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Remembering Joe D, MMO Founder, One Year Later

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since we lost Metsmerized Online founder Joe DeCaro. It was on this day last year that he passed, just a few weeks into the 2023 season — a season that I know he had a ton of optimism for, as most all Mets fans did. I […]

The post Remembering Joe D, MMO Founder, One Year Later appeared first on Metsmerized Online.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since we lost Metsmerized Online founder Joe DeCaro. It was on this day last year that he passed, just a few weeks into the 2023 season — a season that I know he had a ton of optimism for, as most all Mets fans did. I suppose for his sake, it may have been a silver lining of sorts that he didn’t have to endure yet another heartbreaking Mets season — but then again, that’s part of the charm of being a fan, isn’t it? Now I’m not going to sit here and glorify a lost season or say that it’s fun being “lovable losers,” but it can’t be denied that being a fan of certain teams has a way of building character. The Mets certainly fit the bill.

My uncle Joe had plenty of character. He loved God, his family, his country and the New York Mets — though I wouldn’t be able to tell you in what order. I’d assume it probably depended on the day of the week. He had his ups and downs, and battles with deteriorating health, but somehow through it all he always had the optimism and enthusiasm of a child when it came to baseball. I miss our conversations and the jabs we would trade back and forth throughout the season. Talking baseball is an important outlet for many of us and it was no different for him. He truly loved this community and connecting with so many of you daily.

I’ve discussed in the past how I didn’t fully understand the scope of what he had built here at MMO until after his passing. I had to introduce myself to strangers. The only credibility I had initially was the DeCaro name and I had to figure out how we were going to keep this thing going. MMO was launched in 2005 and was a labor of love for 18 years. I was terrified that it could all be gone in an eye blink.

The outpouring of love and affection, the stories being told about him by our staff, our readers in the comments and on social media were incredible and something that has left a mark on me. But more importantly, it gave me hope that there were enough people out there who loved him and loved the site to ensure that it would continue.

You could tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps, and I have to say that I was immediately impressed by the quality of people here who work tirelessly to keep my uncle’s legacy alive. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised, knowing him as I did. I’d like to personally thank Mike Mayer, all of our talented writers, editors, social media staff, and graphics folks — together, we managed to keep this community alive and for that I am grateful.

I’d also like to thank all those MMO die-hards, readers and regulars who continue to make this community special. I know we’ve had our hiccups and learnings in year one, but we’ll continue to do all we can to make this the best place possible to banter about all things New York Mets.

I’m not sure how 12 months could feel like 12 years and 12 weeks simultaneously, but to say it’s been a whirlwind would be an understatement. I am incredibly proud of everyone’s effort this past year and I know without question that Joe D is proud, too. It hasn’t been easy — but then again, what comes easy when it relates to the Mets?

Rest in peace Joe D. We love and miss you.

The post Remembering Joe D, MMO Founder, One Year Later appeared first on Metsmerized Online.

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