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29 апреля 2024 года
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Матрешка сняла маску на шоу «Маска» — определились финалисты 5-го сезона

Во втором полуфинале 5-го сезона телешоу «Маска» на канале НТВ, который прошел в воскресенье, 28 апреля 2024 года... Читать дальше...

Топ новостей последнего часа


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Market Musings 270424: Time to focus on Deep Value?

Market Musings 270424:Time to focus on Deep Value?Podcast: Ramping up investment in electricity transmission infrastructureBonus podcast: Ther Meb Faber show - GMO’s Catherine LeGraw – Capitalizing on Global Asset Allocation in 2024 Global stock markets rebounded last week: Euro STOXX 50 and Samp;P 500 now only 2%-3% off end-March highs. Nikkei 225 has corrected more, but is also bouncing;Despite the surge in long-term interest rates (bond yields) since the end of 2023;High risk assets: Nasdaq 100... Читать дальше...


Small Cap Value Report (Fri 26 April 2024) - LGRS, DARK, CAR, REC, BRCK

Good morning from Paul!  Today's report is now finished. Quarterly doom amp; gloom report from Begbies Traynor (LON:BEG) is published today - saying that insolvencies are heading upwards, particularly in consumer facing sectors. It calls the UK economy "troubled". Expects "thousands of businesses failing in the coming months...". I'm sure they're right, but remember BEG only focuses on the small minority of companies that are in serious financial trouble. It's not necessarily a good indicator of the future outlook for the economy as a whole... Читать дальше...


Momentum Monday 22nd April 2024

Welcome to Momentum Monday for this shortened trading week.. OK... So it feels like things are getting real. We might be still trading at near all time highs, but the bearish sentiment and commentary is growing, as is the the price of Gold and its coverage. Is this the beginning of the end? Unfortunately I will have to defer to the charts for that. But the good news is we provide this coverage weekly so we will share it once sentiment has officially changed.. Interesting links Weekend Watchlist... Читать дальше...


RWS Holdings: translating profit into increasing dividends

Summary RWS Holdings (LON:RWS) is a mid-cap, AIM-listed provider of technical translation and search services.With a StockRank of just 47, this won't appeal to quant investors. The Momentum Rank is 7, reflecting a weak share price and broker downgrades over the last year.However, if current broker forecasts are to be belieived, the forward P/E is now 7 with a 8% yield, which will appeal to value and income investors, particularly as the company has a 20-year unbroken record of increasing its dividend payment.On the surface... Читать дальше...


S32: Worth another look now?

South32 (ASX:S32) began life as a listed company in 2015, when it was spun out of BHP Over the  proceeding 9-years S32 has become a global diversified commodities producer with a focus on producing and growing their base metals portfolio. S32 produces a wide range of  commodities including bauxite, alumina, aluminium, copper, silver, lead, zinc, nickel, metallurgical coal (used to make steel) and manganese. Source: 2024 Half Year Results Presentation Since listing, S32 has transformed their commodities... Читать дальше...


Small Cap Value Report (Tue 23 April 2024) - MCG, JUP

Good morning from Paul amp; Graham! Explanatory notes - A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks. We aim to review trading updates amp; results of the day and offer our opinions on them as possible candidates for further research if they interest you. Our opinions will sometimes turn out to be right, and sometimes wrong, because it's anybody's guess what direction market sentiment will take amp; nobody can predict the future with certainty. We are analysing the company fundamentals, not trying to predict market sentiment. Читать дальше...


Small Cap Value Report (Mon 22 April 2024) - TYMN, PAY, MTEC, REVB, AFRN, CER, CLIG

Good morning from Paul amp; Graham! Today's report is now finished. Explanatory notes - A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks. We aim to review trading updates amp; results of the day and offer our opinions on them as possible candidates for further research if they interest you. Our opinions will sometimes turn out to be right, and sometimes wrong, because it's anybody's guess what direction market sentiment will take amp; nobody can predict the future with certainty. We are analysing the company fundamentals... Читать дальше...


Week Ahead: Reckitt Benckiser's Struggle | Tesla’s job cuts | US Oilers | Swiss Quality Spotlight

Good morning and welcome to the Week Ahead, your weekly destination for discussion and analysis of the largest stocks in the UK and overseas. Earlier this month the UK surprised markets with lower-than-expected inflation figures for March, hitting a two-year low at 3.2%. This outcome contrasts notably with the persistent inflationary pressures seen in the US, where CPI remains higher at 3.5%. The differing inflation dynamics between the two countries are now being reflected in the performances of their respective leading indices. Читать дальше...


Momentum Monday 22nd Monday 2024

Welcome to Momentum Monday for this shortened trading week.. OK... So it feels like things are getting real. We might be still trading at near all time highs, but the bearish sentiment and commentary is growing, as is the the price f Gold and its coverage. Is this the beginning of the end? Unfortunately I will have to defer to the charts for that. But the good news is we provide this coverage weekly so we will share once sentiment has officially changed.. Interesting links Weekend Watchlist with... Читать дальше...


Market Musings 200424: Tech profit-taking, Metals lead

Market Musings 200424: Tech profit-taking, Metals lead Podcast: Summarising the current impact of Israel-Gaza-Iran tensions on financial marketsReport: BNPP WM Equity Focus April 2024Don't assume that bonds always hedge stocks... (from Bank of America) 1. US mega-cap tech profit-taking correction finally starts On Friday, pre-results Nvidia led profit-taking in 2024's high-flying tech names including Super Micro Computer and AMD. Other tech-related names hard-hit: META Meta and NFLX Netflix. This... Читать дальше...

Глейхенгауз исключён из состава членов Федерации фигурного катания Москвы

Арендаторы электросамокатов в Москве получили 15 тысяч штрафов

Природа России 81

ЦСКА снова проиграл — у «армейцев» одна победа в шести матчах РПЛ

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Тренерам в РПЛ могут запретить возглавлять больше двух клубов за сезон

Коммунальные службы Подмосковья устранили более 20 подтоплений

Губерниев: «Слишкович всё ближе, чтобы остаться в «Спартаке»

«Автодор» попросил водителей заправляться заранее после очередей на АЗС на М-12

Музыкальные новости

Театр, искуство, Россия и дети: кукольная фотосессия в Бурятии

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

«Регионы России – инвестиционный рай для коворкингов»: экспертное мнение Сергея Потанина, основателя сети коворкингов BLOKS

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

Новости России

Раскол в ОПЕК? Влиятельный игрок выходит из тени, забирая власть у России и Саудовской Аравии

Глейхенгауз исключён из состава членов Федерации фигурного катания Москвы

Россиянин заявил, что промокшие в Дубае чемоданы держали на улице несколько дней

Сергея Паука Троицкого оштрафовали на 1000 рублей за нацистскую символику

Экология в России и мире

Отец из Панамы, школьная любовь и любимая еда: Елена Борщёва раскрыла все тайны на шоу ТВ-3 «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой»

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Туроператор Пегас сделал важное заявление по летним турам

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Спорт в России и мире

Россиянка Полина Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису

16-летняя Мирра Андреева победила чемпионку Уимблдона на турнире WTA в Мадриде

Вероника Кудерметова завершила выступление на турнире WTA в Мадриде

Теннисист Рублев в Мадриде отыгрался на тай-брейке со счета 0:5


Добегался. 8-летний ребёнок врезался в машину

"Банда четырех" против демократии

Сотрудники спецподразделений столичного главка Росгвардии окончили обучение в Центре профподготовки в Подмосковье

заканчиваеться неделя распродаж the week of sales ends

Топ новостей на этот час


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