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29 апреля 2024 года
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Low charges, high returns, income tax benefits — 5 reasons to choose NPS for retirement planning

The NPS for the general public completes 15 years this week. Over the years, the NPS has undergone many changes and become more investor friendly. The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has made the scheme more flexible and introduced new features. It has also made it easier to open an NPS account. Here are five reasons why you should invest in it.


NPS equity funds have consistently beaten large-cap mutual fund in last 10 years: A look at how NPS funds have performed

NPS investment: The low charges translate into higher returns for the NPS investor. This is why NPS equity funds have consistently beaten the large-cap mutual fund category in the past 10 years and even the flexi-cap category is ahead by a slim margin. Don’t base your decision on short-term perfromance but look at the long-term returns.


Epidemic of digital scams: How to protect yourself and elderly family members from frauds

The obvious choke point is the banking system. Digital fraud, by its very nature, has to route the loot through digital transfers between bank accounts. This is what enables this type of crime. If dealt with properly, this is also its weak link. While there is some news about banks’ proposal to link with MHA’s cybercrime system, a lot more needs to be done.


Mutual fund investors are left with these options after RBI's curb on overseas investments

Of the 69 international funds, 26 have been closed in some capacity. Some have been toggling flows intermittently due to limited capacity. Pratik Oswal, Head, ETFs and Index Funds, Motilal Oswal AMC, points out, “We have some headroom to invest abroad, but we are not encouraging large investors and are giving preference to retail SIP contributions.” What should mutual fund investors do now?


Should you fund your wedding with a loan?

She has a stable job at the middle-management level with a multi-national bank. She intends to take a personal loan as she wants to take care of a few of her personal expenses at the time of her wedding. She has some investments in fixed deposits, PPF and tax-saving mutual funds.


How to review your mutual fund investments periodically

Compare each mutual fund’s performance against relevant benchmarks like market indices or peer group averages. Assess the risk and volatility of each mutual fund in your portfolio. Stay updated about any changes in the fund manager or investment team overseeing mutual fund schemes.


Why women refuse marriage

Young women see marriage as a patriarchal arrangement that takes power away from them. They insist on keeping their jobs and do not cede control over their finances. They know that child-bearing will be a responsibility that will fall disproportionately to them, and will need a career break and setback in their earning capability.


This tax-saving ELSS fund gave 14.3% returns in five years; should you invest?

Axis ELSS Tax Saver Fund: This fund has undergone a shift in its investing stance in recent years. The big change is in the form of a more diversified portfolio (currently around 60 stocks), against the earlier preference for a compact portfolio of around 40 stocks. This has also reduced the heavy concentration at the top end of its portfolio, with the fund diluting positions in its top bets. It has also sizeably hiked its presence in mid-cap stocks, even as it retains a large-cap tilt. Should you invest?


Saving for multiple goals? Use current rally to get rid of underperformers

The Portfolio Doctor assesses the health of the fund portfolio, examines the schemes and their suitability with regard to the goals and, if required, recommends corrective measures. The advice given is based on the performance of the funds, the risk profile of the investor as well as his financial goals.

КРАСНОДАР. Певица Юлия Самойлова срочно вернулась в Москву из-за испорченного в Геленджике лекарства

РИА «Новости»: 12-й фигурант дела «Крокуса» Курбонов работал на стройке в Москве

Врач Тяжельников рассказал, какое мясо лучше всего подходит для шашлыка

Галактионов остался недоволен судейством в матче со «Спартаком»

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Миллионы — в хлам. Мажоры и блогеры разбивают в Москве дорогущие машины

Не может оторваться: панда Катюша радуется новой игрушке в вольере

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МИД: В аэропортах Москвы «застряли» около тысячи граждан Таджикистана

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Великий понедельник Страстной недели: чтение Евангелия, приметы, что нельзя делать

Супруга премьера: Все оберегали его сон, дети не шумели

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Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье

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«1418»: выставка секции «Арт-фото» ТСХР в зале «Лаврушинский`15»

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Мирра Андреева обыграла Вондроушову в третьем круге турнира WTA в Мадриде

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Самсонова победила Осаку и вышла в третий круг турнира WTA 1000 в Мадриде

Свёнтек разгромила Кырстю и вышла в 1/8 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


Мрамор XXX. Пан и нимфа

ИТ Альянс объявляет о графике работы в майские праздники

Частота страховых случаев по ОСАГО для такси в 6,6 раза выше, чем по полисам на другие легковые машины – ЦБ РФ

В Екатеринбурге будут судить уроженца Армении, устроившего дорожный конфликт со стрельбой

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