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Oklahoma boy's pet octopus is TikTok sensation: 'Wildlife is magnificent'

Oklahoma boy's pet octopus is TikTok sensation: 'Wildlife is magnificent'

An Oklahoma boy with a precocious passion for marine biology adopted an octopus after years of begging. The octopus, named Terrance, recently had dozens of babies.

A 9-year-old Oklahoma boy's unorthodox choice of pet has gone viral on TikTok as he's adopted an octopus that he named Terrance. 

Cal Clifford's parents said their son wanted an octopus as a pet more than anything in the world, starting when he was just a toddler, according to The Associated Press

While they attempted to fulfill his little-boy dreams with toy octopuses, young Cal Clifford continued to beg for the real thing. 


In October 2023, the boy's father, Cameron Clifford, a dentist in Edmond, Oklahoma, decided to make his son's dreams come true.

After doing research at an aquarium store, he purchased a California two-spot octopus, which is also called a "bimac." The family named "him" (or so they thought) Terrance. 

It was "magical" to see his son embrace his pet, Cameron Clifford told the AP, adding that his son "has been infatuated with the natural world and marine biology since he was very little." 

Cameron Clifford began documenting the adventures of Terrance the octopus on TikTok, posting under the account "doctoktopus." 

As of Tuesday, April 16, the account had more than 425,000 followers. 

A video posted in early March shows Cal Clifford bursting into tears when he learned that his parents had bought a tank and filters required for a pet octopus. 

Shortly after adopting Terrance, the Clifford family learned that their pet was actually a female. 

Terrance laid 50 eggs, and those eggs hatched several weeks later — even though the family thought they were unfertilized. 


The pet's name was not changed. 

After the eggs hatched, the Cliffords were suddenly the "parents" of several dozen California two-spot octopus babies – which they named Rocket Larry, Squid Cudi, Swim Shady, Jay-Sea and Sea-Yoncé, among others, the AP noted.

The family hopes to move the baby octopuses to aquariums and research facilities, and have appealed on TikTok for assistance in contacting facilities as well as naming the babies. 

"Aside from the physical, financial and emotional requirements of owning a species such as a bimac, you will learn a lot about yourself in the process," Cameron Clifford told TikTok followers.

Since the adoption of Terrance, plenty of things have gone wrong. 

"There's always some valve or seal that's not completely closed, and your storm-resistant carpet isn't rated for gallons and gallons of seawater. You'll learn that seawater and electricity don't always get along," said Cameron Clifford.


"You will learn new things and meet incredible people and will learn that wildlife is magnificent," he added.

"But most of all, you'll learn to love a not-so-tiny octopus like Terrance."

As a California two-spot octopus, Terrance has a lifespan of about one year, and up to two in captivity.

Octopuses typically die after they lay their eggs, but Terrance has survived for four months, Cameron Clifford told the AP.

On TikTok, the Cliffords said they have not ruled out keeping one of Terrance's babies as a pet. 

The family is presently working on an upgraded tank that is 30 gallons bigger than their current 60-gallon tank. 

California two-spot octopuses are found in the Pacific Ocean from northern California to Baja California, Mexico, said the website for the California Sea Grant at UC San Diego. 

They grow to be about 18 inches long, "a smaller species compared to … counterparts," said the website. 

Like other octopus species, the California two-spot octopus can change its color, but is naturally a mottled brown. 

Unlike other octopuses, the California two-spot octopus has "two bright blue spots on either side of its body that resemble eyes," said the California Sea Grant. 


These spots are thought to be a way that the octopus wards off predators.  

A pet octopus "is one of the most fascinating and rewarding marine creatures you can keep in the home aquarium," said Nancy King of Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine. 

However, they require expensive food and have "tragically short" lifespans, she said.

Fox News Digital reached out to the Clifford family for additional comment and updates. 

For more Lifestyle articles, visit www.foxnews.com/lifestyle. 

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