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Post match thoughts thread (20 replies)

- I'm a little concerned now at Bowyer's inability to see that this shape has been found out and needs changing. It's fine to set up with the same formation and tactics every week if you've got the best players and the opposition can't match you. This isn't the case, we know that our XI is not of that standard, therefore we need to learn to adapt. QPR adapted last night as I said in the match thread and their switch to two wide players stretched us just like Peterborough and Fulham did.

- Harlee Dean. There's no denying that at the end of last season and the start of this one he was excellent. We can't just decide he's a tosspot who downs tools everytime he plays badly, though I do have concerns about his temperament should he be dropped. Manager after manager pick him, why is this? His ability means he is one of our best centre halves (though at the minute I would put him behind Sanderson definitely). However I also think he's key for a manager to keep happy because he holds a lot of sway with the players. This is all speculation obviously but just my thoughts.

- Marc Roberts. Good in spells, excellent in others but also a League 1 centre half at other times, like the second goal last night. He was playing with an injury but the 2nd goal was pub league defending, Dean as culpable as Roberts but still really crap from both of them. His contract is up in the summer I believe? I would renew it at a lower wage for another 2 years but with the intention of him being a back up. We have had two centre halves at the forefront of our glorious relegation battles for 4 seasons now, maybe it's not always the manager? They just aren't good enough to play well for more than 10 games in a row I think.

- Back to the shape, I bored everyone around me on Saturday v Preston by saying over and over again that we are absolutely toothless because our wingbacks are pushed too far back. Last night, whenever Bela got the ball in an attacking area (for the first hour) he was absolutely knackered because he'd ran 80 yards to get up the pitch. When we switched to out and out wingers for the last 20-30 minutes we looked a lot better and he gave their right back a really difficult time. I appreciate it was Albert Adomah who is about 36 but still, it was a promising sign. We can play this 3412 if it's actually a 3412, but it's not, it's a 5212, we're playing with a flat back 5 and I know that isn't Bowyer's intention, it's the polar opposite of performances at Sheff Utd, Luton, Barnsley all with the same shape.

- Deeney, I really think him and Hogan need persisting with in a different formation. A 442 or even a 433 with Hogan coming in from a wider position. We have an unbalanced squad though to support other formations outside of a 442 I think.

- Currently, I think the following players have to start and we need to find a way to get the best out of them- Sanderson, Colin (out of necessity), Bela, Sunjic, Woods, Chong, Hogan.

- I'd also start playing Etheridge and give Mcgree a bit more time as he's actually got some pace.

- That was my first ever visit to Loftus Road and despite the concourse being cramped and horrible, the away end itself was pretty good, I had probably the best view I've ever had (2nd row of the top tier) considering it was a restricted view ticket and I actually like the ground. If they didn't have tin pot posh West London fans I bet they'd get a brilliant atmosphere going in there.

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