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‘They do direct deposit on the same day’: Jobseeker says she made $150 with this free side hustle app

Jobseeker says she made $150 with this free side hustle app

Need cash fast? One TikToker says she's uncovered an app that swiftly connects users with gig jobs, enabling them to earn extra money on the fly.

In a viral video garnering over 1.4 million views and 183,000 likes, TikToker Lexababy (@lexa_baby) shared insights about the app known as Bacon and outlined her strategy to bolster her bank balance.

In the clip, the woman, who said she has been unemployed since January, candidly expressed her need to earn money quickly. She then introduced Bacon as one of the most effective ways to do so.

She said that after providing the app with personal information, such as their Social Security number and ID, users are assisted in securing gig opportunities.

"They conduct a quick background check, I guess. They didn't notify me of any sort of background check," she said. "But then you can apply for shifts."

The woman showcased what she said was the shift she secured through the app, displaying what appeared to be a screenshot of her approval to work at a banquet on March 27. According to the screen grab, the job offers a rate of $14.00 per hour and a total payout of $115.50.

"I only downloaded this yesterday," she remarked. "And it didn't cost me a dime—it's completely free."

An on-screen caption clarified that the TikToker was not being compensated to promote the app.

"Not sponsored or an ad, just a broke girl helping y'all out," it stated.

@lexa_baby_ #greenscreen the app is free and looks like a piece of bacon lol #baconapp #cash #ut ♬ original sound - Lexababy

In the comments section, many viewers expressed gratitude for the valuable tip.

"I'm going to give this and the recommended apps a try!" user Stella wrote. "I've been struggling to find a job as well and I'm tired of feeling useless lol."

Other viewers chimed in with recommendations for similar apps that facilitate quick job opportunities.

"Qwick is the best—I made like $10,000," user Tia Michelle added.

"Qwick, Instawork, Tend, Shiftsmart, Observa, Jobstack, Veryable, GigPro," user Hanny listed.

"I used to use this all the time—try INSTAWORK!!!" user Briana Daniels shared. "One time I made $30 an hour washing dishes. Also, try HYER."

In a follow-up video, Lexa expressed gratitude to her viewers for supporting her original video and showcased the outfit she planned to wear for her first job. She also addressed commenters who expressed concerns about providing their Social Security number to the app.

"Listen, you're getting paid for a job," she said. "The company that is going to pay you still has to pay the government and the IRS."

The Daily Dot has previously reported on TikTokers who have gone viral with videos about their side hustles. One man went viral after he said he found a job that pays $25 per hour to reorganize Beanie Babies in Circle K stores. Another woman said she handwrites letters for $5 a piece.

The Daily Dot reached out to Lexababy via TikTok comment and Bacon by email for further information.

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The post ‘They do direct deposit on the same day’: Jobseeker says she made $150 with this free side hustle app appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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