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Tim Howard would ‘hate’ to see Harry Kane make a certain call this summer

Former Everton goalkeeper Tim Howard has said that he would hate to see Harry Kane remain at Tottenham, insisting that the time has come for the striker to make a step up this summer. The topic of Harry Kane‘s future looks set to dominate the headlines for the coming weeks and months, with the 29-year-old […]

The post Tim Howard would ‘hate’ to see Harry Kane make a certain call this summer appeared first on Spurs Web - Tottenham Hotspur Football News.

Former Everton goalkeeper Tim Howard has said that he would hate to see Harry Kane remain at Tottenham, insisting that the time has come for the striker to make a step up this summer.

The topic of Harry Kane‘s future looks set to dominate the headlines for the coming weeks and months, with the 29-year-old having just 12 months left to run on his current contract (Transfermarkt).

Harry Kane

(Photo by Tottenham Hotspur FC/Tottenham Hotspur FC via Getty Images)

The 29-year-old has reiterated that he will have conversations with Daniel Levy regarding what needs to change this summer in order for Spurs to get back on track (Evening Standard), which perhaps suggests that the centre-forward has not made up his mind to leave just yet.

There have also been mixed reports regarding Man Utd‘s pursuit of Kane over recent days, with some outlets suggesting that the Red Devils are confident of signing him (The Sun).

However, others have claimed that they could turn their attention to other targets since the Spurs man would be too expensive (Football Transfers).

Howard has now said that the England captain does not owe Tottenham anything and suggested that he would have a big impact at Old Trafford.

The pundit told NBC Sports: “They (Tottenham) might be a midtable team with him.

“I would hate to see him stay, if I am being honest. I don’t think he owes Spurs anything.

“He has given anything he can to Spurs. It’s messy at Spurs. They need to name a manager and a sporting director.

“Daniel Levy holds all the cards. I don’t know if Harry Kane has it in him to dig his heels in and kick up a fuss.

“I certainly think there are teams, like Manchester United and Chelsea that could use him and he could have an instant impact. 

“What he could do for those teams near enough at the top of the table, I think would be incredible. It is special to be a one-club man, no doubt.

“He is chasing more than that. I don’t think where they are right now, he gets that.”

Spurs Web Opinion

One can understand why many pundits feel this way as Spurs look a long way off competing with the best sides in the Premier League at the moment.

However, we have seen time and again in football that teams are often just one or two signings away from making huge strides.

Almost no one expected Arsenal to do as well as they have done this season, which shows what is possible.

If we bring in the right manager and make a couple of smart additions, there is no reason why we cannot finish above both Man Utd and Chelsea next season.

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The post Tim Howard would ‘hate’ to see Harry Kane make a certain call this summer appeared first on Spurs Web - Tottenham Hotspur Football News.

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