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Новости за 31.05.2023

HoopsHype: Atlanta Hawks 

Bulls, Nikola Vucevic have opened up extension talks

In Chicago, I’m told that the Bulls have opened up extension conversations with their starting center Nikola Vucevic. Sources tell me there is mutual interest in getting a deal done. Both sides have until June 30 to get an extension done. If there is no agreement by that point, Vučević would enter free agency and be one of the top centers available on the market. Vučević had the third-most double-doubles in the NBA this year (51), averaging 17.6 points and 11.0 rebounds with a 52.0 field goal percentage at a usage rate of 21.4.
Source... Читать дальше...

HoopsHype: Atlanta Hawks 

Jonas Valanciunas would like extension with Pelicans

Valanciunas also talked about his future in the NBA with the New Orleans Pelicans. The Lithuanian big man revealed he would like to stay with the Pelicans. “We had some talks with [the team]. I think this summer won’t be easy for them [team executives] because they will have to make a few key decisions. Our season didn’t go as planned, so there will definitely be changes,” Valanciunas said. “I would like to stay and extend my contract,” JV continued. “Obviously, during the season, you try to help the team as much as possible... Читать дальше...

HoopsHype: Atlanta Hawks 

Blazers believe Shaedon Sharpe has All-Star potential

Scotto: Some in Portland believe Shaedon Sharpe has All-Star potential. He’s a high-flier and highlight-reel dunker. Highkin: They like him a lot. They’re very high on his future to the point where when we’re talking about things they can do trade-wise, I don’t think he’d put in play for anything short of Joel Embiid or something like that.
Source: Michael Scotto @ HoopsHype

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HoopsHype: Atlanta Hawks 

Blazers rumors: Damian Lillard, Jerami Grant free agency, Anfernee Simons, draft, trades

HoopsHype’s Michael Scotto and Trail Blazers writer Sean Highkin share new intel surrounding Damian Lillard’s future, what Portland will do with the third pick in the NBA Draft, Jerami Grant’s free agency, Anfernee Simons as a trade candidate, and more on the latest HoopsHype podcast episode.

For more interviews with players, coaches, and media members, be sure to like and subscribe to the HoopsHype podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts. Listen... Читать дальше...

HoopsHype: Atlanta Hawks 

Draymond Green would have picked Caleb Martin over Jimmy Butler for East Finals MVP

“Jimmy actually finished with 28-6-7, had a much better game today than he’s had the past three and Jimmy is their guy. We know that. Never taking anything away from Jimmy. Congrats to him on the award.” Green made it clear that he had immense respect for Butler’s contributions to the Heat, acknowledging that none of their success would have been possible without the star player. However, he argued that Martin’s consistent performance across the board deserved recognition. “If I had a vote, I... Читать дальше...

HoopsHype: Atlanta Hawks 

Draymond Green is glad to see Celtics fans suffer

“Boston Celtics fans will make excuses, and I ain’t hearing none of that. Because y’all rude, and I’m happy y’all lost,” Green said. “Not happy JT lost, but Boston Celtics fans, especially those of you that are in that arena.” Green didn’t stop there. The 33-year-old went on to critique the Celtics’ Game 7 performance. “The Boston Celtics are who we thought they were. They got to the moment, and they did not look like they were ready for the moment,” Green said.
Source: Sports Illustrated

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HoopsHype: Atlanta Hawks 

Tyler Herro on return: I'm going to be working out multiple times everyday until I come back

Within the past week, Herro was cleared to shoot and dribble with the surgically repaired hand. But he hasn’t yet participated in a contact practice. “I’m going to be working out every day, twice, two, three times a day from here until the day I hopefully come back,” said Herro, who is traveling with the team. “So I’m always going to continue to work hard and see how my body responds day by day and try to come back as soon as possible.”
Source: Miami Herald

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