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Don't give away taxpayer money for a new Bears stadium: Sun-Times readers weigh in

Renderings of the proposed new Bears stadium

Chicago Bears

I am a former Chicago media executive, and I have worked closely with all our professional sports teams. I am a supporter of all our teams. I am concerned about the current thinking on state and city priorities and funding.

We clearly have serious issues, starting with crime. I question the mayor's support for a $4.7 billion project just to keep the Bears in the city, given all our other issues.

From what I understand, not a dollar of taxpayer money went to the renovation of Wrigley Field and its current reinvigorated neighborhood. Bravo, Mr. Ricketts and Crane Kenny. And we did get a Cubs World Series championship in 2016.

I do support a better and safer fan, player and commerce experience for our Chicago Bears. That said, professional sports team valuations have risen exponentially, and this will continue. Ownership funding needs to lead here.

Larry Wert, Riverside

SEND LETTERS TO: letters@suntimes.com. To be considered for publication, letters must include your full name, your neighborhood or hometown and a phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be a maximum of approximately 375 words.

No way to Bears stadium

It appears the lakefront stadium controversy is about to consume opinion columns for at least the near future.

But Sun-Times columnist Lee Bey said it all, with a minimum of words, in responding to Mayor Johnson’s disoriented remarks that the stadium would be the crown jewel of the city: "Wrong, Mr. Mayor. Chicago's crown jewel is its lakefront. And you're helping to tarnish it."

William O'Neill, Near West Side

Blot on the lakefront

Do we really want to replace a city eyesore with an even larger eyesore?

Ted Staroscik, Darien

Team owners have waited long enough (ha!)

In 1991, the Illinois taxpayer bought the White Sox a new stadium. In 2003, Illinois taxpayers bought the Bears a newly renovated stadium.

It's been 21 years — more than two decades — since the stingy, money-grubbing Illinois taxpayer coughed up one single dime for these entertainment companies owned by the idle rich, who in return have consistently provided teams that show up and play, at every single game!

This is an embarrassment only a massive grant of taxpayer funds could possibly remedy. How are billionaire sports franchise owners expected to keep making billions if the public doesn't do its fair share and give them billions? It's simple math, people.

This madness must stop. The sports teams' corporate welfare taps need to be reopened after decades of running dry. And if it requires selling more bridges or misappropriating federal COVID-19 dollars to do it, so be it! The owners have waited long enough.

Jim FitzGerald, Edgewater

A hard no

The George Lucas Star Wars museum on the actual museum campus was ultimately rejected to leave the lakefront "forever open, clear, and free." Now the Bears want to take control of our beautiful lakefront, and we (the taxpayers) get to pay for it! This should be a hard no for all of us who hold the lakefront precious. Especially Mayor Brandon Johnson, who is mayor for all Chicago, not just the special interest of the Chicago Bears franchise.

Elizabeth Butler Marren, Beverly

Taxpayers can’t even afford tickets

I'm 78 and have been to one Bears game in my life. Tickets, parking and food were very expensive and way beyond my budget. We've had losing teams for years. Why should people be tax-burdened for a new stadium when most of us can't afford to go to a game and our teams aren't good? We are taxed to death in Illinois. Let the Bears pay for their "centerpiece for the city."

Jane Fahey, Orland Park

Hoosier love for stadium

Debates on the merits or demerits of the proposed Bears stadium will go on until the stadium is built or canceled. I firmly believe Chicago should not delay in supporting what could be a transformational business project on its beautiful lakefront. I am convinced the proposed covered stadium will not only raise the profile of an already transcendent American city but also more than pay for itself over a period of time.

Why do I respectfully disagree with Sun-Times columnist Lee Bey, who offered reasonable concerns related to costs, location and architecture? One word should suffice: Indianapolis.

I live in northwest Indiana, 30 minutes from Chicago and more than two hours from Indianapolis, which has a domed stadium. My buddies and I along with a good number of other Hoosiers, have asked, "How could Indianapolis build a domed stadium and Chicago couldn't?" I clearly understand the answer may be more complex than I imagine. Nevertheless, I am convinced where there is a will there is a way.

I believe Chicago will have the full support of northwest Indiana and more. Many of us share the frustration with having to travel two hours or more in frigid temperatures to enjoy a major sports activity in a domed stadium.

We love our attractions in Indiana and will always brag about Hoosier hospitality. However, we also appreciate the amenities that are, and can be, offered by our beloved neighbor.

Bey should be reminded the lakefront area will have two more attractions that will be hard to match by other cities for tourism, events and historical interest: the Obama library and a state-of-the-art domed stadium. Mayor Brandon Johnson, please keep cheering.

George Comer, Crown Point, Indiana

Give taxpayers a say

If the billionaire geniuses running the Bears and the White Sox need to take taxpayers' money to cover their stadium costs, I say we let them have it on one condition: the respective front offices get replaced with a democratically elected Chicago Sports Team Council or something of that nature. No taxation without representation. The worst-case scenario is the council does an awful job of running the teams, so it shouldn't really be that huge of a change for fans.

Conor Jansen-Granda, Edgebrook

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