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Budget airline to launch brand new long-haul flights from the UK this year

BRITS wanting cheap, long-haul flights this summer are in luck.

Budget airline Norse Atlantic Airways is to launch new transatlantic flights from London Gatwick this year.

Budget carrier Norse Atlantic Airways is launching new routes to the US this year[/caption]
Brits will be able to book one-way flights from just £163[/caption]

The low-cost airline launched back in 2021 following the the end of Norwegian’s long-haul flights.

And the new routes will connect the London airport to Las Vegas for the first time for the airline.

Launching from September 12, one-way flights can be found for as little as £163, while return fares will start from just £399 in economy.

If you fancy upgrading your flight, then seats in premium economy start from £1,029.

Passengers flying with the cheapest Light fare will have to pay extra for baggage, with only a person item allowed onboard.

Economy classic includes a carry on and a checked suitcase, as well as one meal service.

Book premium economy and you can a personal item, carry on, checked in luggage, two meals, priority boarding and premium boarding.

The airline’s luggage restrictions are 56cm x 45cm x 25cm for cabin baggage (no more than 10kg) and 23kg for checked luggage.

Norse Atlantic Airways CEO Bjorn Tore Larsen said: “We are excited to introduce this new route from London Gatwick to Las Vegas.

“[It’s] a unique city that offers unparalleled diversity, boasting an abundance of entertainment, dining, and recreational options to suit every taste.”

London Gatwick’s Aviation VP Stephanie Wear added that they were “delighted” by the new route.

She said: “Las Vegas is a popular leisure route and it’s fantastic to see direct flights return from September for the winter season, complementing existing summer services from London Gatwick.”

Currently, Brits can travel from London Gatwick to Las Vegas with British Airways.

Otherwise London Heathrow routes to the US city are operated by both British Airways and Virgin Atlantic.

Sun Travel visited Las Vegas last year – here’s everything you need to do on a holiday there.

The new flights will operate three times a week to Las Vegas[/caption]

It’s not just Las Vegas that Norse Atlantic Airways has launched flights to in recent years.

The first flights they launched were between London Gatwick and New York in 2021.

And last year they started flights from London Gatwick to Montego Bat in Jamaica.

The Sun tried out the first flights to the island – here’s what you can expect.

Other Norse flights from the UK include

  • London Gatwick to Barbados
  • London Gatwick to to Los Angeles
  • London Gatwick to to Miami
  • London Gatwick to Orlando
  • London Gatwick to Washington

And Sun reporter Amanda Devlin recently tried out Norse Atlantic Airways – here’s her review.

It’s not just Norse offering cheap long-haul flights either.

Icelandic airline Play launched back in 2021 too.

Airlines with the best plane food

Korean Air

Korean Air won best airline cuisine in last year’s Global Traveler’s awards.

Some of their popular dishes onboard include bibimbap, a Korean rice dish, and ssambap, Korean rice lettuce rolls.

It also made the top 10 for airlines with the best plane food in CN Travelers 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards.

Japan Airlines

Coming in first place in the Reader’s Choice Awards was Japan Airlines.

The airline has partnered with six Michelin-star chefs, each of whom have three stars – so you can expect it to be good.

Passengers can choose bento boxes and miso soups onboard.

Singapore Airlines

Often voted one of the best airlines in the world, it is no surprising Singapore Airlines is said to have some of the best plane food.

Chef Dennis Littley said: “Their gourmet meals rival those of ground-based restaurants.”

Dishes include congee, a rice porridge, as well as Singaporean rice and curry options.

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