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Horoscope for Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Moon Alert

Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 10 to 10:45 am. Chicago time. After that, the moon moves from Capricorn into Aquarius.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Lucky you! Today your ruler Mars moves into your sign to stay for the next six weeks. This will boost your energy and make you bolder, more aggressive, more confident, more ambitious and more enthusiastic about everything. You're a bundle of success waiting to happen!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Conversations with bosses, parents and people in authority will be direct and a bit "in your face" today. (Do be aware of this.) And also remember the power of courtesy. You don't have to throw your weight around, because you already have the edge with five planets in your sign. Keep smiling.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Avoid controversial subjects like politics and religion because these could quickly disintegrate into nasty arguments simply because people are so emotional —including you. Instead, channel your energy and sense of competition into sports or physical athletics.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your ambition is aroused. Furthermore, your schmooze skills are strong, and friends and groups are ready to offer you support. This could be why you will stick to your guns when it comes to financial discussions, especially about inheritances or how to divide or share something. You mean business.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your interactions with partners and close friends will be intense. There might be a temptation to guilt trip someone. Don't do this because with five planets at the top of your chart, you look fabulous. Let your regal, winning nature take charge. You've got this.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You'll feel rewarded by working hard today, especially if you have chance to introduce improvements or reforms to your workplace. Likewise, you might also want to use this same desire to make things better to improve your health. Either way, you'll be persuasive.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Passions are running high today, especially related to romance, the arts and sports. This could be why relations with partners and close friends are dicey and subject to conflicts. Instead, focus your energy on attracting money to you. This is a good time to borrow or explore a mortgage.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Intense discussions with a family member might be a bit over-the-top today. Remember to listen as well as stating your own case. With five planets opposing your sign right now, you have to be willing to compromise, and willing to see the other person's point of view. You can do this.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're gung-ho to work and be as efficient as possible right now. What is particularly beneficial is that you enjoy what you're doing, especially because others are willing to help you. Because you're convincing today, remember to listen to what others have to say. (They'll appreciate this.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a creative time for you because you're in touch with your muse. It's also a wonderful time to work with kids and explore opportunities in sports. However, be careful about being obsessed about financial matters. Likewise, don't be obsessed about buying something. Take it easy.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Today the moon is lined up with Pluto, which can make you feel obsessed about things. You will want to have your way, especially at home or with family matters. On top of this, you're convincing! Don't abuse this advantage. Play fair.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your communication skills are marvelous right now. In addition to this, you're in an optimistic frame of mind, and capable of truly appreciating your everyday environment more than usual. This is a blessing! Ignore private urges that are power-hungry. Relax.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Sam Heughan (1980) shares your birthday. You love the good things in life and appear calm and collected. However, you have strong feelings of duty and obligation that you take very seriously. This year is about service to others, especially family. You will thrive because you will do well. Take care of yourself.

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