles Lloyd's Signal Stations watch the ships of the werld go by... great Liners, Men o' War, Tramps, cargo steamers and coasters..., big ships and little ships alike their movements all recorded by the men of the signal station..." A British Council Classic from 1942....'there's a war on you know...' Do Note: Caveats apply.


Graceful Humpback Glides Through Ocean Waters

Robert Morgan captured this majestic video of a humpback whale gliding through the open ocean, 130 miles east of Mindanao, Philippines. The video was recorded during December, 2017. Credit: Robert Morgan via Storyful


Trump trumpity fell from the wall and no one wants to touch that shit.

U.S. President Donald Trump has tweeted no fewer than 17 times that his campaign did not collude with Russians, usually making that point with an exclamation mark for emphasis, and often in all caps: "NO COLLUSION!" The evidence is less categorical. There are at least a half-dozen examples to date of people involved in the Trump campaign who either sought dirt gathered by Russian intelligence on Hillary Clinton, or who had other ties to Russians. The latest came last week in a court filing that... Читать дальше...


Six-year-old boy pins WWE legend DDP and now he wants revenge

A war of words has broken out between a six-year-old boy and WWE legend Diamond Dallas Page (DDP). The spat started after fan Remzi Yates, 6, invited DDP to wrestle at the Nickel City Con comic convention in Buffalo, New York last year. At that event young Yates was able to pin DDP for the three count to the cheers of attendees. Then things escalated on Saturday when DDP sent Yates a video message wishing him a happy birthday, but also making it very clear that the two have unfinished business in the ring. Читать дальше...


Guy gets robbed than whooped

Guy has his money snatched, he goes to get it back and gets his ass beat. I recorded a phone video to that I'll also upload.


Leap Of Faith

Jumped across the road without even touching either side of the pavement.


Self-flagellation during unusual Easter ceremony in northern Spain

Observant Roman Catholics on Sunday performed an unusual Easter self-flagellation ceremony in the northern Spanish town of San Vicente de la Sonsierra. The centuries-old ritual sees masked volunteers known as "los picaos" whip themselves on the back as they march through the small town, which lies in the north of La Rioja. The self-flagellation is seen as an act of faith and penance for their sins. After around 800 lashes, they then submit themselves to more pain by being pricked several times in the lower back. Читать дальше...

Топ-5 способов быстро восстановиться после простуды, гриппа и коронавируса

Орбакайте бросилась обнимать Преснякова после долгой разлуки

Котельные Можайского округа подготовили к началу отопительного сезона

Романа Мадянова похоронят на кладбище в селе Малахово в Подмосковье

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Бастрыкин поручил возбудить дело против рубщиков леса в Хорошево-Мневниках

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Туризм в Греции может внезапно закончиться: названа проблема, из-за которой принимать туристов будет невозможно

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Даниил Медведев в составе сборной Европы стал обладателем Кубка Лэйвера

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