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DOOM Eternal's Campaign DLC Looks Epic in New Screenshots

Doom Eternal developer id Software has published a sneak peek of the game's first upcoming DLC showing off two new environmental screenshots.

The first look at the first upcoming Doom Eternal campaign DLC has just been released via two screenshots showcasing the environments that will be featured in the DLC. The Year One Pass of Doom Eternal includes two campaign DLCs although no specific release dates have been announced for either one.

Doom Eternal is the sequel to 2016’s Doom reboot and was released just a few months ago on March 20 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia, with a version for the Nintendo Switch also in the works. The sequel adds several new features, such as the Equipment Launcher, a flamethrower, new movement mechanics (dashing and wall-running), and more. Doom Eternal also introduces a more story and lore-focused campaign compared to its predecessor. The game turned out to be both a critical and financial success, selling an estimated 3 million digital copies.

Related: DOOM Eternal's Four Biggest Spoilers & Reveals

The two screenshots of the first DLC’s environments were shared on the official Doom Twitter account. One of the environments looks like part of the Makyr world while the other shows what looks like a giant oil rig. Apart from the screenshots, not much else is known about the upcoming DLCs other than the description of the Year One Pass, which reads:

“Your victory over Hell’s armies pulled humanity back from the edge of extinction, but it came at a cost. An imbalance of power in the heavens requires the true ruler of this universe to rise and set things right. Wage war across never-before-seen realms of the DOOM Universe, fight against new demons, and wield new abilities in your never-ending battle against the forces of evil.”

Doom Eternal was recently mired in controversy surrounding its soundtrack. After fans noticed that most of the tracks in the album were overly compressed, it was revealed that composer Mick Gordon had only mixed a handful of the tracks while the rest were mixed by id Software’s lead audio designer Chad Mossholder. This and Mick’s subsequent statements distancing himself from the work, the game’s executive producer Marty Stratton published a lengthy statement that revealed that issues with missed deadlines in spite of significant extensions were the cause of the issues of the soundtrack. He also stated that id Software has no plans to work with Gordon for either the upcoming DLC or future titles in the series.

There’s not much to extract from the two screenshots that the developers have released to tease the upcoming DLC but they’re a good way to remind those who have played the game that there’s definitely more content on the way. And with how well the game was received, it wouldn’t be surprising that people would be excited to be able to play more of the game. Hopefully, id Software shares more information on the first of the two upcoming DLCs for Doom Eternal in the coming weeks.

Next: DOOM Eternal Devs Have No Idea How Speedrunners Broke Their Game

Doom Eternal is currently available for the PS4, Xbox One, Google Stadia, and PC, with a Nintendo Switch release in the works.

Source: Doom/Twitter

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