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Новости за 06.05.2023


Bill Madden: Dream on, Brian Cashman. Yankees will pay for not fixing this flawed roster

So Brian Cashman has asked us not to give up on his $279 million Yankee juggernaut. We’ re willing to concede Cashman has a point about some $150 million of the expensive team he put together, headed up by Aaron Judge, Giancarlo Stanton and Carlos Rodon, presently sitting it out on the injured list. You start with Josh Donaldson, whose onerous contract Cashman took on...


Yogi Berra documentary ‘It Ain’t Over’ makes you want to stand up and cheer for this American legend

And if you dislike New York sports teams with every fiber in your body, you will still love the documentary,“ It Ain’ t Over” about Lawrence Peter“ Yogi” Berra. Sony Pictures Classics releases the doc in theaters in the tri-state area and Los Angeles on May 12, but at a recent screening in New York, the doc emits what the country needs. There’ s also interviews with teammates...


Mike Lupica: The Rays know who they are while the struggling Yankees still seek an identity

This is what Brian Cashman said the other day, in one of the earliest State of the Yankees speech we’ ve ever gotten from him, one that actually sounded more like State of the Injured List:. At which point Yankee fans probably wanted a word, thinking the team’ s for-life general manager had to be talking to Hal Steinbrenner, just because he couldn’ t possibly have been...


Liam Hendriks is perfect in 1st rehab outing for Chicago White Sox and receives ‘emotional’ ovation from fans and both teams

The magnitude of the moment wasn’ t lost on anyone as Liam Hendriks went through his warmup pitches Friday in Gwinnett, Ga.. The closer, on the road to returning to the Chicago White Sox after battling non-Hodgkin lymphoma, heard a PA announcement as he prepared for his first minor-league rehab appearance with Triple-A Charlotte. “Both teams got out and started...


Bob Raissman: Brian Cashman forced to start selling hope as his battered Yankees sink in standings

Cashman must have realized the Knicks playoff run and the coming of high-profile Aaron Rodgers couldn’ t provide cover for the Bombers inept play. The GM, in the first year of a four-year contract extension, also is the de facto producer, director, casting agent, promoter, of this Bombers production. A production that falls under the creative auspices of the Yankees...


Yogi Berra documentary ‘It Ain’t Over’

And if you dislike New York sports teams with every fiber in your body, you will still love the documentary,“ It Ain’ t Over” about Lawrence Peter“ Yogi” Berra. Sony Pictures Classics releases the doc in the tri-state area and Los Angeles on May 12, but at a recent screening in New York, the doc emits what the country needs. There’ s also interviews with teammates Bobby...


Luis Robert Jr.’s 2-run HR lifts the Chicago White Sox to a 5-4 win against the Cincinnati Reds: ‘Everybody is starting to come together’

Cincinnati Reds starter Hunter Greene’ s pitch was clocked at 100.2 mph. Chicago White Sox center fielder Luis Robert Jr. connected for a two-run homer featuring an exit velocity of 109.5 mph. For good measure, Robert aided the Sox defensively with a laser throw to first after a ninth-inning catch to double off Jake Fraley.


Orioles crush NL-best Braves, 9-4, behind Anthony Santander’s grand slam and 7-run inning

The Orioles entered the weekend on the heels of a 22- game stretch in which they won 17 games and, mostly, took care of business against inferior opponents. The opening game against Atlanta on Friday posed a new challenge for Baltimore, as the Braves owned the best record in the National League and had All-Star starter Max Fried on the mound. Those factors didn’ t...


Jake Bauers’ misplay in left field sinks Yankees as Rays take series opener

ST. PETERSBURG— Prior to the Yankees’ first game of the year against the Rays, Aaron Boone shared a glowing scouting report on the Yankees’ first-place, American League East rivals. Tampa Bay took the lead for good in the seventh inning when Wander Franco sliced a ball to Jake Bauers. Yandy Diaz raced home as Bauers bobbled the ball, and replay determined that he barely...


Kodai Senga dominates as Mets end three-game skid with win over Rockies

Brandon Nimmo did what he could to help the Mets jumpstart their scuffling offense and the Mets’ pitching staff did what they could do to make his fourth-inning home run hold up. The Mets opened a three-game series with the Colorado Rockies with a 1-0 win behind Nimmo’ s home run and six shutout innings by right-hander Kodai Senga on Friday night at Citi Field.

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Гостей павильона «Макет Москвы» ждет насыщенная программа в майские праздники

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Студент БРХК Аюш Булчун стал лауреатом конкурса «Арабеск-2024»

В ходе беседы у костра Никол Пашинян подчеркнул необходимость пропаганды здорового образа жизни

Путин поручил рассмотреть вопрос о создании профильных агроклассов

Из Петербурга в Москву. Эксперты вступились за аэропорт Пулково

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«Гвоздь в гроб»: в Кремле пригрозили Западу ответить на изъятие активов России

5 веранд Москвы для встреч с подругами после работы

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Спецвыпуск журнала «Стратегии развития» посвященный героям Великой Отечественной войны и Специальной военной операции

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Спорт в России и мире

Елена Рыбакина рассказала о проблемах на турнире в Мадриде

Мирра Андреева установила новый рекорд на турнирах WTA-1000

WTA озвучила Елене Рыбакиной условия для становления второй ракеткой мира

Мирра Андреева замыкает год // 16-летняя российская теннисистка успешно стартовала на крупном турнире WTA в Мадриде


«1418»: выставка секции «Арт-фото» ТСХР в зале «Лаврушинский`15»

ВОЗ предупредила об увеличении в 2 раза смертности от лихорадки денге

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Совместные учения сотрудников Росгвардии и МЧС прошли в Москве

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