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Новости за 23.04.2024


New history ushered in - Alen Simonyan  

ArmInfo. Based on geodetic measurements, within the framework of coordination work, the first  border post was established on the border of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this regard, the Speaker of the Parliament Alen Simonyan published a recording in his telegram  channel in which he quoted lines from the song that became the anthem of the 2018 revolution, which brought Nikol Pashinyan and his team to power. "This is a flickering path of hope, this is a new history being  written," he wrote... Читать дальше...


Католикос: Благодаря любви к Родине и поддержке дружественных народов армянский народ сможет преодолеть существующие трудности

АрмИнфо. Католикос всех Армян Гарегин Второй принял делегацию, возглавляемую архиепископом Марселя кардиналом Жан-Марком Авелином.

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Armenian, Azerbaijani experts start specifying border coordinates

ArmInfo. Expert groups of Azerbaijan and Armenia have begun the process of clarifying the  coordinates on the border of the two states, reported the press service of the RA government.  "In accordance with the agreements following the 8th meeting of the  commissions on delimitation of the state border between the Republic  of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Commission on  delimitation of the state border and border security between the  Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 23... Читать дальше...


Armenian clergyman calls on YUV to remember their mission 

ArmInfo."The Yerkrapah Union of Volunteers and its head, Sasun Mikaelyan, behave yourself,  remember your mission - you are the defenders of the Motherland, and not those who surrender it to the enemy," Head of the Tavush diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Bagrat Galstyan said as he addressed the head of Yerkrapah, whose members again attacked people in Noyemberyan today during a demonstration. His Eminence recalled that a group of citizens, observing what was  happening in Tavush, self-organized... Читать дальше...


17 case of pressure, 41 violation of right to information recorded in  Armenia in 1st quarter, 2024

ArmInfo.In the first quarter of 2024, 17 cases (the same as a year earlier) of various pressures  on journalists and 41 cases of violation of right to receive and disseminate of information were recorded (compared to 48 a year earlier), reported the Committee to Protect Freedom of Speech. At the same time, no cases of physical violence against media representatives were registered during the reporting period. The Committee does not rule out that this may be due to the  relatively calm socio-political situation in the country in  January-March... Читать дальше...


Armenia`s borders can only be changed by means of referendum -  statement 

ArmInfo.The delimitation and demarcation of borders between the Republic of Armenia and the  Republic of Azerbaijan must comply with best international practice and be based on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of the United Nations and the Helsinki Final Act, reads a draft statement of  the National Assembly, presented by the opposition faction "Armenia", in connection with the beginning of the process of delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. The statement, which was presented... Читать дальше...


Official Baku agrees to Armenian, Azerbaijani FMs` meeting in  Kazakhstan 

ArmInfo. Baku has agreed to a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in  Kazakhstan. Azerbaijan and Armenia are closer than ever to concluding peace,  President Ilham Aliyev stated at a meeting with participants of the  international forum "COP29 and Green Vision for Azerbaijan" on April  23 at ADA University. Recalling that there was not even a draft peace agreement in the  agreement called the Madrid Principles.  "Now it already exists, we  have a common understanding of what a peace agreement should look  like. Читать дальше...


Armenian government`s decision restricting press coverage of  wreath-laying ceremony at Armenian Genocide Memorial shameful - UJA

ArmInfo.The Department of Information and Public Relations of the Prime Minister's Office issued a message according to which only accredited photojournalists will be allowed to visit the Armenian Genocide Memorial (Tsitsernakaberd) during the government's wreath-laying ceremony on April 24, since the ceremony  will be of a protocol nature. The press is allowed to attend only  after the government ceremonial part has passed. On this occasion,  the Union of Journalists of Armenia issued a statement in which it  called such a decision shameful... Читать дальше...


Глава Воскепара: В результате этих односторонних уступок судьба нашего села будет зависеть от Азербайджана

АрмИнфо.Руководители населенных пунктов укрупненной общины Ноемберян отказались от участия в работе рабочей группы комиссии, поскольку мы поняли, что происходящее будет продолжаться. Конкретно в Воскепаре уже ведутся работы по разминированию, и, вероятно, они завершатся сегодня".  Об этом заявил собравшимся в Киранце гражданам 23 апреля административный руководитель села Воскепар Ишхан Агбалян.

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На границе Армении и Азербайджана установлен первый пограничный пост

АрмИнфо. 23 апреля на основании геодезических измерений в рамках координационных работ на границе Республики Армения и Азербайджанской Республики был установлен первый пограничный пост. Об этом сообщила пресс-служба правительства РА.

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Движение "Вместе" призывает депутатов Нацсобрания инициировать процесс выражения недоверия премьер-министру

АрмИнфо.Движение <Вместе> призывает парламентариев всех фракций Национального Собрания Армении 25 апреля инициировать процесс сбора подписей для выражения недоверия премьер-министру Армении Николу Пашиняну. Об этом говорится в официальном заявлении Координационного совета движения <Вместе>.

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Armenian government officials are openly promoting Turkish denial  approaches - ARFD

ArmInfo. "As we approach the next anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, we are faced with new  ontological challenges. Today, more than ever, it is necessary to restore the protection of our inalienable rights" reads a statement by the Hay Dat Bureau. It is noted that in the last few years, hostile attacks by the  Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem against Armenia and the Armenian people  have acquired new impetus. "It is obvious that one of the consistently dictated preconditions is  also the requirement... Читать дальше...


In solidarity with protest against situation in Tavush: Citizens  closed Yerevan-Sevan highway; There are also protests in Dilijan

ArmInfo. In solidarity with the protest against the situation in Tavush, the citizens closed the  Yerevan-Sevan highway in both directions. In addition, the road in Dilijan is also closed. It was blocked by  schoolchildren who boycotted the lesson and went to support the  residents of the border villages of the Tavush region. At these moments, Primate of the Tavoush Diocese of the Armenian  Apostolic Church, His Holiness (Srbazan) Bagrat Galstyan, together  with a group of people who organized the Decision-Making Council... Читать дальше...


Erdogan calls on Armenian authorities to focus on existing realities  to develop roadmap for normalizing relations with Turkey

ArmInfo.Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on the Armenian authorities to focus on existing  realities to develop a roadmap for normalizing relations with Turkey. "A new order is now being established in the region. It is time to  discard groundless memories, it is better to act based on the  realities of the current time. Now Pashinyan understands this too.  Now is the time to create new road maps on a realistic basis. I hope  that Armenia will get rid of the darkness into which it was attracted  by its Diaspora... Читать дальше...


В парке Победы в четвертый раз прошла международная акция "Сад памяти"

АрмИнфо.В парке Победы в четвертый раз прошла международная акция <Сад памяти>, в рамках которой на аллее Пограничной славы России высадили каштаны и гибискус. За эти четыре года благодаря акции в ереванском парке Победы было посажено более 600 деревьев.

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Group of American lawmakers plan to introduce first-ever Azerbaijan  Sanctions Review Act this week

ArmInfo.A bipartisan and bicameral group of lawmakers led by Congresswoman Dina Titus (D-NV)  is planning to introduce the first- ever Azerbaijan Sanctions Review Act this week, Turan reports  citing its sources in Congress According to the source, The draft bill, obtained by TURAN on Sunday,  would lead to the sanctioning of over 40 Azeri officials who have  played an active and chief role in undermining the rule of law and  human rights in the country. The bill would require the Biden administration... Читать дальше...


Bagrat Srbazan in Noyemberyan: our fight today is against lies

ArmInfo. We need to act as an army, united, without succumbing to provocations. Primate of the  Tavoush Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, His Holiness (Srbazan) Bagrat Galstyan, stated in Noyemberyan addressing the citizens who closed the Noyemberyan-Ijevan road. " If at least 4-5 people act emotionally during this protest, we will  not succeed. This fight is against lies.  This is a fight between  truth and lies. We became part of this lie, because when our brothers  and sister in Artsakh faced an existential threat... Читать дальше...


Citizens close road in Noyemberyan; situation is tense

ArmInfo. Citizens closed the road in Noyemberyan. The situation on the ground is tense. They  intend to head to the Armenian-Georgian border. It is noteworthy that there are provocateurs sent who are trying to  escalate the situation there and provoke clashes. A citizen drove a  car into the crowd. As it later became known, he is a representative  of the Yerkrapah Union. As a result of provocations by supporters of the authorities, the  situation escalated sharply, one of the citizens became ill. Читать дальше...


Suren Papikyan receives delegation led by Chair of France-Armenia  Friendship Group of French Senate 

ArmInfo. On April 23rd, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Armenia, Suren Papikyan, received a delegation led by the Chairman of the France-Armenia Friendship Group of the French Senate, Gilbert-Luc Devinaz. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Armenia, Olivier Decottignies also participated in the meeting. According to the press service of the Armenian MoD, the meeting  addressed various aspects of Armenia-France relations, with a  particular focus on cooperation in the defence field. Читать дальше...


On Baghanis-Voskepar highway, demining works from adjacent area  continue - RA NSS 

ArmInfo.No changes are planned on the Armenia-Azerbaijan contact line today. This is stated  in the message of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia in response to information disseminated on social networks and the media. According to the press service of the National Security Service, the  Baghanis-Voskepar highway is currently closed in order to ensure  ongoing demining work in the adjacent territory, preventing citizens  from entering mined areas in order to ensure the safety of the  latter. Читать дальше...


Пока международное сообщество дремлет: Азербайджан сравнял с землей армянское кладбище Казанчецоц в городе Шуши

АрмИнфо.Азербайджан разрушил армянское кладбище Казанчецоц в городе Шуши оккупированного Арцаха. Об этом сообщила Caucasus Heritage Watch со ссылкой на спутниковые снимки от 4 апреля.

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Начавшийся процесс делимитации границ увеличит веру в мир - Пашинян

АрмИнфо. Если у вынужденных переселенцев из Нагорного Карабаха не будет реальной возможности или желания вернуться в Нагорный Карабах,  власти РА сделают все возможное, чтобы они остались в Армении.  Об этом в интервью британским СМИ заявил премьер-министр РА Никол Пашинян, комментируя вопрос о возможности возвращения переселенцев.

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Пашинян: пока не пересечена черта невозможности разогрева нашего участия в ОДКБ

АрмИнфо.  Россия осуществляет с Азербайджаном и Арменией политику равноудаленности. Об этом в интервью британским СМИ заявил премьер-министр Никол Пашинян, отвечая на вопрос о том, насколько искренни азербайджанцы или русские в своем стремлении нормализовать отношения или они просто готовят почву для дальнейших враждебных или агрессивных действий.

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"Мы есть": Тактика передачи земель не может гарантировать мир

АрмИнфо.Игнорирование территориальной целостности Республики Армения в очередной раз происходит не только со стороны Азербайджана, но и со стороны властей Армении. Об этом говорится в заявлении инициативы "Мы есть".

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Тавушцы вторую ночь провели на дороге Воскепар-Киранц: Итоги встречи глав общин с премьером Армении неутешительны

АрмИнфо. Жители приграничных сел Тавуша вторую ночь провели на дороге Воскепар-Киранц и требуют от властей Армении отказаться от сдачи суверенных территорий РА Азербайджану.

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Строительство завода буровых установок начнется в Подмосковье летом

Свердловчанину, взорвавшему семь сослуживцев, вынесли приговор

Бразильский посол на ПМЭФ оценил динамику экономических отношений РФ и Бразилии

Галлямов с иронией отреагировал на слова Бойковой о «тупых спортсменах»

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