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Vintage Chicago Tribune: The paper’s role in the demise of Richard Nixon’s presidency after Watergate

Vintage Chicago Tribune: The paper’s role in the demise of Richard Nixon’s presidency after Watergate

Fifty years ago this week, a small team of Tribune employees flew to Washington, D.C. and back in order to beat every other American newspaper to the punch — printing the entire transcript of the Watergate tapes, which were conversations recorded by Nixon in the White House.

In the early 1970s, Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncovered the connection between an attempted burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters and President Richard M. Nixon’s administration. Their work was aided by “Deep Throat,” their anonymous source nicknamed after a popular pornographic film but later revealed to be W. Mark Felt, Sr.

But, did you know, the Chicago Tribune also played a key role in the demise of Nixon’s presidency?

Fifty years ago this week, a small team of Tribune employees flew to Washington, D.C., and back in order to beat every other American newspaper to the punch — printing the entire transcript of the Watergate tapes, which were conversations recorded by Nixon in the White House.

They succeeded. The 246,000-word record was printed in a 44-page special section in the next day’s Tribune. This was, of course, before the widespread use of computers, and so hundreds of Tribune employees were involved in the effort.

For just 15 cents — the price of the newspaper back then — readers of the May 1, 1974, edition dug into Nixon’s expletive-laden discussions hours before they were sold to the public by the government’s printing office for $12.25.

The Tribune’s second punch to Nixon’s presidency was delivered on May 9, 1974. The Tribune’s Editorial Board, a longtime Republican stalwart, called for his resignation. With articles of impeachment looming, Nixon became the first — and only — U.S. president to resign.

June 17, 1972: Watergate break-in suspect linked to G.O.P.

Police and telephone men check out the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington in June 1972 after five men were arrested during a break-in attempt. Authorities called it an elaborate plot to bug the office and said the men had photographic equipment and electronic listening devices. (Ken Feil/Washington Post)
Police and telephone employees check out the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C., in June 1972 after five men were arrested during a break-in attempt. Authorities called it an elaborate plot to bug the office and said the men had photographic equipment and electronic listening devices. (Ken Feil/Washington Post)

Early in the morning, Democratic Party offices in the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C., were burglarized. Five men who were wiretapping the offices were arrested after a security guard noticed door latches covered with tape and called police. The five were linked to E. Howard Hunt, a former CIA agent who also had worked in the White House, and G. Gordon Liddy, an official at the Committee to Re-elect the President (known as CREEP).

Hunt’s wife, Dorothy, died in the crash of United Airlines Flight 553 near Chicago’s Midway International Airport seven months later. She was carrying $10,000 in cash on the flight, which news accounts reported was rumored to be Watergate hush money.

The Washington Post uncovered the attempted wiretapping and connected the scandal to Nixon’s administration. The White House initially dismissed the significance of the Watergate break-in, with press secretary Ron Ziegler calling it a “third-rate burglary.” But behind the scenes, the Nixon administration was working to obstruct the FBI’s investigation.

July 16, 1973: Bombshell — Nixon bugged his own offices

Special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox, left, and Philip A. Lacovara, one of his assistants, walk between newsmen in Washington, Sept. 20, 1973, following the meeting in the Executive Office Building with President Nixon's attorneys. The meeting was held in an effort to settle out of court the battle over presidential tapes related to the Watergate affair. (John Duricka/AP)
Special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox, left, and Philip A. Lacovara, one of his assistants, walk with reporters in Washington, D.C., Sept. 20, 1973, following a meeting in the Executive Office Building with President Richard M. Nixon’s attorneys. The meeting was held in an effort to settle out of court the battle over presidential tapes related to the Watergate affair. (John Duricka/AP)

Alexander P. Butterfield, formerly the deputy assistant to the president, testified before the Senate Watergate Committee that all conversations in the president’s Oval Office and his office in the old Executive Office Building next door to the White House were recorded on tape.

Both the Senate and special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox subpoenaed the tapes, but the White House refused to release them, citing executive privilege.

Four months later, Nixon denied knowledge of the Watergate break-in and cover-up and told reporters in Orlando, Florida, “I am not a crook.”

April 29, 1974: Nixon vows to release tape data — ‘They tell it all’

President Richard M. Nixon points to the transcripts of the White House tapes after he announced during a nationally-televised speech on April 29, 1974, that he would turn over the transcripts to House impeachment investigators. (AP Photo)
President Richard M. Nixon points to the transcripts of the White House tapes after he announced during a nationally televised speech on April 29, 1974, that he would turn over the transcripts to House impeachment investigators. (AP Photo)

In a 35-minute nationally televised speech, Nixon told the American people he would reluctantly release transcripts of all conversations he had on the Watergate scandal from Sept. 15, 1972, to April 27, 1973 — more than 1,200 estimated pages.

He conceded that the tapes contained “uninhibited conversations” and “brutal candor,” including remarks that would be seized upon by his political opponents to embarrass him and make him the subject of ridicule. Nixon insisted, however, that the tapes showed his innocence in the Watergate cover-up.

April 30, 1974: How Tribune got the transcripts

Clayton Kirkpatrick, editor of the Chicago Tribune, tells the staff about President Richard Nixon's tapes and the decision to print the transcripts at the City Room of Tribune Tower on April 30, 1974. (Art Walker/Chicago Tribune)
Clayton Kirkpatrick, editor-in-chief of the Chicago Tribune, tells the staff about President Richard M. Nixon’s tapes and the decision to print the transcripts at the City Room of Tribune Tower on April 30, 1974. (Art Walker/Chicago Tribune)

Shortly after Nixon’s announcement, the Tribune assembled a team of editorial and production crew members that flew to Washington, D.C., at 5 a.m. on the company’s plane.

Frank Starr, the Tribune’s Washington bureau chief, obtained two copies of the transcripts — each consisting of 50 bound volumes totaling 1,308 pages — and delivered them to the team.

“We spent five minutes looking at the documents on the ground, and then we took off,” Tribune Assistant News Editor Richard Leslie said. “We started working before we were airborne.”

A rich history of scoops

Leslie said the plane returned to Meigs Field instead of Midway to save a few minutes’ driving time and the copies were rushed to Tribune Tower where the volumes were separated, copied and then distributed among the many editors and printers required to handle them.

“We chopped the bindings with a paper cutter and made three more copies,” Leslie said. “Then we went to work on them.”

No changes or edits were made to any of the transcripts.

May 1, 1974: Nixon tape transcript published in 44-page section

Chicago Tribune publisher Stanton Cook, center, and editor Clayton Kirkpatrick speak at a press conference on April 30, 1974, regarding the Tribune's publication of the Nixon tapes. (Chicago Tribune historical photo)
Chicago Tribune Publisher Stanton Cook, center, and Editor-in-Chief Clayton Kirkpatrick speak at a news conference on April 30, 1974, regarding the Tribune’s publication of the Nixon tapes. (Chicago Tribune historical photo)

The report, one of the largest short-deadline efforts in Tribune history, was published in its entirety just hours after the Tribune obtained it.

May 9, 1974: ‘Listen, Mr. Nixon’

President Nixon meets with the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Today on Sept. 17, 1970. Nixon is holding an editorial cartoon which appeared in the Sept. 16 issues of the Tribune. (Don Casper/Chicago Tribune)
President Richard M. Nixon meets with board members of the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Today on Sept. 17, 1970. Nixon is holding an editorial cartoon that appeared in the Sept. 16 issue of the Tribune. (Don Casper/Chicago Tribune)

Nixon visited a supportive Tribune Editorial Board on Sept. 17, 1970 — less than four years later it published a three-part editorial calling for him to either resign or be removed from office.

“We saw the public man in his first administration, and we were impressed. Now in about 300,000 words we have seen the private man, and we are appalled,” the editorial began.

Aug. 8, 1974: ‘I shall resign’

Chicago and the Midwest had been strongholds of Nixon support that faded away in 1974 after Nixon was linked to the Watergate scandal. The Tribune was the only newspaper in the country to print the entire transcript and then called for Nixon's resignation. (Chicago Tribune)
Chicago and the Midwest had been strongholds of Nixon support, but that faded away in 1974 after Nixon was linked to the Watergate scandal. The Tribune was the only newspaper in the country to print the entire transcript and then called for Nixon’s resignation. (Chicago Tribune)

Nixon became the first-ever U.S. president to announce his resignation and also admitted his own early knowledge of the Watergate break-in and cover-up during a nationally televised broadcast. His admission came 21 months after Nixon won a second term by one of the largest margins in history.

The Tribune Editorial Board wrote of the occasion: “Our feelings toward Mr. Nixon must be of sorrow rather than anger, and of mercy rather than vengeance. His weaknesses are more of blind ambition and poor judgment than deliberate contempt for the law. He has paid the heaviest price a man in public office can pay.”

Aug. 9, 1974: ‘Our long national nightmare is over’

Gerald Ford takes the oath of office as the 38th President of the United States on Aug. 9, 1974, after Richard Nixon's resignation. Betty Ford looks on as Chief Justice Warren Burger administers the oath. (AP photo)
Gerald Ford takes the oath of office as the 38th president of the United States on Aug. 9, 1974, after Richard M. Nixon’s resignation. Betty Ford looks on as Chief Justice Warren Burger administers the oath. (AP photo)

Precisely two hours before Nixon’s resignation became effective, his green and white helicopter lifted off the south lawn of the White House and disappeared over the Jefferson Memorial.

Gerald Ford was sworn in as the 38th president at 11:05 a.m. CST, although he legally became president 40 minutes earlier when Nixon’s one-line letter of resignation was delivered to the office of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

More than 30 government and Republican officials were convicted in the scandal. Nixon was pardoned by Ford on Sept. 8, 1974.

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Have an idea for Vintage Chicago Tribune? Share it with Ron Grossman and Marianne Mather at rgrossman@chicagotribune.com and mmather@chicagotribune.com

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