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Toba Tek Singh girl’s body exhumed, samples sent to forensic lab

Toba Tek Singh girl’s body exhumed, samples sent to forensic lab

TOBA TEK SINGH: The body of an unmarried girl who was allegedly strangled by her brother in connivance with her father at Chak 477-JB Allowal was exhumed for autopsy at the District Headquarters (DHQ) Hospital and the samples were sent to the Punjab Forensic Science Agency to determine the cause of death.

District Police Officer Ibadat Nisar told the media there were suspicions that the victim, Maria, was subjected to incest by both the suspects, her brother Faisal and father Abdul Sattar. She had become pregnant and they planned to kill her.

He said Shehbaz, another brother of Maria, had made the video and he informed the police about the incident. However, the police registered a murder case against both the brothers and their father on the complaint of Saddar police sub-inspector Ahmad Raza. All three suspects had been arrested.

DPO Nisar said the report of the forensic lab would confirm how the victim was murdered and whether she was pregnant or not.

Meanwhile, a sister-in-law of Faisal disclosed in the investigation that Faisal had threatened to kill her and her children if she told anyone about the murder. She also told the police that the victim had told her about the incest.

Case registered on police complaint; action taken after video went viral

The incident had taken place on the night between March 17 and 18 and the family had buried Maria in the village graveyard.

The police took action after a video of the crime went viral on social media the other day and received public outcry. There are reports that Shehbaz had shared the video with a lawyer who posted it on social media. The gruesome video shows the main suspect, Faisal, killing his sister while his father was seen sitting on another charpoy along with him. It also shows the sister-in-law of the victim.

PROTEST: Scores of relatives of a youth who was shot dead by his rivals at Chak 108-GB, Jaranwala on Wednesday night, blocked traffic on Jaranwala-Faisalabad Road.

They chanted slogans against the police for responding to the incident place late. The protesters placed the body of the deceased, Muhammad Shahbaz, on the road and blocked it. They said Rashid Gujjar had killed Shahbaz. They ended their protest after police assured them that the suspect would be arrested soon.

In another similar incident, the shopkeepers of Adda Moongi Bangla in Gojra tehsil blocked the Gojra-Mureedwala Road by setting old tyres ablaze on it to register their protest against the continuous theft incidents at their shops. They chanted slogans against the police for failure to stop robberies and thefts.

The protesters said that on Wednesday night, thieves broke locks of the shop and took away cloth worth millions of rupees. They said two days ago, the thieves had robbed three shops. Gojra DSP Aftab Ahmad Siddiqui reached the spot and assured the protesters that the thieves would be arrested. At this, the shopkeepers ended their protest.

MURDER: A man turned out the killer of his wife who was shot dead in an alleged robbery incident in Jaranwala the other day.

According to initial reports, Muqaddas Bibi and her husband, Muhammad Jamil, were returning home from a relative’s house after attending an Iftar dinner when their motorcycle was attacked by two men.

As a result, Muqaddas died and her husband received a minor injury. When police traced and arrested both killers, identified as Saif and Qasim, through the CCTV footage of the area, they told the police that they were friends with Jamil and he had asked them to kill his wife.

They said Jamil wanted to contract a second marriage and Muqaddas was a hurdle to it. Police have arrested Jamil also.

ARRESTED: Faisalabad’s Batala Colony police arrested a man who had allegedly harassed a girl in a street of Haseeb Shaheed Colony.

The City police spokesperson said action was taken on a complaint received by the CPO. The suspect, Azizur Rehman, was traced through the CCTV footage of the area.

Sahianwala police of Faisalabad arrested its ASI Rashid Hameed on charge of releasing two robbers from custody after receiving Rs1.1m bribe from them.

Complainant SHO Mazharul Haq said the ASI had arrested on March 23 two robbers, Suffian and Shahbaz of Chak 75 JB Lohkay, wanted in a number of robbery incidents and released them by getting bribe from both.

Published in Dawn, March 29th, 2024

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