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1 мая 2024 года
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Making Clorox Great Again: Sounds Interesting, Right?

Happy Disinfectant Injection Day to the survivors who four years ago ignored the "stratospherically insane" advice... Читать дальше...

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Common Dreams 

Senate Budget Committee Releases Damning Report on Big Oil's Climate Deception Day Before Hearing

Today, the Senate Budget Committee, led by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, released a report detailing the fossil fuel industry's decades-long campaign of climate deception and delay. The report, which comes a day before the committee's hearing investigating Big Oil's role in the climate crisis, sheds new light on the industry's efforts to mislead the American people about the catastrophic impacts of their products on our climate.

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Common Dreams 

World’s largest economies agree to phase out coal power before 2035, but miss the opportunity to reject fossil fuels at the scale and speed necessary to meet climate targets

The G7 Climate, Energy and Environment Ministerial held in Turin, Italy released its final text on Tuesday with all seven member states committing to phase out domestic coal power generation before 2035 – marking an unprecedented commitment from the United States and Japan, the only outlying G7 countries not to have set a coal phase out date. Fossil gas, nuclear and biofuels featured heavily in the final communique, while restrictions to Russian fossil gas imports were also adopted.

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Common Dreams 

New Video: Groundwork’s Rakeen Mabud Explains How the Federal Reserve May be Worsening the Housing Crisis

Today, Groundwork Collaborative released a new video featuring Chief Economist Dr. Rakeen Mabud, who explains how the Federal Reserve’s refusal to lower interest rates is keeping housing costs high and making it more costly and more difficult for people to buy or even rent a home. The video comes ahead of the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on April 30 and May 1, where the Fed will announce the path forward on interest rates in the coming months.

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Common Dreams 

Win Without War Condemns Militarized Response to Protests

Win Without War Executive Director Sara Haghdoosti released the following statement responding to scenes of police violence at university protests:

“The use of state violence against peaceful protestors is unacceptable. Police batons deployed against students calling for peace in Gaza are not a source of safety on campus, nor are they a bulwark against antisemitism. They hurt people, impinge on fundamental liberties, and serve an extreme right-wing agenda that threatens Jews, Muslims, and the right to protest across the country. Читать дальше...

Common Dreams 

Major Brazilian Mobilization Demands Indigenous Land Rights in the Face of Mounting Threats

Thousands of Indigenous leaders and representatives and their allies converged on Brazil’s capital this week for the 20th Free Land Camp (Acampamento Terra Livre – ATL), a major annual mobilization to advance the struggle for Indigenous rights to land demarcation and sovereignty. Organized by the Association of Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples (APIB), this year’s gathering is entitled “Our Existence is Ancestral: We Have Always Been Here!” to counter the virulent anti-Indigenous narratives that underpin... Читать дальше...

Common Dreams 

In Historic Vote, the FCC Reasserts Its Authority to Protect the Open Internet and Safeguard Online Users

On Thursday, in a 3–2 vote, the Federal Communications Commission voted to restore Net Neutrality protections and reclassify high-speed-internet access services as telecom services subject to Title II of the Communications Act.

The decision is a major victory for the public interest: Title II authority empowers the FCC to hold companies like AT&T, Comcast, Spectrum and Verizon accountable for a wide range of harms to internet users across the United States. Prior to the historic vote... Читать дальше...

Common Dreams 

FCC Votes to Restore Net Neutrality

Today, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to restore Net Neutrality. The move restores the FCC’s authority under Title II of the Communications Act to oversee broadband providers and enforce the open-internet protections. The Open Internet Order was repealed during the Trump Administration in the face of widespread public opposition – including comments filed during the proceedings opposing the controversial reversal by the agency.

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Common Dreams 

Supreme Court to Determine Whether Politicians Can Deny Emergency Medical Care to Pregnant People

The Supreme Court will hear oral argument later today in Idaho and Moyle, et al. v. United States, a case brought by extreme politicians seeking to disregard a federal statute — the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) — and put doctors in jail for providing pregnant patients necessary emergency medical care. The American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Idaho, and the law firm Cooley LLP previously filed an amicus brief in this case explaining that Idaho’s arguments cannot be justified under the Supreme Court’s own precedents... Читать дальше...

Common Dreams 

Making Clorox Great Again: Sounds Interesting, Right?

Happy Disinfectant Injection Day to the survivors who four years ago ignored the "stratospherically insane" advice, even for him, of a demented buffoon babbling hokum in the face of a pandemic he couldn't spin his way out of - which, thanks to his ineptness, needlessly killed over 200,000 Americans. "I see the disinfectant, it knocks it out in a minute," he raved to a stricken Dr. Birx. "And is there a way we can do something like that?" Yeah, sure, let's elect him again.

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Рассчитана стоимость владения одной из главных альтернатив Hyundai Creta

В СКА рассказали, почему не стали продолжать сотрудничество со «СКА-Карелией» в МХЛ

Акция в поддержу бездомных животных состоится в Химках 1 мая

Россиянам назвали 5 зарубежных стран с бюджетом до 80 тысяч рублей для отдыха на майские праздники

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


«Волонтеры Победы» и «Единая Россия» поздравили ветеранов с наступающим Днем Победы

Лесной пожар ликвидировали в Луховицах

Предприниматели из Химок станут участниками проекта «Мой Бизнес»

На майские праздники в некоторых регионах России вводятся ограничения по продаже алкоголя

Музыкальные новости

В Пулково прокомментировали запрет на упаковку багажа в пищевую пленку

Героическое участие армян в СВО. Часть третья

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

Азербайджанский олигарх Год Нисанов – владелец рынков «Садовод» и «Фудсити» стремительно теряет поддержку элиты после теракта в «Крокусе»

Новости России

"Можно безопасно загорать": Вильфанд представил прогноз на майские праздники

В СКА рассказали, почему не стали продолжать сотрудничество со «СКА-Карелией» в МХЛ

«Для начала — молочные белки»: как завершить Великий пост без вреда для организма

Пятерых человек арестовали за грубые нарушения ПДД на Малой Бронной в Москве

Экология в России и мире

6 городов России, где можно увидеть белые ночи кроме Санкт-Петербурга

Чем перекусить без вреда для здоровья и фигуры?

Регистрация Авторского права. Регистрация объекта авторского права. Регистрация Авторского права на книгу. Регистрация Авторского права на музыку.

В российских регионах в 2024 году начнут работу магазины «Петербургского дизайна»

Спорт в России и мире

Азаренко проиграла в 1/16 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде

Прямая трансляция матчей Рыбакиной и Путинцевой за выход в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде

Шиманович пробилась в ⅛ финала теннисного турнира в Сен-Мало

Надаль навестил в больнице 16-летнюю российскую теннисистку


Google закрыл дыру в системе безопасности Android TV

Музеи Твери. Лисичкины сказки

Мрамор XXX. Пан и нимфа

Героическое участие армян в СВО. Часть третья

Топ новостей на этот час


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