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The 19 best things we've ever bought our pets

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4Maybe it’s because we feed them and rub their bellies, or maybe it’s because they can’t understand exactly what we’re saying, but pets are among the very few things on earth that are almost guaranteed to love you if you love them. Sometimes they love you without checking to see if you’re on the same page first, too.

And to our immense credit as a species, we do a pretty good job of honoring that sort of uncomplicated goodness. 

We buy them presents solely for them, like Kong balls and ultra-durable fluffy bunnies they can gnaw at to their heart's content, and then we buy things that serve as a little present for us, too — like litters that clean themselves automatically and tiny rope toys that look like your dog is smoking a cigar. After all, we’re only human. 

I grew up with five dogs, two cats, and a tiny snapping turtle that I got to keep for the week my mom didn't know about it. I know it’s great to have pets, and I know from experience how invested I was in their happiness. And I figured: The more you care, the more detailed your research and trial approach, the better your recommendations. So I decided to ask my coworkers what were the best things they ever bought their furry friend, hoping for at least a few responses.

In the next hour, I had over 20 emails and more than a few with attachments of a coworker’s dog or cat rolling around and tearing into their newest toy. Even if you read through them all and don’t pick up anything for your own pet, it’s nice to see that kind of dedication and care for another little life. Plus, I think the original theory held true: People really care about their pets. Each recommendation has some personal significance and a happy accountability to our furry best friends attached. 

Below you’ll find tried-and-true recommendations for some of the beings we love the most, plus exactly why we love them:

A tough dog rope for the most energetic (or determined) of dogs

Spencer Lambert

It may seem like a simple choice, but we delayed buying dog toys for a while and every stuffed animal in the house became fair game for "tug". Pretty soon the house was becoming a graveyard of childhood memories and we were sick of vacuuming up fluffy insides.

We caved and bought a simple rope and though our Australian Shepherd has managed to get through one knot, it's proved to be "Gronk-proof" (our dog's name) after three weeks. — Spencer Lambert

Close but not quite a cigar

Andrew Meola

A cigar toy. He chewed this thing for days and days. — Andrew Meola

A 'thundershirt" for separation anxiety


I didn’t buy it for my pet, but a friend bought this and it worked wonders for his rescue that suffered from extreme separation anxiety! When my friend would leave his house, his dog would bark, run around and whine, but as soon as he put this “thundershirt” on, the dog would stand perfectly still! It’s insane. They also sell ones that say “security” on the back, I think, which is really cute! — Jennifer Martinez

ThunderShirt Classic Dog Anxiety Jacket, starting at $39.95

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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