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Новости за 13.11.2019


Storm of Suspicion

"48 Hours" goes behind the scenes with investigators as they search for a mother of two who vanished just before Hurricane Harvey hit. Correspondent Maureen Maher investigates.


Biggest U.S. milk producer goes bankrupt

Dean Foods, America's biggest milk producer, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Tuesday. Following the surge in popularity of milk alternatives in recent years, the company's sales have plummeted.


Former McDonald's worker details alleged sexual harassment

McDonald's is facing new charges that the company is not being tough enough on allegations of sexual harassment at its restaurants. In a new lawsuit, former McDonald's worker Jenna Ries said she endured daily harassment. Anna Werner has her story.


House prepares for public hearings in impeachment inquiry

Tuesday was a day for last-minute strategy sessions, ahead of the first public hearings in the impeachment inquiry against President Trump. The two witnesses testifying have a combined 51 years in foreign service. Nancy Cordes reports.


Supreme Court considers future of "Dreamers" in DACA case

There are protests in major cities in support of the DACA program, which enabled immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children to remain and work in the U.S. The Supreme Court heard arguments on the program as thousands await a decision. Jan Crawford reports.


Millions caught in deep freeze as conditions turn deadly

From the Great Lakes to New England, millions of people are digging out from snow. Nearly 150 cold-weather records were broken and dozens more will be shattered on Wednesday. David Begnaud has the latest.


CBS News poll: Americans remain divided on Trump impeachment

Ahead of Wednesday's public impeachment hearings, a CBS News poll finds more than half of Americans approve of the inquiry into President Trump. However, a majority of Americans are unhappy with how the probe is being handled by both Democrats in Congress as well as President Trump. CBS News director of elections and surveys Anthony Salvanto joined "Red and Blue" to break down the numbers and discuss how both parties could try to sway public opinion.


How will impeachment hearings impact the 2020 race?

The day before public impeachment hearings begin on Capitol Hill, only one of the highest-polling Democratic presidential candidates is holding a campaign event. CBS News political correspondent Ed O'Keefe and Washington Post national political reporter Sean Sullivan spoke to CBSN's "Red & Blue" about the impact impeachment hearings could have on the presidential election.


Deval Patrick considering running for president

CBS News has confirmed that former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick is considering running for president in 2020. CBS News political correspondent Ed O'Keefe speaks to CBSN's Tanya Rivero about the impact he would have on the Democratic primary race.


Kurd commander accepts ceasefire terms

Vice President Mike Pence announced that Turkish President Erdogan agreed to a ceasefire in northern Syria. The president called it a "great day for civilization." Charlie D'Agata reports from Iraq.


Democrats weigh impeachment inquiry vote

House Democrats are holding a crucial meeting on whether to vote to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry. Support is growing as more witnesses testify about President Trump's efforts to have Ukraine dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son. Nancy Cordes reports.


Russia moves in as U.S. forces pull out of Syria

Turkey invaded northern Syria last week to flush out America's Kurdish allies after President Trump ordered U.S. troops to withdraw. Now thousands of people are on the run and one of America's biggest rivals is moving in. Charlie D'Agata reports from Iraq.


Woman shot by former cop in her own home pulled out a gun

New details are emerging about the deadly shooting of a black woman inside her own home by a white officer. The victim pulled out a gun, fearing for her safety, when she was shot by an officer who never identified himself. Omar Villafranca reports.


Hunter Biden breaks silence ahead of Democratic debate

Joe Biden's son, Hunter, spoke out in his first TV interview since President Trump started raising questions about his previous work in Ukraine and China. It comes ahead of the latest Democratic debate. Ed O'Keefe has the latest.


U.S. military pulls out of Syrian bases

As the U.S. exits northern Syria, Russia is emerging as the new power broker in the region. Charlie D'Agata is following developments in neighboring Iraq and has more on the pace of the U.S. withdrawal.


LeBron James facing backlash over China comments

LeBron James is under fire after making comments that appeared to side with the Chinese government against Hong Kong. In response, protesters in Hong Kong burned and trampled his jersey. Jonathan Vigliotti reports.


What is Trump's Syria strategy?

With American soldiers scrambling to get out of Syria, Russia is advancing. "Face the Nation" moderator Margaret Brennan joins the "CBS Evening News" to discuss the president's strategy.

В преддверии начала сезона охоты в Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии напомнили о правилах хранения и ношения оружия

В экоакции «День в лесу» в Луховицах приняли участие около 70 человек

Мексиканский картель похитил блогера Владимира Комарова

Музеи Московского Кремля расскажут историю создания памятника Александру II

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Российские врачи внедрили новый метод лечения аденомы простаты

Попавших в ловушку котят спасли в Орехово-Зуеве и Серебряных Прудах

Тротуар и парковку обустроили вблизи налоговой инспекции в Домодедове

Владимирские учителя обеспокоены проектом объединения школ

Музыкальные новости

Путин и глава Туркменистана обсудили подготовку к саммитам СНГ и БРИКС

Суд взыскал с Киркорова 90 тысяч рублей за оскорбление Успенской попрошайкой

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья

Игорь Ларионов стал новым амбассадором Лошадиной силы

Новости России

SHOT: в Москве арестован блогер Джумабой за разжигание ненависти и оскорбления

Мосбиржа начнет торги вечными контрактами на акции Сбербанка и "Газпрома"

Первое собрание отделения Союза женщин России прошло в Богородском округе

Выставка-ярмарка открылась в Пскове в рамках фестиваля «Книжная яблоня»

Экология в России и мире

Коллекция Michael Kors весна-лето 2025

Кажетта Ахметжанова: какие обереги помогают от сглаза

Современная концепция биохакинга в сети клиник «Будь Здоров» представлена на первой конференции по управлению возрастом и здоровьем «Ко-Лаб»

Маршрут автопоезда «Остановим ВИЧ в Свердловской области!» в текущем году включает 24 города региона

Спорт в России и мире

Касаткина проиграла Хаддад-Майе в финале турнира WTA 500 в Сеуле

Алибек Качмазов поднялся на 73 позиции в рейтинге ATP, достигнув 179-го места

Рейтинг WTA. Эрика Андреева обновила личный рекорд, Саккари выпала из топ-15, Шрамкова поднялась на 41 строчку

Теннисист Надаль вошел в состав сборной Испании на Кубок Дэвиса


В городском округе Домодедово проведена агитационно-разъяснительная работа с населением о сохранности имущества.

Беспилотный тягач StarLine начал испытания без человека за рулем

Hybrid AdOps School выпустила первых специалистов в диджитал-рекламе

В «Деловых Линиях» рассказали о росте спроса на интеграционные решения более чем в 3 раза

Топ новостей на этот час


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