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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Memorial Day’s origins and why it matters | Letters to the editor

Memorial Day is a day to remember those who died in service for America and other countries that share the ideals of liberty, freedom and human rights.

Originally known as Decoration Day, it derived from when flowers were placed on graves of the dead from the Civil War. We recognize the red poppy as a reminder, as they grew on battlefields after the war. Congress in 1971 declared Memorial Day a federal holiday to be recognized on the last Monday in May.

The estimated military deaths in the many wars for freedom included 25,000 in the American Revolution, 116,000 in World War l, 417,000 in World War ll, 36,000 in the Korean War, and 58,000 in Vietnam. At Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, 400,000 veterans and family members are buried.

All veterans and their families and civilians who died in wars need to be remembered.

Peace is the best alternative, and at present there seems so much apathy and forgetfulness. There needs to be the rediscovery of compassion and empathy. My prayers are that we  remember all of those who have passed on, and their service to America.

Louis Cohen, Tamarac

The writer is a member of Vietnam Veterans of America.

DeSantis and climate change

A headline in the May 18 paper said a “feels-like” temperature of 113 degrees was expected.

The next day, a headline said: “Experts say coral reef bleaching near record level globally.”

And here in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed legislation (HB 1645) prohibiting offshore wind turbines, encouraging offshore drilling and removing the word climate change from most of the state’s vocabulary. That’s some leadership.

Bill Gralnick, Boca Raton

No more universal truths

I read a letter to the editor stating that Donald Trump must be stopped now, before the election, or we’ll be in one of the most dire situations ever.

As much as it pains me to say, we’re already in one of the most dire situations ever. The fact that much of the electorate believes Trump to be a victim of his own actions, while others view him as a victim of the “system,” indicates there is no longer a universal truth about anything.

For the past century or so, a candidate for president exhibiting the characteristics of Trump would not have been able to garner more than 15 or 20% of the vote.

With a populace fearful of change, and too many information sources catering to whatever opinion one wants to espouse, trust is gone. That is dire and will continue no matter who’s elected.

Lawrence M. Kopelman, Plantation

Don’t change what works

Traversing between East Broward and East Las Olas boulevards in Fort Lauderdale used to be easy.

Southeast 15th Avenue was one way southbound and Southeast 16th Avenue was one way northbound. But sometime in the 1980s, Southeast 15th was changed to one lane south and one lane north, as it is now.

Southeast 16th became two way, with restricted access at Las Olas. A median was added at Broward Boulevard, restricting traffic access at that intersection. This reduced traffic flow by 50% between the two east-west arteries, creating the traffic nightmare we have now.

A “no right on red” sign was recently added for vehicles turning north on 15th from westbound Las Olas, further cutting traffic flow. Why change what worked?

The city recently redesigned the north end of the Henry E. Kinney Tunnel, which took longer than the original tunnel to build and cost tens of millions. We ended up with a small plaza that looks like a Motel 6 putting green.

Now they want to redo Las Olas. Trees were added to the median in the 1980s; they offer shade and ambiance with lighting at night. Las Olas works. Why change it?

Dane Hancock, P.E., Fort Lauderdale

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