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Is it possible to get an international athletic scholarship?   In an increasingly globalised world, opportunities for young athletes are expanding beyond national borders. International athletic scholarships have emerged as an exciting and accessible avenue for those seeking to balance their passion for sport with a quality education.  These scholarships offer talented athletes the opportunity to

La entrada SIA ACADEMY PLAYERS CAN GET AN ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP IN THE U.S.A.   se publicó primero en International Football Academy Soccer Interaction in Spain - Academia de fútbol.

Is it possible to get an international athletic scholarship?  


In an increasingly globalised world, opportunities for young athletes are expanding beyond national borders. International athletic scholarships have emerged as an exciting and accessible avenue for those seeking to balance their passion for sport with a quality education. 

These scholarships offer talented athletes the opportunity to study at reputable educational institutions while actively participating in their favourite sporting disciplines. Through this integrated approach, student-athletes can cultivate both their academic skills and their sporting prowess, creating a solid foundation for their future. 

One of the most notable advantages of international sports scholarships is their ability to open doors to academic opportunities that may have been out of reach for many students. Many top universities around the world offer these scholarships as part of their recruitment programmes, attracting young talent from around the globe. 

MAE Sports & Education partner of SIA Academy 


Obtaining an international sports scholarship is no easy task. Applicants must excel in both their sporting disciplines and their academic studies. Competition is fierce, but those who manage to excel find a unique opportunity to advance their athletic and academic dreams. 

At SIA Academy, together with the management of our partner, MAE Sports & Education, this task can be simplified for players in the academy’s annual programme who are seeking an athletic scholarship in the United States. 

 How to get an international sports scholarship? 


MAE Sports & Education is a scholarship agency for the United States. Today, the MAE team is integrated by experts who have lived the experience of being part of sports teams in American universities and help young students every day to fulfil their American dream.  

MAE Sports & Education takes into account the academic, economic and geographical preferences of the player interested in continuing his or her studies in the USA, from a wide range of more than 5,000 universities in the United States.

MAE works with a closed group of students, which allows them to offer personalised attention. They take care of the process in a very close and direct way with the players and their families throughout their experience.  

This is a great opportunity for players considering the option of moving to the USA to continue their schooling, continue competing at the highest level and obtain a college degree. 

MAE Sports & Education is committed to offering our players the opportunity to experience a unique adventure at educational institutions in the United States. This popular option allows athletes to continue their personal and athletic growth in an environment where education and sport go hand in hand. 

In addition, we seek to encourage the adoption of these values and the adapted educational system for high-performance athletes in our country. To this end, we will support the project by attracting new international talent, both from the United States and from other parts of the world. This will allow them to train under the tutelage of SIA Academy professionals.  

La entrada SIA ACADEMY PLAYERS CAN GET AN ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP IN THE U.S.A.   se publicó primero en International Football Academy Soccer Interaction in Spain - Academia de fútbol.

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