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Stardew Valley gets another new patch that fixes the 'creepy face' bear and makes new cabins paintable

 Stardew Valley gets another new patch that fixes the 'creepy face' bear and makes new cabins paintable

The Stardew Valley 1.6.3 patch is the biggest fix to the 1.6 update yet.

Stardew Valley's big 1.6 update went live last week, but work on the game hasn't stopped, or even slowed down by the looks of it. Creator Eric Barone rolled out a new 1.6.3 patch for the PC version of the game today that makes a pretty hefty number of fixes to the game.

Despite a relatively smooth rollout, players have discovered a few issues with the update, some of which are fixed in this update: A bear in a maple syrup event, for instance, has a "creepy face bug" that this update will address.

(Image credit: Eric Barone (Twitter))

Barone said earlier this week that he won't return to work on Haunted Chocolatier, his next game, until Stardew Valley 1.6 is "bug-free and out to all platforms." It's clear that he wasn't looking for some time off, as he's been actively seeking out and fixing problems with the update pretty much from the time it went live: This is the third patch to be released, and the biggest, since the 1.6 update went live.

The Stardew Valley 1.6.3 update is live now. The full patch notes are below:

  • You can now access Clint's shop and geode service while your tool is being upgraded
  • Increased raccoon bug meat and bat wing request amount
  • Harvesting moss now grants 1 foraging exp per moss
  • Infinite Power achievement is now more generous with how it activates, allowing pre-1.6 saves to trigger the achievement
  • Adds mine cart shortcut to year 1 Spirit's Eve festival
  • You now have to collect (not just donate)_ the 4 prismatic shards for the "Four Precious Stones" Qi Quest
  • The JunimoKart Qi Quest now rewards 20 Qi gems (up from 10)
  • Adds new cabins to starter layouts for multiplayer
  • Starter cabins now appear in the actual order intended
  • Adult mossy green rain trees boost the moss growth rate of nearby trees
  • If a Journal quest title is too wide, the clock icon and the rest of the text will be shifted down to make room
  • You can now press the Escape or menu button to "go back" on a shipping menu category page
  • Adjustments to moss growth (grows slower on sunny summer days, recovers slower after harvest)
  • Reduced meteorite prismatic shard chance (100% -> 25%)
  • You can now paint the new cabins (at 3rd upgrade level)
  • Ancient seed packets excluded from sale at traveling cart
  • Made waterfall and other ambient positional sounds fade out more smoothly
  • Added a catch-all case: if it's year 2 and you don't have a pet (for any reason), you can start adoptinng them from Marnie's
  • Made berry bush state consistent overnight and on load (both at 20% plus a small new random bonus chance)
  • Minor graphical fixes
  • Fixes several translation errors and missing translations
  • Fixes large character sprites having a visual glitch (e.g. bear, island frog, clint hammering)
  • Fixed a visual error in the shop menu if an item's name was longer than the width of the menu
  • Fix a crash related to the new festival
  • Fix a bug that was causing excess trash to be fished
  • Fixed bug preventing Emily's 10 heart mail and event from triggering
  • Fixed some graphics issues with Shipping menu
  • Fixed several more spawn-out-of-bounds cases\
  • Added Krobus portrait

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