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I’m a hair transplant surgeon – a staple product’s proven to grow locks but some natural ingredients can help too

HOME remedies can temporarily relieve shedding, but an over-the-counter product is proven to stimulate hair growth, says an expert.

He revealed the best styles and topical treatments among his tips for healthy tresses.

Dr. Bessam Farjo shared tips for stimulating healthy hair growth (stock image)[/caption]

Dr. Bessam Farjo is a hair restoration surgeon and the co-founder of the Farjo Hair Institute.

Speaking to The U.S. Sun, he shared advice for promoting hair growth and minimizing shedding.

“Common causes of hair loss include genetics – male and female pattern baldness,” Dr. Farjo said

“Hormonal changes such as pregnancy or thyroid disorders, medical conditions like alopecia areata, medications including chemotherapy, stress, and certain hairstyles or treatments that damage hair follicles.

“Determining the best course of action is contingent on identifying the specific cause of the hair loss.”


“While some home remedies may offer temporary relief or promote hair health, they’re not a substitute for actual medical treatment,” he said.

“Options like scalp massage with rosemary oil, applying rice water, etc. only have anecdotal support for promoting hair growth – there is nothing in the scientific literature to suggest these can promote hair growth. 

“Be mindful that some ingredients may cause irritation or allergic reactions too.”

Dr. Farjo revealed several ingredients that he recommends for healthy locks.

“Hair products containing ingredients like biotin, keratin, and vitamins such as B and E can be beneficial,” he said.

“Additionally, products with nourishing oils like argan oil, coconut oil, and castor oil can moisturize and strengthen the hair. 

“Ingredients like minoxidil have been clinically proven to stimulate hair growth in many individuals. 

“However, it’s essential to consult with a specialist doctor or qualified trichologist before using any product to ensure it’s suitable for your specific hair type and condition.”


“A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein is essential for healthy hair growth – essentially anything that is good for your general health will be good for your hair,” he said.

“Incorporating foods high in iron, zinc, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids will be beneficial. 

Regular trims to remove split ends and maintaining a healthy scalp through proper hygiene and conditioning will also be beneficial.

Dr. Bessam Farjo

“Supplements like iron and vitamin D may be beneficial for individuals with deficiencies, but it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen. 

“Additionally, maintaining overall health through stress management, regular exercise, adequate sleep, etc. can also support healthy hair growth.”


Dr. Farjo revealed popular hairstyles to avoid excessive hair loss.

“To reduce hair loss, opt for hairstyles that minimize pulling and tension on the hair, such as loose braids, ponytails, or buns,” he said.

“Avoid tight hairstyles like cornrows or tight ponytails, as these can contribute to hair breakage and traction alopecia. 

“Regular trims to remove split ends and maintaining a healthy scalp through proper hygiene and conditioning will also be beneficial.”


“Hair loss can vary significantly among individuals and depends on the underlying cause,” he said.

“In some cases, hair loss may stabilize relatively quickly with appropriate treatment, while in others, it may continue or progress over time. 

“Generally, it’s essential to address the root cause of hair loss to effectively manage it. 

“With consistent treatment and lifestyle adjustments, many people experience a reduction in hair loss within a few months to a year. 

Hair growth oils, sprays, and supplements

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“However, individual responses can vary and ongoing maintenance may be necessary to prevent further loss. 

“Many clients have reported increased confidence in their hair after implementing growth tips and treatments. 

“Seeing visible improvements in hair health and thickness can absolutely boost self-esteem and encourage individuals to embrace their natural hair. 

“Additionally, providing education and support regarding hair care empowers clients to take control of their hair health, leading to greater confidence in their appearance overall.

“For some people, the non-surgical/lifestyle options won’t be enough. 

“In which case, we would typically go down the hair transplant route. 

“For those considering hair transplants, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified specialist to discuss candidacy, expectations, and potential outcomes. 

“Modern techniques offer effective solutions for permanent hair restoration. 

“However, success depends on factors like appropriate diagnosis of the condition, donor hair availability, and the expertise of the surgeon. 

“Additionally, integrating post-transplant care and maintenance strategies is essential for optimal results.”

Dr Bessam Farjo
Dr. Farjo said minoxidil has been clinically proven to stimulate hair growth[/caption]
Dr. Farjo said a reduction in hair loss can be achieved in a few months for some people (stock image)[/caption]

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