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Новости за 30.06.2017

Small Heath Alliance 

Henry Onyekuru (2 replies)

Apparently his move to Everton has hit a minor snag because part of the deal is that he will spend the first year of his five-year contract on loan at Anderlecht and Eupen haven't signed that off yet.

Would it be worth Blues trying to hijack the loan and have him here for the year? He'd be playing English football every week, which would set him up better for when he moves to Everton, the Championship is not much different to the Belgian first division, quality-wise and he'd be able to settle down into the English way of life. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Ex-Birmingham City manager Alex McLeish believes this issue will define Blues' season

No form of life lives or dies by its results more than managers, bad signings lead to bad results lead to sacking.
No one can foresee the future, you just judge things how you see them at the time.
David Dunn great example! Amazing peice of business signing someone with all the tal;ent in the world, was he a success? sadly no.
Case Proven!


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Missing person help needed

He's taking training you donut :D

On the Blues snapchat he's there in his very snazzy trainers watching them do sprints.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Missing person help needed

what did you expect him to do? lead the cross country? Fergie only went to training ground when sky cameras were scheduled a visit, thats the job of coaches/trainers.
Arry boy hopeful;ly never leaves office wheelin and dealin!


Small Heath Alliance 

Car Insurance for young drivers (15 replies)

Anyone got any experience in this to get the cheaper options? 20 years old with the telematics option brings the cost dowen a bit, but there is something about adding another driver (parent) which also brings it down, but never heard of that before

Is Compare the market the best site?

Ta (tu)

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Car Insurance for young drivers

I would also try to go direct with companies not on comparison sites.
Aviva are very good. Also take into account how long you have held your provisional which brings the price down believe it or not.
Ive found these were the cheapest.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Missing person help needed

Anyone seen the £2.5 million a year man Harry Redknapp? Seems to have gone AWOL.

Just seen a video of the players looking downbeat heading out to training. Signs don't look good.

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Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Missing person help needed

Spoke to a player when I bumped into him at Sainsbury's Maypole the other day. Doesn't see what the what the big deal is about 'Arry - Steve Cotterill did all the hard work for those three games last season, apparently 'Arry just spent the weeks playing golf.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Missing person help needed

yeah, defeated almost.



Kushak is telling Morrison about his porn websites in the second link

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Missing person help needed

Anyone seen the £2.5 million a year man Harry Redknapp? Seems to have gone AWOL.

Just seen a video of the players looking downbeat heading out to training. Signs don't look good.

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Small Heath Alliance 

Missing person help needed

Anyone seen the £2.5 million a year man Harry Redknapp? Seems to have gone AWOL.

Just seen a video of the players looking downbeat heading out to training. Signs don't look good.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Ex-Birmingham City manager Alex McLeish believes this issue will define Blues' season

I can't ever forgive him for the way he left.

Meeting Villa behind our backs, resigning by email, claiming constructive dismissal, trying to get Villa out of paying compo when we we're skint.

All this after being given a contract as the highest paid manager in our history, and backed with the job after taking us down.

It was a proper dick move.

The fact that he went on to do shit matters not, if he'd have gone on to win the FA Cup at Villa he'd be hated by us... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Somebody tinkering with Wikipedia? (6 replies)

Was just looking for news on possible new signings and saw this on Wikipedia -


"Loïs Diony (born 20 December 1992) is a French footballer/geezer who plays as a forward for the best football team Birmingham city football club]. Diony is of Martiniquais descent, but has always stated he "wishes [he] was born nearer St. Andrews as his hero growing up was digaary, a player the Frenchman has modelled his style of play on. "It's the only way a forward should play"... Читать дальше...

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