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Austin photojournalist facing two misdemeanor charges after UT protest

AUSTIN (KXAN) -- An Austin photojournalist who was arrested while covering a protest on the University of Texas Austin campus on April 24, is facing two misdemeanor charges-- assault and interference with public duties, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Court documents previously showed he was facing a felony charge of assault on a peace officer. Additional documentation showed that warrant was canceled.

Carlos Sanchez, 43, met with DPS special agents and was then booked into the Travis County Jail on Wednesday, according to DPS.

KXAN spoke to Sanchez, who identified himself as Carlos and said he worked with Fox 7, as he was led away in handcuffs during the April 24 protest.

“They said that I hit an officer. I didn’t hit an officer. They were pushing me. They were pushing me,” he said. “This never happened to me, you know what I mean? I was just covering things… I told them I was press.”

An attorney for Sanchez provided a statement to KXAN Wednesday.

Mr. Sanchez was performing an important news gathering function during a chaotic event when he inadvertently bumped into a police officer.  He did not commit a crime.  We look forward to someone taking a unbiased look at the evidence and exonerating Mr. Sanchez.  That may ultimately occur with a jury. 

Law Office of E.G. Morris

Fox 7 told KXAN it does not have a comment at this time.

In the statement provided Wednesday, DPS said Sanchez was "seen moving towards a DPS Trooper, then lunging and striking the Trooper with his camera in the lower head and neck area." Furthermore, the agency said video evidence showed Sanchez was not pushed, and there were not objects in front of him that "would have caused him to trip making contact with the Trooper."

Read the full statement from DPS below:

This morning, 43-year-old Carlos Giraldo Sanchez, of Austin, Texas, met with Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Special Agents and was charged with two misdemeanors – assault and interference with public duties – he was then booked into the Travis County Jail. These charges stem from Sanchez’s actions during last week’s protest at the University of Texas (UT) Austin campus.

According to multiple video and witness statements, Sanchez is among a group of protestors as law enforcement officers work to disperse the group from campus. He can be seen moving towards a DPS Trooper, then lunging and striking the Trooper with his camera in the lower head and neck area. Video evidence also shows Sanchez is not pushed and it appears there are no objects that would have caused him to trip making contact with the Trooper.

The department understands a journalist’s right to cover events of the day, and we work to ensure those rights are protected while also upholding the laws of this state. While journalists should be provided access, it is never acceptable to interfere with official police duties and assaulting an officer of the law – no matter the degree – will never be tolerated. DPS will always work to ensure the safety of our officers. Both law enforcement officers and journalists should be expected to do their jobs in a professional manner – and we strongly believe a line was crossed last week when one of our Troopers was assaulted while trying to do his job.

Texas Department of Public Safety

A total of 57 people were booked into the Travis County Jail related to the April 24 protest, according to the Travis County Sheriff’s Office. The Travis County Attorney’s Office said last week that criminal trespass charges were dropped against all 57 people because “all 57 lack sufficient probable cause to proceed.”

On Monday, 79 people were arrested after a group of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered on the South Mall at the UT campus and set up several tents in the area. The university issued a dispersal order, and law enforcement responded shortly after.

Of the 79 people arrested, 78 of them were arrested and charged with criminal trespass, according to the Travis County Sheriff's Office. Additionally, 45 of the 79 people arrested Monday were not affiliated with UT, according to a UT statement.

Abigail Jones, Andrew Schnitker and Jala Washington contributed to this report

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