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Новости за 09.04.2021


Study: U.S. pot use doubled in the last decade

A new study says marijuana use and pot disorders are on the rise nationwide over the last decade. Dr. Wilson Compton from the National Institute on Drug Abuse discussed the trend with CBSN.


China creates its own form of digital currency

In a first for a major economy, China has created its own form of digital currency. Some economists say this will boost the yuan's global presence and also potentially weaken the dollar. Emily Parker, managing director at Coindesk, joins CBSN's Tanya Rivero with a closer look at the potential impact.


Chris Rock to host 88th Academy Awards

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced comedian Chris Rock will host the 88th Oscars. CBSN's Contessa Brewer has more on the announcement.


Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad meet in Moscow

Russian President Vladimir Putin summoned Syria's dictator Bashar al-Assad to Moscow to discuss the Syrian civil war. It is the first time Assad has left his country since the outbreak of the war more than four years ago. Mark Phillips reports.


Sesame Street welcomes first autistic character

Julia, a new character on Sesame Street, lives with autism. Since nearly six in 10 autistic kids say they have been bullied, the show's producers are trying to foster compassion through familiarity. Jim Axelrod has the story.


Four in 10 baby boomers have no retirement savings

Financial planners are saying that four in 10 baby boomers have no retirement savings at all and nearly 70% have no pension plans. Anthony Mason has more on how many boomers are forced to continue working instead of enjoying retirement.


Young heroin addict films her own detox

In the past decade heroin use has more than doubled amongst young adults. CBS News' Anna Werner spent time with a woman fighting to keep clean.


Army Corps cleaning up 24 sites with radioactive contamination

A study released Wednesday by the World Health Organization said long term exposure to radiation, even low levels, can dramatically increase the risk of getting cancer. Vinita Nair has the story on dozens of sites where low radiation levels have led to spikes in cancer.


Ryan lays out conditions for speaker run

Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan has agreed to run for speaker of the House -- if he has backing from all factions. Nancy Cordes reports on Ryan's conditions.


No go for Joe

Vice President Joe Biden said he will not seek the the Democratic party's nomination for president. Speaking from the White House Rose Garden, he said he "will not be silent" on issues of the day and outlined a platform for Democrats. Major Garrett reports.


Autistic employee went unpaid for a year

Applebee's officials are apologizing after finding out an autistic employee in Rhode Island went unpaid for almost a year. CBSN's Vladimir Duthiers and Jill Wagner have more details.


Mediterranean diet could protect brain cells

A new study says eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish could help reduce the loss of brain cells as we age. CBS News' Danielle Nottingham reports.


Sanders on Biden's decision

Democratic primary candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders responds to VP Biden's decision not to run for president. CBSN's Vladimir Duthiers covered his remarks.


A closer look at a DeLorean replica

Lyft is offering free rides around New York City in a DeLorean to celebrate "Back to the Future" day. CBSN's Vladimir Duthiers and CNET Senior Editor Jeff Bakalar hopped inside for a test drive to show us how accurate the replica was to the real thing.


"Back to the Future" questions you want answered

Why was the sports almanac from "Back to the Future" so thin? Why didn't Biff disappear after changing his past? In celebrating "Back to the Future" day, the film's co-writer Bob Gale and film score composer Alan Silvestri answer burning plot questions from CBSN's Vladimir Duthiers and CNET Senior Editor Jeff Bakalar.


Preview: The Hunter: Searching for Kelli Bordeaux

All new: When a young U.S. Army combat medic goes missing, a bounty hunter takes on his biggest case ever. "48 Hours" correspondent Troy Roberts investigates Saturday, Oct. 24 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.


Special Report: Biden declines to run for president

Vice President Joe Biden, who has been considering running for the Democratic presidential nomination, announced that he will not be running for president. Biden talks about the Obama legacy, the middle class, and his intentions for the next 15 months. Major Garrett reports.


Joe Biden will not run for president

Vice President Joe Biden announced that he would not be seeking the presidency. CBS News senior political editor Steve Chaggaris, Congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes and Chief White House correspondent Major Garrett join CBSN to discuss.


Joe Biden declines to run for president

"I believe we're out of time -- the time necessary to mount a winning campaign," the vice president said from the White House Rose Garden with his wife Jill Biden and President Obama by his side.


What 'Back to the Future Part II' got right, wrong about 2015

Today is the day to which Marty McFly time-traveled in 'Back to the Future Part II'. Screenwriter Bob Gale, Composer Alan Silvestri and CNET senior editor Jeff Bakalar join CBSN in the present to discuss the film's predictions.


Breast cancer is "not just a women's disease"

A husband and wife in Boston have both battled breast cancer and are working to raise awareness that anyone could be at risk. WBZ-TV's Paul Burton reports.

Более 60 спортсменов приняли участие в первом Кубке Псковской области по джампингу

Следователи выявили ещё одну взятку экс-замминистра Минобороны Тимура Иванова

Специалисты приступили к работам в здании исторической биржи

На форуме «Сделано в России» представят траекторию развития экспорта до 2030 года

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Более 60 спортсменов приняли участие в первом Кубке Псковской области по джампингу

США заявили о готовности к возобновлению переговоров с РФ по новому ДСНВ

Спортивный стадион в школе № 1 в Дубне открыт для занятий

Ветеринары нашли пермскому коту Крошику «царский трон»

Музыкальные новости

Суд взыскал с Киркорова 90 тысяч рублей за оскорбление Успенской попрошайкой

Бастрыкин поручил возбудить дело против рубщиков леса в Хорошево-Мневниках

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья

Зеленский хочет вступить в НАТО до завершения полномочий Байдена

Новости России

Дуглас Макгрегор: США делают все возможное, чтобы русские оказались на границы с Польшей не только в Калининградской области

Где искать работу в 2024 году: названы регионы РФ с самым быстрым ростом зарплат

Отец четверых погибших от отравления детей рассказал о своем самочувствии

1,6 млн руб штрафов начислили за незаконную перевозку отходов в Мытищах в сентябре

Экология в России и мире

Дистрибьюция Музыки. Дистрибьюция Музыки в России. Дистрибьюция музыки в вк. Яндекс музыка дистрибьюция. Цифровая дистрибьюция музыка. Дистрибьюция музыки под ключ.

В Нижнем Новгороде открыли движение уникального кремлевского фуникулёра

В музее Николая Островского состоялся семинар «Проекты в сфере культуры для посетителей с нарушениями слуха: форматы и технологии»

Парализуют глистов: врач Садыков подтвердил пользу тыквенных семян

Спорт в России и мире

Дарья Касаткина проиграла четвёртый финал WTA в текущем сезоне

Медведев в составе сборной Европы завоевал Кубок Лейвера

Алибек Качмазов поднялся на 73 позиции в рейтинге ATP, достигнув 179-го места

Касаткина проиграла Хаддад-Майе в финале турнира WTA 500 в Сеуле


С 23 сентября ограничивают движение на развязке в районе Агалатово в Ленобласти

В Екатеринбурге показали, как будет выглядеть обновленный сквер Бориса Рыжего

Беспилотный тягач StarLine начал испытания без человека за рулем

"На тонкой веточке"

Топ новостей на этот час


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