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The Redskins have Madden 24

The Redskins have  Madden 24

Saints re-sign De La Puente

The rise of Brian De La Puenta as an elite center has been fantastic for the Saints however, both sides have been Mut 24 coins unable to come to terms on a long-term contract so far. As of Tuesday night, they officially renewed his contract for a one-year deal that is worth $2.023 million. It's smart money is being put on trying to negotiate extensions this season.

Pay Kolb for bills ... kind of

On Tuesday, contract figures for quarterback Kevin Kolb trickled out, and some sense was made of the reported $33 million deal. It turns out that Kolb's guaranteed salary is $1 million, with a base salary of $6.1 million. Kolb is able to earn $13 million but only if the first choice and is in the middle of a lot of incentives and escalators. Read Buffalo Rumblings for more information about the Bills.

The first stage of this year's Madden NFL 24 Playoffs is set to come to an end with what may be, on paper, the most exciting game of the season. This weekend, the Seattle Seahawks, playing perhaps the most exciting soccer in league take on the nation to take on opponents like the Washington Redskins, winners of the last seven games. The focus going to the game will be on the head-to-head contest between the two rookie quarterbacks, Robert Griffin III and Russell Wilson. Both have made their argument for Madden NFL 24's rookie of The Year award, but victory on Sunday afternoon in Maryland is certainly the greater prize.

With Seattle's final-month dominance, the Seahawks begin the game as road favorites against the NFC East champs. However, all five of their losses this season were in road games, and RGIII could have had an additional week of rest to get his knee back. A 2011 Heisman winner was clearly limited during the Redskins' final two games of the season. He was wearing a large knee braces that hindered his speed when running out of the backfield. Wilson did not suffer any major injuries in his first season, and has gained strength each week, bringing the Seahawks running in the postseason.

Meet the Redskins

The Redskins have entered the postseason on a seven-game win streak, recovering from a 3-6 mark at their bye to climb into the upper echelons of the NFC East. Griffin turned around on the fortunes of an team which had not had any postseason appearance since the year 2006 The team was one of the most boring teams in Madden NFL 24. In the first week, RGIII became a sensation by bringing the Saints in the first game and later leading as a newly named captain throughout the season.

Mike as well as Kyle Shanahan dramatically altered their offenses to be more adapted to the skill of RGIII. They utilized the pistol and zone-read option. Chris Brown highlighted the offensive adjustments in Washington and the Redskins did it with perfection against Dallas to secure this division in Sunday's game. Griffin is averaging nearly seven yards per carry when using the zone-read, and even with the knee brace, the RB was able to run around the edge against the Cowboys. Even though he's not 100% hundred percent yet, Shanahan and RG3 have found the right spots that force the defense to make a choice as well as being athletic enough to be able to accumulate yards even when he's not running at full speed.

Of course, RGIII isn't the only rookie in the league who can score yardage by grabbing huge chunks of the backfield. In his debut season Alfred Morris has been an extremely effective running back. The sixth-rounder stole the spotlights during the final game of the season. Morris scored a record-breaking 200 yards game against the Cowboys as he set the Redskins record for the most rushing yards in a single season. He finished the year in the top spot with 1.613 yardsand only Adrian Peterson had more -and scored 13 touchdowns, including seven in the last four games. The rookie bursts through holes and is quick to move up to the top of defense, fitting perfectly in the Redskins new offense. The duo of rookies led Washington to the top rush in Madden NFL 24 with an average of 169.3 yards per game.

This Redskins defense was mostly responsible for the slow start to the season however Jim Haslett's team improved during the second half of the season during Washington's postseason run. Washington was repeatedly at it on Sunday night, and they held Dallas to just 18 points . It also limited the passing attack that made the Cowboys on the doorstep of the playoffs. However, the Redskins defense remains insecure, giving up 281.9 yards per gamewhich ranks 30th in league. Wilson will be able to score on the field and must be able to get the front line protection to stop the blitz pressure Haslett will likely send.

On the other end of the spectrum The Redskins have been among the best in the league against the rush. The long-lived London Fletcher has been nursing an ankle injury in the second half of the year, but Fletcher is the leader of a defense cheap madden 24 coins that holds teams to 95.8 yards per match. As with Washington however, the Seahawks have one of the best rush games in the Madden NFL 24. led by a variety of options with Wilson in particular and with Marshawn Lynch.

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