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First cancer vaccine trial finds jabs ‘weaponise immunse system to attack killer tumours in 48 hours’

A NEW mRNA cancer vaccine can reprogram the immune system to attack tumours within 48 hours, a study shows.

The first-ever human clinical trial of four adult patients showed the jab helps fight against aggressive and deadly brain tumours.

A NEW mRNA cancer vaccine can reprogram the immune system to attack tumours within 48 hours, a study shows[/caption]

It uses similar tech to some Covid vaccines to train the immune system and is also personalised to patients using their own DNA.

Dr Elias Sayour, of the University of Florida, said: “I am hopeful that this could be a new paradigm for how we treat patients, a new platform technology for how we can modulate the immune system.

“I am hopeful for how this could now synergize with other immunotherapies and perhaps unlock those immunotherapies. 

“We showed that you actually can have synergy with other types of immunotherapies, so maybe now we can have a combination approach of immunotherapy.”

mRNA vaccines — like Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid jabs — became widespread during the pandemic and researchers are now redeploying the tech to work on other diseases.

They work by providing a genetic code for the body’s immune system to read and ramp up production of attack cells.

Previous research in mice has shown the jabs are effective in tackling cervical cancer caused by the HPV virus.

The latest study, published in Cell, looked at how mRNA vaccines work against glioblastomas in a human clinical trial.

Glioblastomas are very aggressive brain tumours that affect around 3,200 Brits a year.

The main treatments currently available are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The study showed results from seven years of research on mRNA brain cancer jabs, including preclinical mouse models.

It also included a clinical trial of 10 pet dogs that had spontaneously developed terminal brain cancer and had no other treatment options.

Results from both showed the jab had promise in treating the disease, prompting further research in humans.

While too early in the trial to assess the clinical effects of the vaccine, the patients either lived disease-free longer than expected or survived longer than expected.


Dr Sayour said: “In less than 48 hours, we could see these tumours shifting from what we refer to as ‘cold’ — immune cold, very few immune cells, very silenced immune response — to ‘hot,’ very active immune response.

“That was very surprising given how quick this happened, and what that told us is we were able to activate the early part of the immune system very rapidly against these cancers, and that’s critical to unlock the later effects of the immune response.”

Researchers will now test the vaccine in a Phase 1 paediatric clinical trial for brain cancer.

What is a glioblastoma?

Glioblastomas are a fast-growing type of cancerous brain tumour.

Symptoms depend on where the tumour is located, but they can include:

  • Headaches
  • Personality changes
  • Memory problems
  • Trouble speaking or understanding
  • Tiredness
  • Depression
  • Difficulty thinking
  • Seizures
  • Problems with eyesight

Scientists don’t fully understand what causes glioblastomas, therefore there is no clear way to prevent the disease.

The main treatments include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The average survival time following a glioblastoma diagnosis is 12 to 18 months.

Only 25 per cent of patients live beyond one year, and just five per cent survive more than five years.

Source: Cancer Research UK and the Brain Tumour Charity

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