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I’m plus-size – my Shein haul is perfect for spring, the black dress is super slimming on my belly

IT’S nearly — finally — time to swap out your winter coat for a cute spring look.

A curvy creator shared her thoughts on her spring haul from Shein including items perfect for the slowly warming weather.

TikTok user Des shared her spring haul from Shein
TikTok / @desschnell
TikTok / @desschnell
The curvy creator shared her thoughts on the various stylish looks[/caption]

TikTok user Des (@desschnell) modeled the various looks in her latest video.

For her first try-on, the influencer showed her followers a floral print dress.

“Super cute, so summery. It fits really good. I’ll probably have to pin this because I have no boobs and it will probably just fall open. Super cute, love the length,” Des concluded.

The TikToker also tried on a $7 ditsy floral maxi skirt with a thigh split.

She paired the skirt with a $6 white cropped ribbed tee, which she also purchased in black.

Modeling the look, Des said: “It is so stinking cute. I love this print. I’m literally just wearing a thong right now, no shapewear. I love this.”

Next, the influencer paired a $15 pair of brown flairs with a $7 black ruched top with puff sleeves.

“I don’t know about these pants, I had high hopes for them. Are they see-through? I don’t know,” she asked viewers.

Des also tried on a ditsy floral cropped blouse with puff sleeves.

She explained: “This would have to be worn with a strapless bra. It’s super cute with denim. It has the little flower details in the tie. I like this one a lot.”

Des said the floral dress with flounce sleeves is perfect for the warmer months
TikTok / @desschnell
The influencer called the floral maxi skirt ‘stinking cute’
TikTok / @desschnell

The TikTok user also modeled a brown and white sleeveless crop top, which she said would be “perfect with a pair of boyfriend jeans.”

Next, Des modeled an $11 black dress with a front tie detail and short sleeves.

“I like it, it has this cute little tie detail. I feel like it hides the belly well,” she told viewers.

The influencer also showed her followers a $16 glitter wrap dress.

The TikTok user said she wasn’t sure if the brown wide-leg pants were see through
TikTok / @desschnell
Des explained that the tie detail on the casual black dress helped to hide her belly
TikTok / @desschnell

She detailed: “I got this dress for a casino-themed party I’m going to. I wish I had sized down because it is a little big on me. But it’s cute.”

Finally, Des paired a $4 checked tank top and a $15 white button-up.

“My favorite two finds, I wore this with my white Air Max, chef’s kiss,” she concluded.

TikTok users took to the comments section to share their thoughts on the haul.

“I almost bought those pants, darn maybe I should have super cute,” wrote one viewer.

Another follower said: “I think the casino night dress looks amazing on you! Wear it!”

“I just bought the brown pants!! I don’t know how I feel about them either. They do look see-through!” commented a third person.

The curvy creator explained that she purchased the glitter wrap dress for a casino night
TikTok / @desschnell
Des called the checkered tank top and white button-up shirt her ‘favorite items’ from the haul
TikTok / @desschnell

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