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Новости за 26.05.2023


Columbus middle schoolers hospitalized after eating marijuana-infused gummies

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Two Columbus City School middle school students were transported to a local hospital on Friday after eating marijuana-infused gummies. Officers responded to World Language Middle School on Friday after getting a report of a possible overdose, according to the Columbus Division of Police. The students were transported to Nationwide Children's Hospital with [...]


Newark man convicted of sexually abusing child for seven years

NEWARK, Ohio (WMCH) -- A 32-year-old Newark man was found guilty Thursday of sexually abusing a child over the course of around seven years. After a two-day trial culminated in a conviction, Licking County Judge Thomas Marcelain sentenced Jack E. Scott, Jr. to life in prison without parole for raping a girl -- now 13 [...]


Ohio's top 100 newborn girl names in 2022

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Charlotte, Harper and Mia are among the top on the list of most popular names for newborn girls in Ohio. The Social Security Administration, while a federal agency, compiles an annual list of the top 100 newborn names for both boys and girls in every state. The SSA based the number [...]


Will mail be delivered on Memorial Day?

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Will mail be delivered on Memorial Day? Residents expecting mail or packages on Monday will have to wait an extra day as deliveries will be put on pause for Memorial Day. The United States Postal Service recognizes Memorial Day on May 29 as one of 11 federal holidays and is closed. [...]


Teenager dies after golf cart crash in Lawrence County

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – A teenaged boy has died after a golf-cart crash in Lawrence County Thursday afternoon. According to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, 15-yaer-old David Mitchell was driving a 2022 Axis Corporation Golf Cart south on Township Road 1536 and turned onto Township Road 1535. For reasons currently unknown the cart traveled off [...]


Top summer events, festivals and shows in central Ohio

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- This summer is packed with central Ohio's favorite festivals, including the Stonewall Columbus Pride Festival, the Columbus Arts Festival and Red, White and BOOM!, along with numerous star-studded concerts in the city's biggest venues. View all the events, festivals and shows in Columbus this summer below. Buckeye Country Superfest Ohio Stadium at 4:30 [...]


Ohio State braces for changes to trans athlete policies

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – With federal Title IX regulations forthcoming and proposed state legislation looming, Ohio State University is preparing for possible changes to policies for transgender student-athletes. In a brief update during a Board of Trustees committee meeting last week, Amy Golian, senior associate general counsel and senior assistant vice president in Ohio State’s [...]


In Nelsonville, council divided over who is in charge of the city

Watch a recording from the Nelsonville City Council meeting in the video player above. NELSONVILLE, Ohio (WCMH) -- Days after a standing-room-only Nelsonville City Council meeting devolved into a chorus of shouts, some councilmembers remain bitterly divided on who is in charge of the rural southeastern Ohio city -- which is, by most accounts, on [...]


Argyle Park home destroyed by fire, no injuries reported

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – A home was destroyed, though no one was injured, after an overnight fire in northeast Columbus early Friday morning. Firefighters responded to reports of a fire on Berrell Avenue near Mock Road in the Argyle Park neighborhood and saw a home fully engulfed in flames. Several crews spent hours tending to [...]


Seasonable Memorial Day weekend, few spotty showers

QUICK WEATHER FORECAST: FORECAST DISCUSSION: Happy Friday! We have got a beautiful end to the workweek on tap! Expect clear skies throughout the day, and warmer temperatures. We work our way back into the middle 70s. Light winds throughout the day and comfortable humidity. The Memorial Day weekend looks pretty good, too! For Saturday, expect [...]


Berwick shooting near elementary school leaves one injured

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- One person has been injured after a shooting near an elementary school in the Berwick neighborhood on Thursday. Authorities responded to the 2700 block of Talisman Court near Berwick Alternative Elementary School shortly before 9 p.m. on Thursday after report of a shooting, according to the Columbus Division of Police. One [...]


Cyclist calls for protected bike lanes in Columbus after incident with driver

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- A cyclist is advocating for biking infrastructure in Columbus after a driver threw a drink at him while riding on Wednesday. The attack marked the second in a week, after the first incident occurred in southwest Columbus. A suspect has been arrested and charged with assault. The second incident happened Wednesday [...]


Columbus officer arrested for recording video of underage girl in Illinois

Watch a previous NBC4 report on Adam Nguyen in the video player above. CHICAGO (WCMH) -- A Columbus police officer has been arrested and placed on administrative leave after allegedly recording a video up the skirt of an underage girl. Adam Nguyen, 26, of Hilliard, Ohio, was arrested on Sunday and charged with unauthorized video [...]


Barbers upset over resurfaced Ohio Statehouse bill

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- An Ohio bill introduced a few years ago to change the state's barber and cosmetology laws is returning to the Statehouse. However, barbers like Daniel Crease told NBC4 he is not happy with the legislation. “It’s quite shocking,” Crease said. House Bill 158 is extensive legislation; it is 142 pages and [...]


Watch out for fraudulent contractors, pricey scams during storm season

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Lightning, hail, tornadoes and floods cause serious damage to homes and properties, but inclement weather often brings out the best in people, as strangers reach out to help neighbors in need. Unfortunately, the aftermath of a crisis also brings out contractors and scammers taking advantage of those who have already been [...]


Adena Health employees fired after NBC4 investigation exposing misconduct allegations

CHILLICOTHE, Ohio (WCMH) -- A central Ohio hospital is firing workers, some in leadership positions, following a series of NBC4 Investigates reports exposing various misconduct allegations behind the scenes at Adena Regional Medical Center. The allegations include sexual misconduct by two healthcare providers, and claims that a surgeon performed a cardiac procedure before receiving the [...]


Ohio falls below 2,000 new COVID-19 cases for first time in 2023

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Ohio has again surpassed the lowest COVID-19 case count since the state health department switched to reporting weekly numbers. The Ohio Department of Health on Thursday reported 1,926 new COVID-19 cases, beating out the previous record of 2,770 for the year. The state had a recent jump upwards on May 11, as it reported [...]

Россиянам начнут рассылать электронные повестки с 1 ноября 2024 года

В Челябинске больше чем на год перекроют одну из ключевых улиц

Педагога реабилитационного центра подозревают в избиении инвалида в Москве

Священник рассказал, что можно и чего нельзя класть в гроб умершего

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Латвия признала, что не может отказаться от российских лекарств

Столичные росгвардейцы поздравили ветерана Великой Отечественной войны со 100-летним юбилеем

Пригожин и Валерия присматривают собаку из приюта

Водитель-мигрант ударил подростка по лицу в Подмосковье. Пассажиры спасли от дальнейшей расправы

Музыкальные новости

В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

Тема дня: На «Госуслугах» можно будет получить статус многодетной семьи с 2025 года

Отец из Панамы, школьная любовь и любимая еда: Елена Борщёва раскрыла все тайны на шоу ТВ-3 «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой»

Новости России

Задержанный кум экс-замминистра обороны Иванова владел землей за 130 млн руб

Россиянам начнут рассылать электронные повестки с 1 ноября 2024 года

Педагога реабилитационного центра подозревают в избиении инвалида в Москве

Два якутских кинофильма — в топ-10 российского проката

Экология в России и мире

Туроператор Пегас сделал важное заявление по летним турам

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье

Спецвыпуск журнала «Стратегии развития» посвященный героям Великой Отечественной войны и Специальной военной операции

Спорт в России и мире

Медведев рассказал, что у него не получилось в первом сете матча с Арнальди в Мадриде

Теннисист Рублев в Мадриде отыгрался на тай-брейке со счета 0:5

Вероника Кудерметова завершила выступление на турнире WTA в Мадриде

16-летняя теннисистка Андреева обновила рекорд турниров WTA-1000


Сотрудники спецподразделений столичного главка Росгвардии окончили обучение в Центре профподготовки в Подмосковье

ТСД SAOTRON RT-T50: высокопроизводительный терминал сбора данных промышленного класса

Совместные учения сотрудников Росгвардии и МЧС прошли в Москве

ВОЗ предупредила об увеличении в 2 раза смертности от лихорадки денге

Топ новостей на этот час


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