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Hailey Bieber’s exact bridal lingerie new Victoria’s Secret campaign – her racy corset top is under $50

FASHION fans who’ve fallen in love with Hailey Bieber’s style can now grab her pieces for themselves.

Shoppers can raid her underwear drawer for the low, with prices starting at under $50.

Victoria's Secret
Hailey Bieber models Victoria’s Secret latest bridal collection[/caption]
Victoria's Secret
The supermodel lounged around in a sheer white slip[/caption]

The 27-year-old model is the face of Victoria’s Secret’s latest bridal campaign and we’ve tracked down the exact bra, slip, and robe she donned for the shoot.

“It’s love at first sight. Shop our new Bridal collection and commit to these perfect pieces made for your happily ever after,” the brand wrote on Instagram, posting footage from the model’s latest shoot.

Fans were instantly enamored by the pieces and most importantly, the star at the center of it all.

“This woman is just majestic,” wrote one commenter.

“She’s looking so good,” said another.

“Hailey could probably sell me a spoon and I’d buy it,” said a third.

Hailey lounged around in a romantic white slip, happily sipping on coffee and posing in a silky robe.

The complete set features a satin embroidered midi slip, a satin robe, a demi corset top, and a matching bra.

A sheer floral slip gave occasional glimpses of her midriff
Victoria's Secret

The model rested her legs, spread out in a sexy floral slip that though modest, gave glimpses of her midriff.

  • Victoria’s Secret Satin Boho Floral Embroidery Midi Slip, $129.95 — buy now

To get more comfortable, she threw on a satin robe that covered up her chest and arms.

She struck a pose in a silk satin robe
Victoria's Secret

The model mastered relaxation in style with the robe’s silver embroidered “Bride” on the back, reminding her — and lucky passersbys — of the special occasion.

  • Victoria’s Secret Bride Embellished Satin Short Robe, $69.95 — buy now

In other shots, Hailey bared it all in a low-cut bustier top with a plunging neckline, showing off her décolleté.

Victoria's Secret
The model showed off her curves in a low-cut embroidered corset top[/caption]

The top comes with two back enclosures for extra support and is available in sizes XS to XXL.

  • Victoria’s Secret Boho Floral Embroidery Low-Cut Demi Corset Top, $49.95 — buy now

The model got a bit of extra help in the bust area with a lacey balconette bra.

Victoria's Secret
A balconette push-up bra provides lift without bulk[/caption]

The unlined bra provided lift without adding bulk, all while looking effortlessly chic with its floral embroidery and lace accents.

  • Victoria’s Secret Wicked Unlined Boho Floral Embroidery Balconette Bra, $59.95 — buy now

The supermodel has long been a collaborator and fan of Victoria’s Secret iconic lingerie styles.

In the past, she’s shown off her curves in various shoots for the brand, rocking a sparkly cobalt set, as well as appearing in their VS World Tour documentary.

She was also the face of the brand’s latest holiday campaign, sporting teddies and matching sets in festive reds, greens, and pinks.

While fans couldn’t dig Hailey’s new looks more, the campaign comes amid divorce rumors between the model and her popstar husband Justin Bieber.

Stephen Baldwin, Hailey’s father, sparked concerns for her marriage when he begged fans to pray for the couple.

“Christians, please when you think of Justin & Hailey, take a moment to offer a little prayer for them to have wisdom, protection, and to draw close to the Lord,” Stephen wrote in an Instagram story.

Sharp-eyed followers soon noticed an absence of couple photos on the two’s Instagram feeds.

The supermodel seemingly responded to the rumors with a simple text story post.

“Just FYI the constant ‘blind items’ I see on TikTok are 100% of the time wrong. Made out of thin air…,” she wrote on a black screen.

“Come from the land of delusion…

“So I know it may be fun feeding into these stories but just know they’re always false… sorry to spoil it.”

Victoria's Secret
The campaign came amid divorce rumors between the model and popstar husband Justin Bieber[/caption]

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