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Новости за 23.09.2017

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Gardner

I have nothing against Gardner, let's get that straight. My response was critical of one part of his play: set-pieces. You could not fill a single hand with a number of good set-pieces he's delivered since he has come back. Now, managers obviously see something in him to keep putting him on them, so can we not ask that be a part of his game that he works on? Our corners are a waste otherwise and at the moment we have very few chances of scoring. He put in an excellent ball for the goal. I'd love to see more of that.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: imagine


Wasn't impressed that we played for a draw with ten left. That's was winnable.

I've got my eye on you Carsley.

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Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Juke > Gallagher

Sad to hear about ironic cheers. I hope he comes as good as his calibre.

As for one chance, it was a half chance - it was a fecking abysmal cross by Gardner.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: imagine

Just read carsley opinions after game, I know I'm going to like him pure MCLEISH speak, used nullify and playing with caution in his review!
Thongs will hate him especially as his family are all.. well you know.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Expectations now....

Mid table but with Jota Adams vassell to come with boga on the pitch as well who knows?

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Juke > Gallagher

Juke is very good playing up top on his own, Gallagher hasn't had good start, stick with experience.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Expectations now....

Yes I would take 10th, how long before Thongs starts on lee carsley?

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Juke > Gallagher

Didn't like the cheers but he'd won nothing all afternoon, and nothing stuck to him. As a lone striker he has to be able to hold it up and bring others into play.

If that's not his game then stop playing him as the lone striker, either change the formation to get someone up with him or he can't start. Its that simple.

Think the problem with strikers is they've got to get on the score sheet when chances come along. Away at Leeds he got put through 1v1 by Davis on a quick free... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Russell Brand

the glebe boy

Sadly not.:(

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Expectations now....

Nose of Blue
Top 6 still, come see me in May :D

Gap is only 10 points, plenty of time to get back in it. Today was very much improved and apart from one momentary lapse we looked pretty solid all round today.

With Jota, Adams and Stockdale back we'll be more than OK.

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Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Gardner

ben sotv
He did well today but his dead ball skills are gone.

If he wasn't taking the corners/free kicks he'd be less under the microscope. Surely he'd be more of a threat in or around the box than taking crap corners. Half of them barely beat first man.

But he did get stuck in, set the goal up and looked a lot better today.

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Small Heath Alliance 

Re: The Ndoye bandwagon

Looked a lot more effective in an advanced role. As long as he doesn't have to track back and tackle, he'll do well for us!

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Russell Brand

He's no Owen Jones, is he. ;)

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Gardner

His set pieces are utter shite. Wasted about three corners today. Take him off them asap.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Expectations now....

Top 6 still, come see me in May :D

Gap is only 10 points, plenty of time to get back in it. Today was very much improved and apart from one momentary lapse we looked pretty solid all round today.

With Jota, Adams and Stockdale back we'll be more than OK.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: The Ndoye bandwagon

personally I thought he was better against Leeds and Bristol, but he was good today too

As long as peoples expectations dont involve him stroking the ball round like Pirlo all game, he'll only get more popular

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: The Ndowwwye bandwagon

Flounced followed by a slip and a bounce and a whoosh before falling off the Gary wagon and onto the next
Woooooo how exciting

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Juke > Gallagher

Spot on.

Our so-called fans make me despair at times.

Plenty of qualified people regard Gallagher as a talented kid, especially at this level. Give him time, and give him our support.

Why do some Blues fans do this to their own players?

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Small Heath Alliance 

Re: The Ndoye bandwagon

Was good today and I think he clearly feeds off the support of the fans.

Geeing us up during the game and then loving the applause at the end.

More like the player I hoped for.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: The Ndoye bandwagon

Looked alright didn't he? I think he will grow into it as we string together a few wins

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Gardner

Well havng watched Gardner for the best part of ten years I probably hazard a guess we have different expectations of him, always been a solid but unspectacular midfielder with an eye for a goal he puts a shift in doesn’t hide but is not someone to build a team around.

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