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Florian Guillermet starts new role as EASA Executive Director from start of April

Florian Guillermet

Florian Guillermet will take up his duties as Executive Director of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency in April 2024.

The article Florian Guillermet starts new role as EASA Executive Director from start of April first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

Florian Guillermet

COLOGNE – Florian Guillermet will take up his role as Executive Director of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency from April 1, 2024 following his selection by the EASA Management Board on December 13, 2023.

Guillermet moves to EASA directly from France’s DSNA, where he had served as Director Air Navigation Services since June 2021. He headed the 7,000-person organisation with full accountability for the delivery of its services and the smooth running of its operations.

Guillermet brings extensive leadership experience from various organisations in the aviation sector. He has worked in aviation for 26 years, including top level management posts in France and in European Union aviation organisations.

“My ambition is to take EASA to the next level, making it a modern organisation fit for the digital age, while ensuring the highest standards of civil aviation safety and environmental protection are met across the entire aviation ecosystem,” Guillermet said. “While the Agency’s core role is as a regulator, I want to build strong relationships with stakeholders, in Europe and globally, to ensure all air travel is safe for every EU citizen.

“I look forward to channelling the undoubted expertise of EASA’s staff to achieving these goals in a positive and inclusive multicultural working environment.” 

Guillermet succeeds Luc Tytgat, who had led the Agency as Acting Executive Director for the last seven months, following the departure of Patrick Ky at the expiry of his 10-year mandate. Tytgat will remain with the Agency in a senior leadership role until August, supporting Guillermet through the transition period.

Short Biography

During his 26 years working in the aviation sector, Guillermet has held top level management posts at aviation organisations in France and the European Union. In addition to extensive leadership experience, he has acquired profound knowledge of many aviation domains, particularly safety and air traffic management.

Guillermet moved to EASA directly from France’s DSNA, where he had served as Director Air Navigation Services since June 2021. He headed the 7,000-person organisation with full accountability for the delivery of its services and the smooth running of its operations.

Prior to that, he was Executive Director at SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR-JU), leading the delivery of performance improvements in Air Traffic Management safety, capacity, efficiency and its environmental impact. He stepped up to this role in 2014, after two years as Deputy Executive Director of the Joint Undertaking.

He held various positions at Eurocontrol from 2003 to 2011, ranging from system developments to operational service delivery. His earlier work experience involved various aviation roles in France.

Guillermet studied engineering, including applied mathematics, computer science and business administration at the École Polytechnique in Paris and has a Masters in Air Transport management and Aeronautics from the French National School for Aviation (ENAC). He also studied at UCLA in Los Angeles, California.

The article Florian Guillermet starts new role as EASA Executive Director from start of April first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

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