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Elon Musk and Dogecoin in trouble Tradecurve already bringing ROI


Elon Musk and Tesla are facing a huge challenge as they are accused of market manipulation and insider trading in a lawsuit filed by cryptocurrency investors who are seeking damages of $258 billion. This marked the third amendment to the lawsuit, first filed in June of 2022 after Elon Musk asked the judge to dismiss the lawsuit in March. 

A hybrid exchange, Tradecurve, has brought a significant level of ROI for early investors, and this will likely increase in the future, as the token is predicted to climb 100x at launch.


Elon Musk and Dogecoin get in trouble

Elon Musk bought Twitter in October of 2022 and runs SpaceX, a company specializing in rocket and spacecraft manufacturing, alongside Tesla, the company that creates electric vehicles.  In a filing in Manhattan federal court, investors claim that Elon Musk used Twitter posts, paid online influencers, and held other public stunts to trade profitably at their expense through several Dogecoin wallets that he or Tesla had control over.

Investors claimed that this included the point in time when Musk sold $124 billion worth of Dogecoin in April, after he replaced Twitter’s blue bird logo with Dogecoin’s Shiba Inu dog logo, leading to a 30% surge in the value of the price of DOGE. A “deliberate course of carnival barking, market manipulation, and insider trading,” claimed the filing. As of June 6, 2023, Dogecoin trades at $0.066759. In the past week, the cryptocurrency decreased by 8.2%. In the last 30 days, Dogecoin decreased by 13.6%. It’s clear that Dogecoin has been affected in some way by this news, and only time will tell if it can recover.


Tradecurve bringing huge ROI for early investors and can spike even further

On the other end of this spectrum, TCRV, the utility token behind Tradecurve, has already provided early investors with solid ROI. The token saw a jump in the value of 25% throughout the previous week when it went from Stage 2 to Stage 3 of its presale, where its value climbed from $0.012 to $0.015

Stage 3 is also 45% complete, with 34,183,399 TCRV sold, and during the next stage, it will see an additional climb of 20% to $0.018.

Tradecurve is a hybrid, all-in-one, innovative trading platform that can revolutionize the industry by addressing key issues such as lack of accessibility for the unbanked, mandatory KYC requirements, and high fees. 

On Tradecurve, users can just connect a wallet, make a deposit, and trade both cryptos as well as any other derivative without completing KYC and at the lowest fees in the industry. 

Limited or restricted access to crypto and derivative trading has affected millions of retail traders globally, and Tradcurve can resolve this by offering a truly centralized location where anyone can begin trading with ease and offers distributed liquidity, non-custodial storage, and implementing Proof of Reserves (PoR). With all of these aspects in mind, analysts predict a climb in its value of 100x at launch.

Learn more about Tradecurve and the TCRV cryptocurrency below:

Click Here For Website
Click Here To Buy TCRV Presale Tokens
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