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From 'corporate flirting' to pushing back on the 'corporate accent' here are the biggest workplace trends right now

Employees are taking a stand against corporate drudgery through a slate of viral workplace trends.
  • Employees are starting new workplace trends that push back on employers and help them climb the ranks. 
  • Enter "corporate flirting" and "Bare Minimum Mondays" and poking fun at the corporate accent. 
  • Check out these and other viral trends — and what experts have to say about them.

Employees are pushing back against the grueling demands of modern work through a host of workplace trends.

We've seen "rage applying." And who could forget "lazy girl jobs" or having "Bare Minimum Mondays"? Now, people are even pushing back on that nasally, passive aggressive, professional voice known as "the corporate accent."

And they're drumming up new ways to get ahead, through networking hacks like "corporate flirting."

Here's a look at the trends that have gone viral in recent months. 

Young workers are making fun of the "corporate accent."
Gen Z has had enough with the nasally, passive aggressive tone used to convey authority in meetings.

You probably know someone that uses a "corporate accent," that nasally, passive aggressive, professional tone of voice used to convey confidence. They likely enunciate every, single word, too.  

The term itself was coined by TikToker Lisa Beasley who often plays a character called "Corporate Erin" in her videos on the platform. 

Another TikToker, inspired by Beasley, explained it as a worker's "nine-to-five voice," and "by changing the speed, rhythm, and inflection points of my speech I can convey a level of confidence where otherwise none exists." 

Younger workers have taken to criticizing the "corporate accent" as they struggle with the rules of office conversations — from when to use corporate jargon to mask your true opinions to how to make small talk. Almost half of Gen Zers and millennials reported feeling left out at work because they struggled to keep up with workplace jargon, and adjusted the way they spoke to fit in, a LinkedIn and Duolingo survey found in 2023. 

TikToker Srinidhi Rajesh went viral for promoting a networking approach she calls "corporate flirting."
Srinidhi Rajesh is a TikToker encouraging "corporate flirting."

In a TikTok video Rajesh describes corporate flirting as "a foolproof way to act and speak with charisma in almost every single situation, especially corporate ones." The video has racked up millions of views and over 260,000 likes. 

If you want to get to know someone better at work, for example, Rajesh said to start by asking them a basic question like where they went to college. Once they answer, Rajesh said respond in way that acknowledges that you heard them and adds "some outside context," but also pokes fun at them in a nice way. 

If they said they went to Northwestern University, for example, Rajesh said to respond with "Oh so you're really smart but you like freezing to death for half the year?'" This gives them an opportunity to joke back and continue the conversation. 

And don't be surprised if you find a Gen Z worker using this hack on you as a growing number get tips from TikTok. Seventy percent of Gen Z said they turned to TikTok for advice on their careers, according to a report by Edubirdie, an essay-service platform for students, that 2,000 Gen Zers between the ages of 18 to 26 in the US  about the influence of TikTok in their lives. 


Rage applying is the mass application to jobs — fueled by feelings of unhappiness at work. And it seems it has the potential to pay off.
The tactic might not lead to long-term fulfillment though.

After being passed over for a promotion, Jordan Smith — a 28-year-old working in the music industry in LA — "rage-applied" for five jobs and landed a better-paying role within a week

However, rage applying might not be the best approach for everyone.

Career coach Kelsey Wat advises against conducting a job search from an emotional place of "fear, resentment, or burnout." 

"I think it's helpful for job seekers to get more clarity and be more centered and grounded in what they want ... so they can develop a job search strategy that is aligned with their values," she said. 


As companies cut back on hiring amid recession fears, "quiet hiring" — tapping internal talent instead of increasing head count — emerged as a new buzzy workplace term.
This particular trend can be a win-win for employers and employees alike.

"This is a trend that's helpful for employees also," said Toni Frana, lead career expert at FlexJobs. "We know that employees like professional development opportunities ... like the opportunity to upskill and increase their bandwidth and further their knowledge in terms of skills they acquire in a role." 

Wat said it's important for prospective employees to gauge an employer's willingness to provide internal growth opportunities during the job interview process.

"It's really important to ask how success is measured in a role, and when you're interviewing, asking questions about what previous people in the role are doing now so that you have a sense of whether there is mobility in the company," she said. 

Resenteeism, describes the act of staying in an unsatisfying job due to a perceived lack of options, even as resentment grows.
You hate your job — but you just can't quit.

Gallup's 2023 State of the Global Workplace report found that roughly 1 in 5 workers were "loud quitting" at their jobs, which just means they were "actively disengaged" at work, as opposed to quiet quitters, who were simply "not engaged."

"They're detached from the organization but also emotionally against the organization, and they'll be vocal about it," said Jim Harter, the lead author of the report and the chief scientist for Gallup's workplace management and well-being practices. "The loud-quitting employees are going to be much, much more likely to take another job pretty quickly if it becomes available, and they won't need as much money to do that."

Frana said in some cases, employees should try to raise workplace issues with their managers before dissatisfaction festers. 

"I certainly think what a lot of things boil down to is communication and having conversations with your manager about potential opportunities or shifts in the type of work that you might be doing," she said. "You can oftentimes get to the heart of a matter, and you might be able to make some direct changes." 

Think of Bare Minimum Monday as a way to ease into work at the start of the week. It took off in 2023 — and is still going strong into 2024.
Some say its a way to get rid off the "Sunday scaries," the stress people feel on Sunday evening about the start of the work week.

TikToker Marisa Jo popularized the term, which describes a way to resist the Sunday scaries and the pressure many people feel to hit the ground running full-speed when they return to work again on Monday.

"The second I got rid of the pressure and allowed myself to have whatever kind of day unfolded, I was able to do stuff," she said in a TikTok.

In a video documenting one of her Bare Minimum Mondays, Jo goes through activities like journaling, her skincare routine, and making progress on a creative project before beginning work, which she notes "doesn't start until noon" on Bare Minimum Mondays, though she notes she's able to finish all of her work in the shorter allotted time anyway.

Chaotic working, aka "malicious compliance," involves employees using their position at work to help customers or clients at the employer's expense.
Anti-work sentiments helped the trend grow over the past several months.

Though it often entails breaking some rules, workers may do it without fear of repercussion because they're simply fed up with their job, employer, or the general state of work.

Anti-work sentiments helped the trend grow over the past several months. 

A TikTok from user The Speech Prof says examples of chaotic working include giving customers employee discounts or upsizing their food order for free.

Kelsey Wat, the career coach, says workers engaging in the practice should be aware that they may be jeopardizing their jobs: "I would be concerned that's not going to end well."

Some workers are dusting off their resumes and shoring up their skills to protect themselves in case they're laid off in trend called "career cushioning."
It's a backup tactic for workers that don't feel totally secure in their jobs.

This trend, which involves workers starting to look for other jobs while still in their current roles, is often called "career cushioning," or "recession-proofing." The term started to take off late in 2022 and has continues as many companies announced job cuts. 

"Given the fact that we've had high inflation, we're potentially moving into more of a recession, I think that if you have concerns about layoffs, or you're in an industry that is affected by layoffs, I think it's really, really healthy and a good idea to make sure that you are networking, make sure that you are prepared for anything that can happen," Wat said. 

"I think it's a good strategy for everybody." 

Popularized by TikToker Gabrielle Judge, "lazy girl jobs" typically refer to low-stress jobs that still pay well.
Some might say it's the ideal corporate gig.

Judge, a self-proclaimed "anti-work girlboss," told BI of the trend: "I really want people to understand our time is so valuable and should be focused on efforts that are most aligned with their individual priorities, not a company."

While some girls with so-called lazy jobs say it's helped them establish better work-life balance and keep stress in check at work, experts warn it can put your job in jeopardy.

"The problem with having the lazy girl job is that they're the first ones to get laid off when tough times come," Marc Cenedella, a careers expert and founder of the job search site Ladders, told Insider.

Cenedella added there's a risk bosses will see if you post about your lazy girl job online and take disciplinary action accordingly, and said you may also stunt your career growth and future prospects by taking it easy.

Being in your "snail girl era" is the natural companion to "lazy girl jobs," and an inherent rejection of the girlboss lifestyle.
Being in your snail girl era means enjoying a leisurely coffee break.

The TikTok-popular term was coined by Sienna Ludbey in a September article for Fashion Journal titled "'Snail girl era': Why I'm slowing down and choosing to be happy rather than busy." Ludbey designs and sells bags and accessories through her shop, Hello Sisi.

In her article, Ludbey described the snail girl ethos: "A snail girl takes her time and creates to create. The speed at which everything is put out into the world is just getting faster, but she doesn't care. She's running her own race, and maybe that race isn't going anywhere but home and back to bed."

Suzy Welch, a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, previously told BI that embracing the snail girl lifestyle of prioritizing happiness and self-care instead of overworking could have financial repercussions.

"The jury is out," Welch said. "We can be pretty sure that it will not be a career accelerator for those who choose it, but I think most of them know that. That will, of course, have financial consequences, and we may see in five years that a whole group of self-chosen 'snails' decide to become 'roadracers' when they find their trade-offs need to be calibrated."



"Loud laborers" aren't new, but the term appears to have hit the scene in recent months. And we've probably all known at least one person who fits this mold.
All talk, no work — we all probably have a co-worker like this.

They're the ones who spend more time talking about their work than actually doing it — the ones who readily flaunt their achievements to their bosses or on LinkedIn but are slow to get to work.

These workers can have a negative effect on morale.

"Some people are motivated by external rewards and recognition rather than the inherent satisfaction of the work itself," Nicole Price, a leadership coach and workplace expert, told CNBC. "This can lead to a focus on visibility and self-promotion in order to attract these rewards." 

"The constant self-promotion may create an atmosphere of competition rather than collaboration," Price told CNBC. 

While Hot Labor Summer isn't new, this year's was one to remember.
Strength in numbers is the motto for a summer of striking.

Thousands of screenwriters from the Writers Guild of America and actors from the SAG-AFTRA are on a historic strike. The last time the two were on strike together was in 1960.

More than 11,000 Los Angeles city workers went on a 1-day strike this week. LA also saw thousands of hotel workers go on strike.

And the UPS and the Teamsters union, which represents roughly 340,000 UPS package handlers and drivers, reached a tentative agreement, averting a strike that could have had far-reaching repercussions.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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