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Harrison Butker stands by commencement speech: 'Not people, but Jesus Christ I’m trying to please’

Harrison Butker made his first public appearance on Friday night since his Benedectine College commencement speech, and he showed zero regret.

The Kansas City Chiefs kicker appeared at the "Courage Under Fire Gala" in Nashville on Friday, which was presented by the Regina Caeli Academy.

The academy "encourages our students to strive for excellence in academics as well as in virtuous living, self-discipline, and accountability through a classical education taught in light of the Catholic tradition," according to its website. Butker has been on the academy's board of directors since last year.


Butker took the stage at the gala and received a rousing ovation before yet another speech in which he doubled down on his faith and his comments, despite the scrutiny he has faced.

"The theme for tonight’s gala, Courage Under Fire, was decided many months ago, but it now feels providential that this would be the theme after what we have all witnessed these last two weeks," Butker said. "If it wasn’t clear that the timeless Catholic values are hated by many, it is now."

Butker said he understands that he has become a "more polarizing" figure the more he has spoken out about his beliefs — but he will never care what people think of him.

"Our love for Jesus, and thus, our desire to speak out, should never be outweighed by the longing of our fallen nature to be loved by the world. Glorifying God and not ourselves should always remain our motivation despite any pushback, or even support. I lean on those closest to me for guidance, but I can never forget that it is not people, but Jesus Christ who I’m trying to please."


Butker added that he is "humbled" by the support he has received, and all the backlash he has suffered cannot compare to the "courage many saints have shown in their lives."

"If I constantly remind myself of the hardships the saints went through, especially the martyrs in their persecution, it makes it all seem not so bad. For if Heaven is our goal, we should embrace our cross, however large or small it may be, and live our life with joy to be a bold witness to Christ," Butker said.


"My hope is tonight’s theme and RCA’s mission will embolden others that many more will be unapologetic of their Catholic faith and never be afraid to speak out for truth, even when it goes against the loudest voices. In the end, being courageous starts with the small things. Being disliked and mischaracterized by some is nothing compared to finding yourself in a lion’s den."

In the commencement, Butker urged women graduates to embrace being a "homemaker" and criticized the LGBTQ community and President Biden for his stance on abortion.

In the speech, Butker added, "things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for the degenerate cultural values and media all stem from pervasiveness of disorder."

Butker's jersey sales have since skyrocketed on NFL Shop, while many in the media remain split about the speech.

Butker played in his third Super Bowl this year with Kansas City, helping them go back-to-back in February.

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