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Новости за 04.04.2021


Obama: We don't have a "complete strategy" against ISIS

Sounding much like he did ten months ago, President Obama said Monday the U.S. still lacks a complete strategy to defeat ISIS. As CBS News chief White House correspondent Major Garrett explains, the President put some of the blame on Iraqi leaders.


Desperation in Libyan prison for captured migrants

CBS News correspondent Holly Williams goes inside a Libyan prison where captured migrants are detained. As Williams reports, almost all the inmates would risk jail again for a chance to flee to Europe.


Holes exposed in TSA terror watch list

A new report found that the TSA doesn't have access to terrorist watch list data that would have flagged 73 airport workers. Kris Van Cleave reports.


Louisiana suffers damage from flooding

Parts of Shreveport, Louisiana turned into lakes as floodwaters ran through homes and businesses. Vicente Arenas reports on the damage.


Tick season health warning

Summer is peak season for ticks and the diseases they can spread. Lyme disease is the most well-known tick-borne illness, but it's not the only one to watch out for. Marlie Hall has more on what you need to know.


Waitress offers hope to grieving parents

After learning regular patrons had just lost their newborn child, a waitress gave them a touching gift. CBSN's Elaine Quijano talks about the emotional moment.


Video of police shooting terror suspect released

Surveillance footage showing the fatal encounter between terror suspect Usaamah Rahim and Boston police and FBI agents has been made public. CBSN's Vladimir Duthiers and Elaine Quijano have the latest on the investation.


Artificial reef capsizes, sinks off Deerfield Beach

Excitement over the Rapa Nui artificial reef sinking to its new home quickly turned to disappointment as the underwater art installation flipped over as it was sinking. Ted Scouten from CBS affiliate WFOR updates us on the latest from Deerfield beach


Obama: Some details of anti-ISIS strategy "not yet worked out"

President Obama says the U.S. does not yet have a "complete strategy" to halt Islamic militants in Iraq and Syria, suggesting such a strategy would require a commitment from the Iraqi government to train more security forces.


Milestone reached for Sling TV

The online streaming service Sling TV has reached a quarter of a million subscribers, just a few months into its business. CNET's Dan Ackerman discusses.


Apple readies debut of its next big thing

Apple is expected to debut a new music streaming service at its Worldwide Developers Conference this week. CNET's Dan Ackerman discusses.


Marg Helgenberger returns to TV for "Under the Dome"

The hit CBS series based on a Stephen King's 2009 novel was last summer's number one program with 11 million viewers. Emmy Award-winning actress Helgenberger is a new addition to the show. She joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss her new role and her return to the CSI franchise for a TV movie.


Apple set to unveil new music streaming service

The company hopes to change how we buy and listen to music, as it takes aim at rivals like Spotify. CNET editor-at-large Tim Stevens joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss what's on deck at Apple's annual developers conference.


Beating cancer odds and the price of treatment drugs

New government data shows people in the South have the highest risk of dying from cancer. Kentucky ranks number one. The lowest mortality rate is in Utah. The good news is that the government says the number of people surviving cancer is rising. Dr. David Agus of USC's Westside Cancer Center joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss the findings.


Dickerson on Gov. Christie's upcoming 2016 decision

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said on Sunday's "Face the Nation" that he's not ready to announce if he will run for president. He explained his decision-making process and said he will make the decision later this month. Dickerson joins "CBS This Morning" following his debut as host of "Face the Nation."


Christie: Don’t reward illegal immigrants

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is considering a bid for the Republican presidential nomination, says the key to immigration reform is securing the border first then dealing with the people who are already here illegally.


African migrants kept in squalid Libyan detention center

Libya is in a state of civil war with two rival factions vying for power. As the country has descended into chaos and lawlessness, it's become fertile ground for human smugglers. Holly Williams visited a Libyan prison where migrants who are caught trying to get to Europe are locked up for months on end, waiting to be deported.

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