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Новости за 21.05.2023


There's no place like home

Whether it's a 40,000-square-foot compound with an elevator in the bathroom, or a 200-sq.-ft. apartment with office space hidden in the closet, home is a place that holds a huge space in our psyche. Correspondent David Pogue visits some domiciles of different sizes.


Elevators: Living the high life

Need a lift? Correspondent Faith Salie reports on the soaring history of passenger elevators, a mode of transport that made skyscraper living possible.


Open: This is "Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan," May 21, 2023

This week on "Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan," House Problem Solvers Caucus chairs Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick and Josh Gottheimer discuss the debt ceiling talks; New York City Mayor Eric Adams discusses the debt ceiling crisis; plus a conversation with former Defense Secretary Robert Gates.


Replacing hard-to-find china? Who ya' gonna call?

Is your treasured china set missing a piece or two? Trying to replace a shattered cup? Correspondent Nancy Giles visits Replacements, a North Carolina-based company that is the world's largest supplier of active and discontinued tableware.


Shoes on or shoes off?

Is asking someone to remove their shoes when they enter your home a sign of hospitality, or the opposite? Correspondent Mo Rocca gauges opposing viewpoints, and talks with a biogeochemist who has studied what is carried indoors on the soles of our shoes.


Magician David Copperfield

He is today's most successful magician, whose sleight of hand continues to mesmerize audiences at his Las Vegas show. And for the first time on national TV, David Copperfield discusses the process that goes into crafting some of his remarkable illusions. He talks with correspondent Tracy Smith about the magic behind his magic.


Marrakesh's artistic influences

The medina of Marrakesh, which dates to the 11th century, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, noted for its historic influence across the Mediterranean. Today, Morocco's traditional dwellings, known as "riads," are having an impact on the design world. Correspondent Seth Doane pays a visit, and talks with designers who have been touched by Marrakesh's signature beauty.


Tiffany's new jewel of a store

Tiffany & Co.'s flagship headquarters in New York recently reopened after undergoing a nearly four-year renovation. Correspondent Kelefa Sanneh tours a showcase that is one of the jewels of Manhattan.


Turning tumbleweeds into art

Tumbleweeds may be just dead foliage blowin' in the wind. But artist Jenn Isbell transforms these clusters of large, poky branches into working chandeliers. She illuminates correspondent Luke Burbank on the inspiration, and hazards, of working with tumbleweeds.


By Design: NYC Gilded Age townhouse

A symbol of the Gilded Age, this imposing 1897 mansion on Manhattan's Riverside Drive, with a terrace to take in views afforded by the Hudson River and Riverside Park, was designed by high-society New York architect Charles P.H. Gilbert. Jane Pauley gives us a tour.


A mattress tester on her dream job

There may be no more important component to a good night's sleep than your mattress. Correspondent Susan Spencer talks with Caira Blackwell, a tester for The New York Times product site Wirecutter, about what she looks for in a mattress.


Are white noise machines effective?

Noise is a big reason why 1 in 3 American adults doesn't get enough sleep. But for some the solution to noise keeping them awake is … more noise! Correspondent Susan Spencer talks with a sleep specialist about why white noise machines can be an effective means to getting shuteye.


Architectural Digest's 2023 "Works of Wonder" list

Architectural Digest celebrates the most important new works of architecture, art and design with its 2023 WOW List. Editor-in-chief Amy Astley talked with "Sunday Morning" about what structures around the world made this year's roster.


150 years of Levi's 501 blue jeans

In 1873 Levi Strauss and his tailor, Jacob Davis, created the modern denim pants known as blue jeans, designed for workmen. Today they are a clothing staple, and an icon of fashion. Correspondent Serena Altschul explores the history of blue jeans, and visits the Levi's laboratory where new denim finishes are being tested.


The case for separate bedrooms

According to a recent survey, one in five American couples keeps separate bedrooms, thanks in many cases to snorers. But that doesn't mean a lack of intimacy. Correspondent Susan Spencer dissolves the stigma surrounding separate beds by talking with sleep specialist Dr. Jade Wu, and with a New Jersey couple that has shared a home for a decade, but never the same bedroom.


05/21: Sunday Morning

"Sunday Morning" presents its annual edition on all aspects of design, hosted by Jane Pauley. In our cover story, David Pogue looks at homes from the grand to the miniscule. Also: Kelefa Sanneh visits the newly-renovated headquarters of Tiffany & Co.; Mo Rocca steps into the debate of shoes on, or shoes off; Serena Altschul examines the history of Levi's blue jeans; Tracy Smith profiles magician David Copperfield; Martha Stewart offers tips on planting a rose garden; Faith Salie rides a history... Читать дальше...

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Россиянка Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису

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Россиянка Полина Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису

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